The head is about as long as the depth of the body, with a prominent, somewhat blunt snout, and a rather large mouth, with small barbels beneath the lower jaw.
They have the body entirely naked, barbels about the mouth, and an adipose fin, after the fashion of the fishes of the salmon family.
The Barbels are closely allied to the carps, and are easily known by the barbs or beards which hang from their lips.
The Barbels are rather long in proportion to their depth, a peculiarity which, owing to the length of the head, is rather exaggerated in this species.
Like the sheat-fishes, the Barbels are fond of grubbing in the mud, for the purpose of getting at the worms, grubs, and larvae of aquatic insects that are always to be found in such places.
Arius in having eight barbels and the head covered with skin.
CAT-FISH, the name usually applied to the fishes of the family Siluridae, in allusion to the long barbels or feelers about the mouth, which have been compared to the whiskers of a cat.
It is about an inch and a half long and has four barbels on the upper jaw.
Dimidiation here cuts off and removes one-half of the De Valence martlets and also one of the two barbels of Claremont.
A slender Pacific Ocean fish of the genus Gonorhynchus, having barbels about the mouth.
The toothless and protrusile mouth is beneath the head, and has four barbels in front.
They have barbels around the mouth, one tooth on the plate, and a communication between tionnasal aperture and the throat.
Defn: An order of fishes having barbels on the jaws.
Central America, has a narrower plastral bridge and only two barbels beneath the chin.
The barbels are often bright yellow, and when the fish swims along the bottom these are carried in advance, feeling the way.
The sturgeons constitute the recent family of Acipenseridæ, characterized by the prolonged snout and toothless jaws and the presence of four barbels below the snout.
The genus of barbels (Barbus) contains many large species in Europe and Asia.
In structure they are not very different from minnows, but they are rather eel-like in form, and the numerous long barbels about the mouth strongly suggest affinity with the catfishes.
Pogonias chromis, the sea-drum, has barbels on the chin and the lower pharyngeals are enlarged and united as in the river-drum, Aplodinotus.
These have no barbels and never more than four teeth in the main row.
This group has the skin naked or imperfectly mailed, the barbels on the head well developed, the dorsal short, inserted forward, the adipose fin without spine, and the lower pharyngeals separate.
Under the paddle are four very minute barbelscorresponding to those of the sturgeons.
The "oral cirri" suggest somewhat the barbels of the nose and mouth of a hagfish.
Sometimes taste-buds are developed on it, and sometimes these are found on the barbels outside the mouth.
In the goatfish and surmullet the two chin barbels are highly specialized.
In some fishes, barbels are outgrowths from the nostrils.
Barbels or fleshy flaps are often developed over the eyes and sometimes on the scales or the fins.
In Polymixia the chin barbels are modified branchiostegals.
In Myxinoids on the other hand the labial skeleton is small and consists merely of barbels round the mouth.
The mouth is very similar to that of lampreys, being circular and without jaws; it is provided withbarbels or cirri.
As the fish rushes along, these swing to and fro, presenting the appearance of a number of barbels or bells.
The pipe-fishes look much like the grass among which they live, and the sea-horses are often decorated with curious barbels and fringes that resemble the weeds under cover of which they hide themselves.
His mouth was partially open, and the pale, writhing barbels that surrounded his mouth seemed to reach out toward me.
Long colorless tentacles fringed the horrible mouth: barbelsthat writhed incessantly, as though they sought food for the rapacious jaws they guarded.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "barbels" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.