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Example sentences for "awey"

Lexicographically close words:
awen; awes; awesome; awestricken; awestruck; awfu; awful; awfull; awfullest; awfully
  1. Fro that abbeye men gon up the mountayne of Moyses, be many degrees: and there men fynden first a Chirche of oure Lady, where that sche mette the monkes, whan thei fledden awey for the vermyn aboveseyd.

  2. Also a 5 myle fro Naym, is the cytee of Jezreel, that sometyme was clept Zarym; of the which cytee Jezabel the cursed queen was lady and queen, that toke awey the vyne of Nabaothe, be hire strengthe.

  3. And thoughe there be nevere so moche taken awey there of, on the day, at Morwe it is as fulle azen as evere it was.

  4. And (he) bereth awey my whete, And taketh me but a taille for ten quarters of otes.

  5. Hir freendes sawe hir sorwe gan to slake, And preyede hir on knees, for goddes sake, To come and romen hir in companye, Awey to dryve hir derke fantasye.

  6. And therfore, if ye governe yow by sapience, put awey sorwe out of your herte.

  7. Pryde of the table appereth eek ful ofte; for certes, riche men been cleped to festes, and povre folk been put awey and rebuked.

  8. And sin I oghte avyse me right wel To whom I yeve my good awey fro me, Wel muchel more I oghte avysed be To whom I yeve my body; for alwey I warne yow wel, it is no childes pley 1530 To take a wyf with-oute avysement.

  9. He smot the wiket with his foot · and brak awey the pin.

  10. For though his wyf be cristned never so whyte, 355 She shal have nede to wasshe awey the rede, Thogh she a font-ful water with hir lede.

  11. And whan that he was out at dore anon, He planed awey the names everichon (50) That he biforn had writen in his tables; He served hem with nyfles and with fables.

  12. Ye been right hoot, I see wel how ye swete, Have heer a cloth, and wype awey the wete.

  13. And whan this chanon saugh it wolde nat be, 700 But his yeman wolde telle his privetee, He fledde awey for verray sorwe and shame.

  14. But war thee wel that swiche manere penances on thy flesh ne make nat thyn herte bitter or angry or anoyed of thy-self; for bettre is to caste [642] awey thyn heyre, than for to caste away the sikernesse of Iesu Crist.

  15. Botesforth the Baly of Eye, and other, had a cart and fetched awey fetherbeddes, and all the stuffe that was left at the parsones, and Thom Wateres hows to be kept of owrs.

  16. Item leve a bill indorcid what ye take awey if ye take any.

  17. I had the reed and the rushis, and he found the shepherdis hyre in shakke tyme for my fold; and sithen he brigged awey the shepherdis hyre and thanne the nobill, and I trowe he occupyth ne lenger hym self.

  18. Natheles, handes of some men hadde corven that cloth by violence and by strengthe; and everiche man of hem hadde born awey swiche peces as he mighte geten.

  19. Who is elles kepere of good or dryver awey of yvel, but god, governour and lecher of thoughtes?

  20. Certes, they ne be nat wont to don awey wikkednesse, but they ben wont 5 rather to shewen wikkednesse.

  21. The sterres shynen more agreably whan the wind 5 Nothus leteth his ploungy blastes; and after that Lucifer the day-sterre hath chased awey the derke night, the day the fairere ledeth the rosene hors of the sonne.

  22. I trowe thou seke to dryve awey nede with habundaunce of thinges; but certes, it torneth to you al in the contrarie.

  23. What thing is thanne this power, that may nat 20 don awey the bytinges of bisinesse, ne eschewe the prikkes of drede?

  24. But who-so that, quakinge, dredeth or desireth thing that nis nat stable of his right, that man that so doth hath cast awey his sheld and is remoeved fro his place, and enlaceth him in the cheyne with the which he may 15 ben drawen.

  25. Who mighte have seyd, that I had doon a-mis To stele awey with swich on as he is?

  26. And what were to demen thanne of shrewes, yif thilke naturel help hadde forleten hem, the 105 which naturel help of intencioun goth awey biforn hem, and is so greet that unnethe it may ben overcome?

  27. Whan any lover doth compleyne, And liveth in distresse and peyne, Than Swete-Thought shal come, as blyve, Awey his angre for to dryve.

  28. Whan she departed awey fro thee, she took awey hir freendes and lafte thee thyne freendes.

  29. I rede thee Love awey to dryve, 3295 That makith thee recche not of thy lyve.

  30. For now I pleyne, and now I pleye, I am so mased that I deye, Arcite hath born awey the keye Of al my worlde, and my good aventure!

  31. Than bringe they to hir remembraunce 5005 The foly dedis of hir infaunce, Which causen hir to mourne in wo That Youthe hath hir bigiled so, Which sodeynly awey is hasted.

  32. Now welcom somer, with thy sonne softe, 680 That hast this wintres weders over-shake, And driven awey the longe nightes blake!

  33. And whan I saugh he hadde so, This Ielousye, take us two, I was astoned, and knew no rede, But fledde awey for verrey drede.

  34. A mochel foole than I were, If I suffrid you awey to bere The fresh botoun, so fair of sight.

  35. Here were a charitable sort of holy men that coude thus enterdite an hole realme, and plucke awey th[e] obedience of the people from theyre naturall liege lorde and kinge, for none other cause but for his rightuousnesse.

  36. Now welcom, somer, with thy sonne softe, That hast this wintres weders overshake And driven awey the longe nyghtes blake.

  37. Because she had "plucked her browes, front and forehed, to have awey the here, to make her selff the fayrer to the plesinge of the worlde.

  38. Item, the seyd Fastolf hath be gretely damaged and hurt by the myght and power of the seyd Duc of Suffolk and his counseill, in disseising and taking awey a maner of the seyd Fastolf, called Dedham, in the counte of Essex, to the value of C.

  39. There was no man gretter at hert with hym, as Andreus wyth Heydon, because of castyng Bradwell and Tychewell yn the Kynges handes, and toke awey the waarde.

  40. The seyd prisonnere was take awey from hym, and delyvered the toune of Compyne in to the obbeissaunce of our Souvereyn Lord.

  41. Sir, he may do me a pety shame in distreyning and dryvyng awey to make me hevy, and hym not glad I hoop at the loong, but wroong shal he nor any other do me, wher I may gete remedy by the lawe in any place throw Goddis mercy.

  42. This is the lif of this lordis That lyven shulde with Do-bet, And wel awey wers, And I shulde al telle.

  43. And the riche is reverenced By reson of his richesse, Ther the poore is put bihynde, And peraventure kan moore Of wit and of wisdom, That fer awey is bettre Than richesse or reautee, And rather y-herd in hevene.

  44. I may no lenger lette," quod he; And lyard he prikede, And went awey as wynd; And therwith I awakede.

  45. And alle be it that the charboncle zeve lyght right y now, natheles at alle tymes brennethe a vesselle of cristalle fulle of bawme, for to zeven gode smelle, and odour to the emperour, and to voyden awey alle wykkede eyres and corrupciouns.

  46. And thei eaten alle the bestes, with outen and with inne, with outen castynge awey of ony thing, saf only the filthe.

  47. But goþ now raþer awey [gh]e meremaydenes wyche ben swete til it be at þe laste.

  48. I trowe þou seke to dryue awey nede wiþ habundaunce of þinges.

  49. For yif so be þat perfeccioun is don awey .

  50. In reply to these rather unjust complaints, Dacre wrote saying that "for oone cattell taken by the Scotts we have takyn, won and brought awey out of Scotland a hundreth; and for oone shepe two hundreth of a surity.

  51. And, whan that he this beste hath overcome, Then may he fleen awey out of this drede, 2020 And eek the gayler may he with him lede, And him avaunce at hoom in his contree, Sin that so greet a lordes sone is he.

  52. Tho gan I in myn herte caste, That they were molte awey with hete, And not awey with stormes bete.

  53. I write to yow thus that ye may kyt awey this lower part of this lettre.

  54. Item, the capteyn sent certeyn of his meyny to my chamber in your rents, and there breke up my chest, and toke awey j.

  55. Jamys, with forsse toke awey the dysstres, wech was ij.

  56. Item, for takyng awey of John of Berneys haborjoun at Walsyngham.

  57. Item, where as I undrestand by a lettre sent to me from my welbelovyd frende Maister John Botewryght, that grete extorcion have be don by the officers of the duchee in takyng awey cxl.

  58. And in Kent there as my wyfe dwellyd, they toke awey all oure godes mevabyll that we had, and there wolde have hongyd my wyfe and v.

  59. Who mighte han seyd, that I had doon a-mis To stele awey with swich on as he is?

  60. Rondel" Type Now welcom somer, with thy sonne softe, That hast this wintres weders over-shake, And driven awey the longe nightes blake!

  61. And in Kent there as my wyfe dwellyd, they toke awey all oure godes movabyll that we had, and there wolde have hongyd my wyfe and v.

  62. Now stomble we on stalk and ston, My wyt awey is fro me gon, Wrythe on to my necke bon, With hardnesse of thin honde.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "awey" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.