Where is the mother, whose officious zeal, Discreetly judging what her daughters feel By what she felt herself in days of yore, Against that lecher man makes fast the door?
Ah wicked judge, the virgin chaste Hath sent her beauteous face, In recompense of lecher gain, To thee, so void of grace.
To detect the waves in the circuit beyond the bridge, Lecher used an exhausted tube placed across the wires, and Rubens a bolometer, but Rutherford's detector is the most convenient and accurate.
For example, in place of the sparks in air the luminous discharge through a rarefied gas has been used by Dragoumis, Lecher (who used tubes without electrodes laid across the wires in an arrangement resembling that shown in fig.
Many problems on electric waves along wires can readily be investigated by a method due to Lecher (Wied.
Lecher now spoke at the same time, and mingled their speeches with the other noises, and nobody heard either of them.
Lecher is President of the Board of Trade of his city of Brunn, and was master of the situation.