I returned to Winton, and on arrival was accorded a typical western reception for obtaining the promise of an artesian bore for the town.
Eventually the owners selected a site, and put down an artesian bore, striking a flow at about 2,000 feet.
I felt certain that this would follow, so I wired to Winton that I had been promised an artesian bore.
The artesian bore at Winton was now completed by the Intercolonial Deep Boring Company.
The time of greatest flow of an artesianwell will occur at low tide in the ocean.
When the hydrostatic pressure under which the water stands is sufficient to make it flow freely out on the surface or at the mouth of the well, we have a flowing, or true artesian well.
Twenty years after the sinking of this well, that is in 1861, The Artesian Well of Passy, near the Arch of Triumph, was completed.
Humboldt states that, according to tolerably coincident experiments in artesian wells, it has been shown that the heat increases on an average about 1° for every 54·5 feet.
Peligot has ascertained that the Water of the Artesian Well of Grenelle contains not the least trace of air.
Blaney was badly scared already: that was evident enough in his manner during the interview Jim had had with him on the artesian road.
The road in question leads from the city to the artesianwell a few miles away.
They camped on the desert that night, at a ranch conveniently situated between Julia and the mountains, where was an abundance of artesian water.
Hiram had decided to ask Tweet to carry him in his machine until Jerkline Jo had been overtaken, which would probably occur between the foot of the mountains and Artesian Ranch on the other side.
The discovery of artesian water will be a factor of the utmost importance to him as tending to assure his position from loss by drought.
The flow of this artesian water from the private and public bores is worth more to Queensland than a river of gold.
The whole of this vast area of water-bearing rocks has been proved by artesian bores, most of which are far below the level of the sea.
Accompanying the report of the Hydraulic Engineer is a coloured map showing the sites of artesian bores and tanks and the supposed area of the lower cretaceous or water-bearing strata, as well as the underlying impermeable palaeozoic rocks.
Currie, of Melbourne, is mostly freehold, and with the discovery of artesian water, and the introduction of fine wooled sheep, has become a most valuable estate.
There can be no doubt that the discharge is due to a leak from the great artesian beds underlying the Barkly Tableland, on which the town of Camooweal is situated, on the head waters of the Georgina River.
The fact of an artesian bore diminishing its flow may be due to many causes other than shortage of supply, faults in the tubing or caving in of the strata may account for it.
All these runs, as previously mentioned, were occupied before the discovery of artesian springs, and therefore subject to being periodically dried out.
The apprehension of injury to common and artesian wells and springs led to an investigation on this subject by Girard and Parent Duchatelet, in the latter year.
The French Government has bored a large number of artesian wells in the Algerian desert within a few years, and the native sheikhs are beginning to avail themselves of the process.
The existence of artesianwells depends upon that of subterranean reservoirs and rivers, and the supply yielded by borings is regulated by the abundance of such sources.
Perhaps, however, the artesian well of the greatest depth ever executed until very recently, is that bored within the last six or seven years, for the use of an Insane Asylum near St. Louis.
In such case the weight of such strata would be an additional, if not the sole, cause of the ascent of the water through the tubes of artesian wells.
When in boring an artesian well water is not reached at a moderate depth, it is not always certain that it will be found by driving the drill still lower.
Tours in France was occasioned by the abstraction of water from the earth by artesian wells, and the consequent withdrawal of the mechanical support it had previously given to the strata containing it.
The ancient Egyptians were acquainted with the art of boring artesian wells.
This latter condition does not occur naturally, but can be supplied artificially in our Western lands, where there is a good supply of artesian water of a quality suitable to the plants' requirements.
All bore water is not suitable for irrigation, however, as some of it is too highly mineralised, but there are large areas of country possessing an artesian supply of excellent quality for this purpose.
As an offset to the smallness of the rainfall, there is a good supply of artesian water, distributed over a wide range of country, that can be obtained at a reasonable rate, and that is suitable for irrigation purposes.
The city owns and operates the water-works and electric-lighting plant; the water-supply is derived from artesian wells.
Under French rule its productiveness has been largely increased by the sinking of artesian wells in districts which only required water to make them fertile.
Under French administration the town has been rebuilt, placed (1905) in railway communication with the coast, and given an ample water supply by the sinking of artesian wells.
The city owns the waterworks; the water-supply is obtained from artesian wells.
The city owns and operates the electric-lighting plant and artesian water-works.
Sumerous artesian wells furnish the city with an ample supply of water of unusual excellence.
The municipality owns and operates the water-works, the water-supply being obtained from artesian wells.
The theory is so far borne out by the fact that, where artesian wells have been sunk in this district, water has been struck in overflowing abundance.
There was an artesian well ten miles off, on the plain of weeping myalls, he wished to show Courtland.
The Artesian Water Company came onto the market with three hundred acres of land near Compton and the assurance that "while the water in this section will be stocked, the stock will not be watered.
About the same time, San Bernardino parties, wishing to bore a little artesian well, had to send to the Northern metropolis for the necessary machinery.
Osburn organized a company to bore an artesian well west of the city; but when it reached a depth of over seven hundred feet, the prospectors went into bankruptcy.
In 1874, he bought land for pasture in the San Jacinto Valley, and for years owned the ocean front at Alamitos Bay from Devil's Gate to the Inlet, boring artesian wells there north of Long Beach.
The artesian wells cost not far from $6 per foot for the boring, and are much less expensive.
Mr. Jessie Button, to whom we are indebted for both the Glacier and the Geyser springs, seems best to understand the process of successfully boring artesian wells, having made these his special study and profession.
With these and modern forms of artesian wells the deserts have literally been made to blossom as the rose.
Artesian wells appear to have first been known in Europe in the province of Artois, France, in the thirteenth century.
These prairies, if we may trust to the frequently false theories of science, have a similar organ to that of Artesian springs, for the earth does in one case what water does in the other.
Which will supply the larger region with artesian wells, an aquifer whose dip is steep or one whose dip is gentle?
These pervious sands, interbedded with the lava, become the aquifers of artesian wells.
A boring which taps such an aquifer is known as an artesian well, a name derived from a province in France where wells of this kind have been long in use.
At Lucknow an artesian well was sunk to one thousand feet below sea level without reaching the bottom of these river-laid sands and silts, proving a slow subsidence with which the aggrading rivers have kept pace.
In accounting for this pressure we must remember that the gas has been compressed within the pores of the reservoir rock by artesian water, and in some cases also by its own expansive force.
The rise of the water in artesian wells, and in fissure springs also, depends on the following conditions illustrated in Figure 29.
It is not uncommon for artesian water to rise in wells after the exhaustion of gas and oil.
Oil and gas are lighter than water, and are usually under pressure owing toartesian water.
To-day, two artesian wells are flowing on the island.
But even the water from the artesian wells we took the precaution to boil.
From the natural fissure spring an artesian well differs in the artificial character of the perforation of the impervious cover to the water layer.
A monoclinal structure may furnish artesian conditions when the generally pervious layer has become clogged at a low level so as to hold back the water (Fig.
The water of artesian wells may flow out at the surface under pressure, or it may require pumping to raise it from some lower level.
The artesian well is bored, and they can drink pure water or not, as pleases them.
What makes water rise in a spring or an artesian well?
In the distance he noticed some of the farmers irrigating their farm terraces with water, mechanically drawn from the Artesian reservoirs beneath the city.
Throughout the year, the green would survive by the watering from the artesian seas beneath the ground, until the next rain came.
He interested himself in such practical questions as the introduction of gas into Copenhagen, the establishment of the fire-brigade at Rosenberg and the boring of artesian wells.
The rise and overflow of the water in Artesianwells is generally referred, and apparently with reason, to the same principle as the play of an artificial fountain.
It has also been shown byartesian borings at Calcutta (see above, p.
Artesian well at Paris, temperature of water, 234.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "artesian" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.