But the loss of expensses, in my opinioun, aucht nott to be esteamit from the first payment; neather yitt the danger from the first appearance.
Thairefter ane day aucht publictlie to be assignit unto him to gif oppin confessioun of his offence and contempt, and sa to mak ane publict satisfactioun to the Churche of God.
Idolatrie auchtnocht [only] to be suppressit, but the idolater aucht to dey the deith, unless that we will accuse God.
Thay aucht not be hald vagabund nor waith, 20 Ful riche tresour thai bene and precius graith: For oft by Sibilys sawis he tonys his stevyn; Thus faithfully in his Bucolykis he saith, The maide cummyth bringis new lynnage fra hevyn.
Priam, Lo, heir his wirschip is haldin in memor; Thir lamentabyll takynnys passit befor Our mortal myndis auchtto compassioun steir.
For he is vgsum and grysly forto se, Hutyt to speke of, and auchtnot nemmyt be.
Of sa gret thingis thocht na wirschip hym steris, Nor for hys honour list not laubour as efferis, Èœyt than, the fader aucht na wys to envy 5 That Ascanyus bruke Romys senÈeory.
I didna hear it mysel', for I'm no Auld Licht, but it did the work o' the town for an aucht days.
It has been a drouth this aucht days, and the pumps is locked.
The question raised was, 'Whither if the Bischops, as they are now in the Kirk of Scotland, hes thair function of the word of God or not, or if the Chapiter appointit for creating of them aucht to be tollerated in this reformed Kirk.
In the zeir of God 1500, tuantie aucht zeiris, the kingis grace by slicht wan away fra the Douglassis.
Giff religioun be nott perswaidit unto yow, yit cast ye not away the cair ye aucht to have ower your commun-welth, quhilk ye see manifestlie and violentlie rewyneit befoir your eyis.
In September 1554, the Treasurer delivered to an English miner, "aucht unce of siluer, to mak ane assay of siluer and layit mony.
And for our self, we seik na thing bot debtfull obedience unto thame, sick as guid subjectis aucht to gif to thair Soveraneis, without deminutioun of your liberteis and priveleigeis, or alteratioun of your lawis.
Stantoun he gaiff to Lauder in his wage; The knycht Wallang aucht it in heretage.
Aucht schipmen feit, and gudly wage thaim gaiff; To Scotland fur; the Fyrth off Tay thai haiff.
His fyfty men with outyn langar rest, Wallace gart ray in to thar armour prest; Fourty and auchton luffburd laid thaim law.
That baner thar was fra auchthouris to none; 925 Thar finance maid, delyuerit gold full sone.
Scrymgeour grantyt rycht faithfully to bid; With auchtthousand Wallace couth fra him ryd To Sanct Jhonstoun; four dayis he graithit him thar; With sad awyss towart the south can fayr.
Aucht hundreth men with Butler maid thaim boun, Folowed on dreich, quhill at this man com hame.
The knycht Sewart, a schyrreff maid in Fyff Schyr Amer Brim; and gaiff, for term off lyff, The landis haill that Wallang aucht befor.
On Schyrreff mur Wallace the feild has tane, With aucht thousand, that worthy was in wane.
The worthy Scottis aucht thousand doun thai ber; Few war at erd at gud Wallace brocht thar.
Thai lugyt thar till aucht dayis was at end; Off meit and drynk thai had inewch to spend; Turssyt furth ger, that Sothroun had brocht thar; Gert byrn the boit, till Sanct Jhonstoun thai fair.
At Canemor syne king Fergus has it nome; Brocht it till Scwne, and stapill maid it thar, 125 Quhar kingis was cround aucht hundyr yer and thar, Befor the tyme at king Eduuard it fand.
Lord's Day his wyffe was buryed, as he aucht to have done.
The minister and elders herewith advysit; deliverit to him, out of the box, aucht pounds, and sax shillings to his sonne, and twentie s.
Here expressedly is a man apointed to be chosen king, and a man natiue amongest them selues, by whiche precept is all woman and all strangier secluded.
Be this resoun that part thocht hale, 65 That the lord off Anandyrdale, Robert the Bruys Erle off Carryk, Aucht to succeid to the kynryk.
Aucht dayis on bath halffis swa thai lay, That Inglis men durst nocht assale The Scottys men with playne battale, For strinth of erd that thai had ther.
Bot his wayn suld be stuffit weill: For aucht men armyt in the body Of his wayn suld syt prevaly, 168 And with hay helyt be about.
Quhen his host all assemblit was, Auchty thowsand he wes and ma, And aucht battellis he maid of tha: 350 In ilk battell wes ten thousand.
And he has alsua with him tane 480 Johne of Lorn and all his mycht, That had of worthy men and wicht With him aucht hundreth men and ma.
Lily 's savitaucht pund at the Lodge, an' a' can spare twa or three.
Aifter a've spent sax pund a year on claithes and little trokes, and three on ma kirk, a 'll hae aucht ower for the debt.
Ye juist keekit in, a'm thinking tae see that the hale aucht were in their sta's, eh, gude wife?
Gyf a Man be banyst a realm, and happin to cum in agayne be ony cas, gif men wald set on him, to tak him, quhethir he aucht to defend him.
Than be resone, it aucht nocht to be that Prince nor Knycht mak na Knycht of ane unworthy persone, na of villaine lignage.
The aucht Spirit is called Robert the Jackis, still clothed in dune, and seimes to be aiged.
But ye hae made it plain frae the poopit that ye hae nae supperstition aboot the first day o' the week, the whilk alane has aucht to dee wi' hiz Christians!
Ye hae no richt whatever to keep that lassie's claes, as gin sheaucht (owed) you onything for rent.
Macleod, shaking his head, and looking a little anxious; 'didna he ask foraucht in particular, sir?
The doctor's a sharp Edinbro' lad--did he see aucht by common about the captain, sir?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aucht" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.