Low temperature of the Arctic regions tends to produce anaemiain natives of temperate zones.
The unconsciousness and coma of epilepsy more resemble shock than they do cerebral anaemia or syncope.
Among the conditions produced by school strain of serious consequence in after-life are headaches, usually charged to anaemia or neurasthenia.
Among the nutritive disturbances resulting from nerve-strain is the fatty anaemia of Weir Mitchell, the juvenile obesity of Fere and others.
Fatty degeneration of the heart may be the result of profound anaemia induced by gastric ulcer.
Symptoms of anaemia and marasmus, or of chronic exudative peritonitis, or of chronic pleurisy.
Riess and Senator believe that in non-diabetic {556} cases anaemia is the most important factor in the production of this coma.
Footnote 65: Riess refers the coma to the anaemia as such, whereas Senator thinks that, in consequence of the depraved nutrition of the body resulting from the anaemia, some toxic substance is developed which enters the circulation.
When the liver is found but small in post-mortem examination, it is so because of the general anaemia and emaciation.
Under favorable circumstances these symptoms ofanaemia disappear in the course of a few weeks.
Dyspepsia contributes its share to the production of the anaemia and of the loss of flesh and strength which are present in some degree in most cases of chronic gastric ulcer.
In consequence of weakness and anaemia any exertion may suffice to increase the frequency of the pulse, and may induce palpitation of the heart and syncope.
Footnote 121: Michel transfused successfully in a case of extremeanaemia following gastrorrhagia (Berl.
In view of Daettwyler's experiments, mentioned on page 514, it is manifestly important to counteract the anaemia of gastric ulcer.
In atonic constipation, the form now under consideration, the laxative chalybeate waters are indicated where there is anaemia or debility.
In anaemia and phthisis menstruation often returns after improvement in the general condition, with good food and good sanitary conditions, an outdoor life and the administration of iron or other tonics.
The second theory is that there is no absorption of iron given by the mouth, but it acts as a local stimulant to the mucous membrane, and so improves anaemia by increasing the digestion of the food.
In certain forms of anaemia the administration of iron rapidly improves the blood in both respects.
He believes that inorganic iron saves the organic iron of the food by combining with the sulphur, and improves anaemia by protecting the organic food iron.
Closely akin to the insomnia of anaemia is the wakefulness experienced by hysterical subjects.
Sleep, therefore, must be regarded as the cause, rather than the consequence, of the so-called cerebral anaemia which obtains in the substance of the brain during repose.
Finally, to complete the mischief, we have not only anaemia of the semi-paralytic oblongata, but the scanty blood supply this important centre receives becomes also surcharged with carbonic acid.
Anaemia of the nerve-centres hastens the collapse, and from the combined effects of this and heart failure death takes place suddenly and quickly as if in a fainting fit.
He had meant to have his talk with Eleanor on the morning next after their conversation in the dining-room, but his bodily and spiritual anaemia prevented him.
I don't think that loss of identity is a necessary thing; it's just another side of the general weakening of the grip upon reality, a kind of anaemia of the brain so that interest fades and fails.
Anaemia can usually be better or equally well treated at home, or by seaside residence or a sea voyage, though many physicians prescribe chloride of sodium waters, followed by a course of iron waters at some suitably situated spa.
In the anaemia dependent on malarial infection, the muriated or alkaline sulphated waters at spas of considerable elevation and combined with iron and arsenic are often very beneficial.
Certain cases of anaemia which do not yield to iron are often much improved by arsenic, though in other apparently similar ones it appears to be valueless.
It is the routine treatment for pernicious anaemia and Hodgkin's disease, though here again the drug may be of no avail.
In certain forms of anaemia it increases the number of the red corpuscles and also their haemoglobin content.
For the neuralgia and anaemia following malaria, for rheumatoid arthritis, for chorea and also asthma and hay fever, it is constantly prescribed with excellent results.
Chronic over-fatigue and exhaustion, anaemia however produced, the circulation through the nervous tissues of impure blood, alter the character of the mental processes.
That the isolation from her kind of a "general" servant predisposes to anaemia is stated as a fact on good authority, but it is certainly not generally known.
It producesanaemia and cachexia in animals when given in small repeated doses.
For if, by reason of anaemia of the stomach and intestines, the digestive fluids are not secreted in sufficient amount to preserve it, "the food rapidly undergoes chemical decomposition in the alimentary canal, and often putrefies.
The work involves not only physical, but mental strain, and many cases of nervous break-down and anaemia are known to occur among weavers.
Anaemia is a frequent result of overstrain, not to mention the constant colds and rheumatism due to overheated rooms.
It is, I think, decidedly more frequently the immediate consequence of anaemia than they; but it does not appear, from my experience, that the chlorotic form of anaemia is any more provocative of it than is anaemia from any other cause.
Anaemia is a specially frequent attendant of gastralgia, more so than of other neuralgias.
Neuralgias which are immediately excited by Anaemia or Mal-nutrition.
Under such circumstances the most complete anaemia was developed, and very often the patient became a martyr to clavus in its severest forms.
It would seem that anaemia and mal-nutrition simply aggravate the tendency of existing weak portions of the nervous system to be affected with pain; just as they notoriously do aggravate lurking tendencies to convulsion and spasm.
Very many of these patients are anaemic; and chlorotic anaemia seems specially to favor the occurrence of the affection.
The next influence which we shall mention as undoubtedly very effective in assisting the production of neuralgia in certain cases is that of anaemia and mal-nutrition generally; but it is not necessary to dwell on this at any length.
And, in like manner, chronic states of anaemia and of mal-nutrition undoubtedly aggravate every existing neuralgia, and bring out lurking tendencies to the disease.
Doctors are inclined to attribute the excessive anaemia to the fatigue of long hours of labour in a close atmosphere, continued standing, insufficient sleep due to the early morning start, and faulty feeding.
Some witnesses had noticed that the usual manifestations of lessened vitality and anaemiawere not so general as in pre-war days, and this is naturally attributed to the better feeding and consideration obtainable at the present time.
Welfare Workers report on the improvement in health which follows the opening of canteens, and they note especially howanaemia is reduced.
Anaemia makes it worse; eye-strain, too, is a provoking factor.
It occurs in brilliant scales, and is said to possess peculiar efficacy in certain forms of anaemia and chlorosis.
In all cases in which Iron is used there is a deficiency of this red colouring matter; and in all instances of Anaemia Iron is appropriate as a remedy.
Anaemia is the one disease in which Iron is of use.
In Anaemia produced by special causes, as by scrofulous or nervous disorder, we may often do most good by striking at the root of the evil,--employing a Catalytic medicine which shall be able to do this.
In this way it may benefit, and sometimes cure, other disorders, in which Anaemia is apt to be a prominent symptom.
All structural anomalies associated with anaemia of the blood--including also a small heart and narrow arteries--should be considered as subject structural defects.
Such eggs might be justly classed as haemoglobin eggs, and they would be a godsend to our boys suffering from anaemia due to wounds or operations.
Pale lips indicate anaemiaand chlorosis, and lips of a bluish hue are signs of a generally weakened organism.
If they are of a pale pink colour, they indicate anaemia or chlorosis; if bluish red on the edge, they indicate tuberculosis.
But this so-called brain anaemia is not constant during the entire period of sleep.
A study of brain anaemia leads one to conclude that it coincides with the usual sleeping period and that it is produced by sleep instead of producing sleep.
Bullocks' blood has of late years, more especially in France, come into use as a remedy for anaemia and pulmonary phthisis.
Rovere called violently, ardently to his aid his last remnant of strength to combat against thisanaemia which took away the memory of what he had done.
The cerebral anaemia which had made him fear robbery again seized him, and poor Rovere, my old friend, plainly showed that he was enduring the agony of a man who is drowning, and who does not know where to cling in order to save himself.
In all of these cases I found great congestion in the abdomen, and marked anaemia of the brain.
Astragalus mollissimus and recorded the following results: After only five injections one of the rabbits died, and the post-mortem showed to a nicety the congestion of the whole tract of the vena portae and the anaemia of the brain.
According to my experiments the loco-weed works slowly but surely; as soon as the anaemia of the brain sets in, the animals act in every respect mad like; one hour they are excitable, and then again dull and languid as can be.
In sheep the post-mortem examination showed paleness, anaemia of the muscles, and great distention of the abdomen.
Lucy forgot all about her anaemia and weak back and tendency to dizziness in an excited packing up of necessaries for the journey.
Returning health, intense happiness, the dawning hope of a bright future were dispelling the anaemia and giving back to her face and neck the tinted white of a healthy skin, warmed in tone by a good circulation.
Wiese had hinted at a growing anaemia which should be checked.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anaemia" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.