Arrived at Dumbarton before it was dark, having pushed on briskly that we might have start of a traveller at the inn, who was following us as fast as he could in a gig.
We were received with hearty welcome by a good woman, who, though above seventy years old, moved about as briskly as if she was only seventeen.
Voices, footsteps, sounded outside and a man in the cocked hat and uniform of a lieutenant of carbineers came briskly into the hall and saluted his superior.
As he mounted the road briskly a goat-herd, flat upon his back in the sun, was piping some haunting air; a tinkle of bells came from the hillside, the vines were purple with fruit.
Oh, dear, no," replied Mr Morion, speaking more briskly than he had yet done.
Then the rescue party put their shoulders to the tracking-belts, and away they went briskly over the floes.
One day as I was walking briskly along Fleet Street, a person in greater haste than myself running down Johnson's Court collided with me, and both of us fell to the ground.
John's grip tightened on the handle of his medicine case and he walkedbriskly and firmly to the door, and knocked.
The old fellow retreated to put his hoe away, and Julia, casting a glance at a buggy now being driven briskly down the road, went in to her father.
He slowly and deliberately got out, led his horse to the roadside and carefully hitched it, then passed through the open farm gate and strode briskly on.
All this Glenning saw in the twinkling of an eye, and then he started briskly up the crushed rock space which served for a platform.
He did not tarry as his feet brought him near the end of the drive, but walked with a firm tread upon the portico, removed his hat, and knocked briskly upon a panel of one of the heavy doors, both of which were open wide.
So soon as he had left the room, Lady Knollys, not minding me, said briskly to papa, 'Never let that young man into your house again.
Elweys, when I saw him walking briskly after the servant, his coat buttoned up to his chin, his hat in his hand, and his bald head shining.
Indignation, however, quickly returned, and I came back, treading briskly as I did so.
The Enemy, having discovered our Workmen, began to fire briskly upon them from the Castle, with Stones, &c.
The dugong came within twenty feet of the boat, stopped, sniffed the air briskly with its large nostrils (not pierced at the extremity, but in the upper part of its muzzle).
Captain Nemo had already risen, and I was beginning to stretch my limbs, when an unexpected apparition brought me briskly to my feet.
We went in the omnibus as far as Gran Madre di Dio, and then off, as briskly as possible, to the hills.
They all filed briskly to their benches, removed the board underneath, on which we put our feet, and immediately bent their heads over their work.
As he turned into the little path which trailed in wet grass along the "worm" fence, Jacob Weatherby came stepping briskly through the mud in the road and stopped to ask him if he had got his ground ready for the setting out.
Without taking the trouble to reply, Christopher strode off briskly along the road, and after waiting a moment to assemble his scattered puppies, Will caught up with him and broke into a running pace at his side.
A slight thing decided him--the gaiety of a boy's laugh that floated from one of the lower rooms and swinging his stick briskly to add weight to his determination, he ascended the broad steps and lifted the old brass knocker.
Briskly walked he and gaily, for his hopes were high and never an enemy had he in the wide world.
So saying Robin Hood stepped forth briskly from the covert and planted himself in the way of the scarlet stranger.
Old Ursula held onbriskly for a mile or so in and out of fern and brake.
The zest for it sparkled in his quick eyes as he rode briskly through the devious forest ways.
The unconscious Vincent was Isoult's next visitant, stepping briskly into the room.
Then the door was opened by Sims, and two plain-clothes policemen stepped briskly in.
In long steps Trencher crossed the sidewalk and ran up the steps so briskly that he passed through the door at the top of the short flight directly behind and almost touching the tall man in the dark hat and black coat.
The dog, however, did not rise to play as was his wont, and the cat fell to patting itbriskly with both paws.
Only the bright and cheerful vision of old Miss Wragge being pushed about the house in her noiseless chair, chatting and nodding briskly to every one she met, prevented us from giving way entirely to the depression which governed the majority.
Some fish were sporting briskly in the clear stream and occasionally made a little bound and caught the flies flying on the surface.
I walked up and down briskly and boldly, but I was not altogether reassured, and kept turning round with a jump; the very shadows in the corners disquieted me.
And with this he hopped briskly upstairs, while Mary hastened to her room to dress.
She waited five minutes inspecting her unprepossessing competitors--then she walked briskly out into the farthest recesses of Central Park and remained so long that she caught a cold.
The Marquis never for a moment suspected it to be all forced, but rubbed his hands together so briskly and chuckled so heartily, that a violent fit of coughing supervened, and he was compelled to turn aside to hold in his false teeth.
The king nodded kindly to them both, and they now rode brisklyforward on the road to Elsinore.
Helmer now seized the one oar, and they began to row briskly forward.
His white steed curvetted under him; and as soon as the last prize was awarded he briskly seized a gilded lance, and cleared the lists by a daring leap, to the great delight of the admiring spectators.
Brothers started briskly toward their barrack, which was no farther away than would be two ordinary blocks in a city.
Saluting, Schnitzel wheeled and walked briskly from the room.
All had had some practice at the game parties, and pencils went briskly for a few minutes, while silence reigned, as the poets racked their brains for rhymes, and stared at the blooming array before them for inspiration.
Gus, losing no time, as a third boy came briskly round the corner, with a little bag in his hand.
Jack aroused him and they walked briskly back toward the little church which they found already quite filled with young people.
The doctor briskly administered a narcotic as being the easiest and simplest way to handle a patient who seemed friendless and penniless.
Briskly saddling his shivery but well-fed horse he set off, keeping more and more to the left, as his instructions ran.
At the age of twelve his career usually opened briskly in the thunder of a hurricane or the slaughter of a battle, under conditions trying to the souls of bronzed, bearded men.
The captain gave an order to Knowles, the quartermaster, who lay aloft briskly with a piece of lead-line.
Make a paste of the flour and the other half ounce of butter, place this in the stew and stir briskly while it boils for five minutes.