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Example sentences for "straunge"

Lexicographically close words:
stratum; stratus; straucht; straught; straung; straungely; straunger; straungers; strave; straw
  1. This is a straunge saying vnto me My wyl, your wyll, and his wyll, this cannot be For in our wyles is a great diuersitie For one is not lyke another, +Wyll.

  2. John Straunge desyryd me that I shuld send to you in al haste that .

  3. He told John Straunge that it ys informyd hym that ye have up an enquest to depreve ther wytnesse and ther with ys he sore movyd .

  4. Straunge desyryd to knowe what appoyntements he desyryth to have in the trety, and he sayd he wold not let that be understond tyll the tyme of trety cam.

  5. Item, take hede to the labour of your unkyll, for he hath had right straunge langage of your brother of late to right wurchepfull persones; therfor werk wysely and bewar wham that ye lete know your councell.

  6. What straunge workes of an euil spirit did =Bileam= bring to passe?

  7. What straunge things are reported of one =Faustus= a Germane, which he did in these our dayes by inchauntments?

  8. For if any man be timorous by nature, or subiect to feare through great daungers, or by some other wayes, he also imagineth straunge things which indéed are not so, especially if he haue in him any store of melancholy.

  9. And againe, God hereby admonisheth vs, that we be not idle and secure, for he hath in all ages stirred vp his seruants, not only with word, but also with rare and straunge apparitions.

  10. That it is no hard thing for the Diuell to appeare in diuers shapes, and to bring to passe straunge things.

  11. Why God doth suffer straunge noyses, or extraordinary rumblings to be heard before some notable alterations, or otherwise.

  12. He himselfe setleth his minde, his eyes and hand to write, least his mind being vnoccupied, should imagine it heard straunge figures, and should bréed vaine feare.

  13. After what sort they should behaue themselues, whiche see good or euil spirits, or meete with other straunge aduentures: and first how Iewes and Gentiles behaued themselues in the like cases.

  14. P] Who promysde if they would him spare, And keepe his name from knowledge then: He would as straunge a thing declare, As euer they knew synce they were men.

  15. And yee poore men guided by our maydes were brought vnto your chambers where ye lay with your owne Wyues, and so by tilth of others land in straunge soyle (as yee beleeued) yee lost no labour.

  16. For many men han gret lykynge to here speke of straunge thinges of dyverse contreyes.

  17. Of the same sorte also is Massinge / straunge apparell / synging / and feastes appointed to saintes which be in heauen / and other innumerable of this sorte.

  18. But these sacrificers / lyke men that can do mutch more then Paule / they do come with a straunge tong / which the congregacion vnderstondeth not / and yet neuertheles they bragge that they do muche profite the congregaciõ.

  19. Also they had a certaine Prognostication and forwarning by their Priestes of the comming from the east parties a straunge people, white of colour and bearded men, who should winne and rule that countrey.

  20. Mutezuma brought Cortes to this temple, bicause his men shoulde sée the same, and to enforme them of his religion and holinesse, wherof I will speake in an other place, being the most straunge and cruellest that euer was heard off.

  21. A house of foule for havvking and other straunge things.

  22. Cortez demaunded the cause of their comyng thither, they answered to behold and sée so straunge a sight, but why fledde you then (quoth he?

  23. The temple that stoode by the sea side was such a one, in the which was a maruellous straunge Idol, and differed muche from all the rest, although they haue manye and of diuerse fashions.

  24. It was straunge to sée the officers in this house howe euery one was occupied.

  25. Me thought I was euen at home at mine owne house, and not a trauayler abroade in a straunge co[~u]try.

  26. Pumps and all maner of Bellowes, haue their ground of this Art: and many other straunge deuises.

  27. And very straunge matter, might be alledged of the Harmonie, [5.

  28. I saw, ones or twise (Orontius beyng then with me, in Company) it were to straunge to tell.

  29. Which is the chiefest cause, that amongest thẽ do florishe so many cunning and skilfull men, in the inuentions of straunge and wonderfull thinges, as in these our daies we see there do.

  30. Thaumaturgike‡, is that Art Mathematicall, which giueth certaine order to make straunge workes, of the sense to be perceiued, and of men greatly to be wondred at.

  31. Thus, in sundry waies you may furnishe your selfe with such straunge and profitable matter: which, long hath bene wished for.

  32. Item, I have be at my mayster Stapilton with your writtes, and he made it right straunge for to ensele hem.

  33. Item, I hyre oft tymys manye straunge rapports of the gouvernaunce of my place at Castre and othyr plasys, as yn my chatell approvyng,[152.

  34. Resteth no waie for you to climbe sodainly, but by doing some straunge stratageme, that the like hath not bene heard of heeretofore, and fitly at this instant occasion is ministred.

  35. Thou art woxe to familiere Where thou shulde be straunge of chere, Stout of thy port, redy to greve.

  36. Wher-of that thou be vertuous, Ne be not straunge ne daungerous.

  37. Also yong men shall then be sick, and in ieopardie of death, and women the like, & in sundrie places shall happen a famine, with a greate brute of straunge newes.

  38. And they gaue vnto Iacob all the straunge goddes which were vnder their handes/ ad all their earynges which were in their eares/ and Iacob hyd them vnder an ooke at Sichem.

  39. When Ioseph sawe his brethern/ he knewe them: But made straunge vnto them/ and spake rughly vnto them saynge: Whence come ye?

  40. Of the straunge and beastlie nature of Timon of Athens, enemie to mankinde, with his death, buriall, and Epitaphe.

  41. After hee had with him selfe considered this straunge case, hee for conclusion founde out that the yonge man was sicke of loue, and of none other cause.

  42. Which be so straunge and terrible as they be able to affright the stoutest.

  43. And these poore miserable creatures, not knowing to whom to make their complainte, liued in straunge perplexitie, bicause they knew not the priest which did solempnise their mariage.

  44. That nighte they lodged at a village not farre from the foreste, where they tarried certaine dayes, to make apparell for these straunge Princes, and so wel as they could to adorne and furnish Adelasia, (who being of the age almost of XXXIV.

  45. What straunge things did the learned, wise, and vertuous Monarche Marcus Aurelius indure of his well beloued Faustine?

  46. Al the beastes of the worlde do applye theimselues to other beastes of theyr kind, Timon of Athens onely excepted: of whose straunge nature Plutarche is astonied, in the life of Marcus Antonius.

  47. In trees also and fruites, there is for the most part, a greater force and power in the nature of the soile and water where they grow, eyther for the pruning and planting, then there is if straunge impes and seedes be grifted and sowen there.

  48. A straunge and vnknowen old woman, repaired to the Romaine kyng Tarquinius Superbus, bearing in her armes nine bookes, which she sayde were deuine Oracles, and offered them to be solde.

  49. And zif ony straunge messagre come there to a lord, men maken him to ete but ones a day, and that fulle litille.

  50. So that no vertues then, their proper shapes did beare: Nor coulde from vices bee decern’d, so straunge they mixed weare.

  51. The play was entitled, A new interlude and a mery of the nature of the iiij elements declaryinge many proper poynts of phylosophy naturall and of dyvers straunge landys and of dyvers straunge effects and causis, etc.

  52. Eden’s version of Munster again appeared under the title of A briefe Collection and Compendious Extract of Straunge and Memorable Thinges, gathered out of the Cosmographeye of Sebastian Munster.

  53. Pioneers or diggers for metal,” according to Lavater, “do affirme that in many mines there appeare straunge shapes and spirites, who are apparelled like unto other laborers in the pit.

  54. Abraham went into a straunge country; therefore trauailing lawefull, soe it be either specially warranted by Gods call, or to profitt the country, not to see and bring home ill fashions, and worse consciences.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "straunge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.