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Example sentences for "got into"

  • After dinner he got into a cab, and drove to Mark Wylder's club.

  • I got into my room again, and shut the door with a clap that sounded loudly and unnaturally through the dismal quiet that surrounded me, and stood with my hand on the handle, with the instinct of resistance.

  • We got into an argument whether the Judges who went to India might with propriety engage in trade.

  • Isaac Hawkins Browne[999], one of the first wits of this country, got into Parliament, and never opened his mouth.

  • He was only happy while he was working and when he got into bed.

  • When he got into bed he was so cold that for some time he could not sleep, but when he did, it was so soundly that Mary Ann had to shake him when she brought in his hot water next morning.

  • He said it again in the evening and again, shivering in his nightshirt, before he got into bed.

  • After proceeding about two and a half miles, we got into a scrubby part of the hills, through which we found it difficult to push our way, the scrub being eucalyptus dumosa, an unusual tree to find in those hills.

  • Here he got into acquaintance of a woman, handsome, indeed, but of no fortune, and little reputation.

  • It chanced that he got into a good fishing boat, and he did better himself.

  • I got into debt, and was refused supplies from him; and, as I could not do without supplies for my family, I went to another man.

  • No; we restricted some because they might have got into debt.

  • The night I got into town, I went into the den out from the office.

  • I knew that my competitor, if he got into town, would go right after the old gentleman just as quickly as he could.

  • I got into Dayton, Washington, one summer morning about 4:30," said he.

  • One day, however, he got into a dialogue with Hiram Ford, a wagoner, in which he himself contributed information.

  • Mary Garth, discerning his distress in the twitchings of his mouth, and his recourse to a cough, came cleverly to his rescue by asking him to change seats with her, so that he got into a shadowy corner.

  • There is not a better man in the world than your father, and yet he got into trouble.

  • I say, it would be curious if it got into Bulstrode's hands after all.

  • So far from wishing to rule by terror, it was his misfortune not to resort to the measures of caution that were absolutely necessary to maintain his own legal ascendancy, whenever he got into power.

  • And she thought I did it on purpose, and that made me angry, and so we got into a dispute, and away went all the little moment I might have had, and I was forced to go to Cocksmoor as a promise breaker!

  • As soon as I noticed it, he flushed crimson, and would not hear of turning back, stoutly protesting he was quite well, but I saw his hand was quivering even when I got into church.

  • I wonder how ever it got into Mr. Harrison's book!

  • I'll tell you, Flora, I got into a fit of wishing the other day; it does seem such a grievous pity to see those children running to waste for want of daily teaching, and Jenny Hall had forgotten everything.

  • As soon as we got into a bit of open I raced up to him.

  • I'd been trying to drive all thoughts of her out of my heart, seeing the tangle I'd got into in more ways than one; but now the old feeling which had been a part of me ever since I'd grown up came rushing back stronger than ever.

  • After about twenty minutes an old Fan gentleman came down river in a canoe and gave me good advice in Fan, and I got him to take me in tow--that is to say, he got into my canoe and I held on to his and we went back down river.

  • I got into the "Plutonic pit" through the S.

  • What was the rights of that scrape he got into?

  • I don't see what's got into you to-night.

  • The bed felt fresh when he got into it, and the sweet breath of the mountains came in so cold through the sash he had lifted that he was glad to pull the secondary quilt up over him.

  • Then she flashed out: "Perhaps he had been drinking when he got into trouble.

  • I got into my remise the hour I proposed: La Fleur got up behind, and I bid the coachman make the best of his way to Versailles.

  • Here is a crystal of quartz, well enough shaped in its way; but it seems to have been languid and sick at heart; and some white milky substance has got into it, and mixed itself up with it, all through.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "got into" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being invisible; control herself; est que; good shepherd; got any; got him; got home; got out; got the; got there; heavily dependent; little rest; made under the law; men and women alike; organized labor; public conveyances; rature fran; said the little woman; say anything more about; show what; this theory; thus addressed; thy son; touched upon; transitional forms; volcanic agency