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Example sentences for "bright sunshine"

  • At a distance of eighteen or twenty miles at mid-day in bright sunshine, the snow appeared yellow or even reddish, while the dark parts of the mountain, free from snow, were of the most decided blue.

  • The bottom of the sea appears to divers of a red colour in bright sunshine: in this case the water, owing to its depth, acts as a semi-transparent medium.

  • Similar observations were made on 12 younger cotyledons with their upper halves enclosed within glass-tubes coated with black varnish, and with their lower halves fully exposed to bright sunshine.

  • Bright sunshine rested on the jagged ridge above, but the gully lay in shadow; and, growing cold, the man went on again.

  • Here the torrent flashed in bright sunshine; there it flowed, streaked with foam, through dim shadow, while somber pines towered above it.

  • During most of the day their pathway led over high, treeless ridges which lay in bright sunshine, though a delicate haze dimmed the encircling hills.

  • The fall of aerolites in bright sunshine, and when the moon’s disc was invisible, probably led to the idea of sun-stones.

  • We got away at seven in bright sunshine, and D.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bright sunshine" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    absolutely necessary; adding more; bold stroke; bright and; bright blue; bright crimson; bright eyes; bright fire; bright green; bright light; bright look; bright lookout; bright rose; bright smile; bright spot; bright star; bright sunshine; first words; fourscore years; mutual consent; one and the same; seats were; sell their; she died; stated above; town meetin