The water which was mixed with the calcined Magnesia differed from all the others in not becoming bloody, nor did the beef in it seem so tender as when infused in lime water.
The following is a good receipt for making lime water: =Lime Water.
The requisite quantity of lime water is then suffered to flow by gravity into whichever of the three tanks is empty.
The sponges are then sorted and softened for several hours in lime water, dried in the sun, and bleached.
Alkalies: after meals, best as bicarbonates; with flatulence give magnesia if there is constipation; lime water if there is diarrhea.
The treatment that we have found the most successful is as follows: take four ounces raw linseed oil, two ounces of lime water; mix.
Equal quantities of sweet oil, lime water, and spirits of wine, are also an excellent remedy for chilblains.
The usual proportion is two tablespoons of lime water to a half glass of milk, which makes about 1 part of lime water to 3 parts of milk.
Lime water is used in mixing the baby's milk and is put in the milk for sick people when they cannot take full strength milk.
Footnote 274: Precipitated from pure solution of nitrate of silver by excess of lime water.
When a few drops of a solution of citric acid are added to lime water, a clear liquid results, which, when heated, deposits a white powder, soluble in acids without effervescence.
It is a common practice to add 3/4 pint of lime water and 1/2 oz.
It is also desired to have the amount of lime water in the mixture equal to 25% of the cream and milk in the mixture.
Lime water 25% of cream and milk mixture or Fat 1.
Neither silver nitrate, lime water, nor sulphuretted hydrogen, being added to the water in which it has been washed, or boiled throws down anything.
To remove this carbonate, sulphuric acid is added till the liquid assumes a faint wine tint; it is then heated to boiling for a few minutes, and again rendered blue by the addition of a few drops of lime water.
In this country the colour is generally given to the cloth by successive baths of sulphate of iron and crude carbonate of soda or lime water.
It is prepared by rapidly mixing a boiling solution of lead chloride with an equal volume of lime water.
In severe cases milk either diluted with water or lime water or peptonized should alone be used.
Add half a drachm of calomel to four ounces of lime water, or eight grains to an ounce of lime water; shake well.
Dissolve one grain of corrosive sublimate in an ounce of lime water, taking care to bruise the crystals of the salt in order to assist its solution.
Family clocks ought only to be oiled with the very purest oil, purified by a quart of lime water to a gallon of oil, in which it has been well shaken, and suffered to stand for three or four days, when it may be drawn off.
The substance thus obtained is insoluble in cold water and alcohol, but dissolves readily in very dilute alkaline lyes, and even in lime water.
About one volume of it exists in 1000 volumes of common atmospheric air, which may be made manifest by the crust of carbonate it occasions upon the surface of lime water.
When gray calico is boiled in lime water, it comes out with a tint darker than it had before; whence it might be supposed that the colouring matter was not dissolved out, even in part.
I mixed 2 ounces of caustic ley, which was prepared from alkali of tartar and unslaked lime and did not precipitate lime water, with half an ounce of the preceding solution of sulphur which likewise did not precipitate lime water.
In order therefore to see whether the lost air had been converted into fixed air, I tried whether the latter shewed itself when some of the caustic ley was poured into lime water; but in vain--no precipitation took place.
I took 4 ounces of a solution of sulphur in lime water; I poured this solution into a bottle and closed it tightly.
Wine coloured by beet root is also rendered colourless by lime water; but the weakest acid brings back the colour.
If lime water or barytic water occasions a precipitate which again vanishes by the admixture of muriatic acid, then carbonic acid is present in the water.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lime water" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.