Ane wad think he'd heard that awfu wind yersel; it maist frichtened me to death.
It would be an awfu thing were ony misfortune to happen him when he is sae near hame.
Dear help me, woman, but ye do mak an awfu wark about that jeely mug o' yours.
Man," returned the guidwife, "did you no hear yon awfu rattle at the windock?
Oh, think o' that, and save me frae thatawfu furnace!
Ask her if she threw ony bluid on my faither's coat on that awfu nicht when yer faither was murdered?
It was an awfu scene yon, when the dragoons cam in upon us in the streets o' Worcester.
They're awfu draicky, and no like our Scotch measures, that mak ye fling your legs aboot like flails, till ye dinna ken whether your heels or your head's uppermost.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "awfu" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.