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Example sentences for "ammoniac"

Lexicographically close words:
ammeter; ammeters; ammo; ammonal; ammonia; ammoniacal; ammoniacum; ammoniated; ammonic; ammonium
  1. The Leclanche-Barbier dry cell is a modification of the Leclanche wet cell, having a paste of sal-ammoniac instead of a solution.

  2. The strength of the solution is maintained by spare crystals of sal-ammoniac lying on the bottom of the cell, which is closed to prevent evaporation, but has a venthole for the escape of gas.

  3. The joints between the segments are made water-tight by a caulking of sal-ammoniac and iron borings driven into grooves formed for the purpose on the inner edges of the flanges.

  4. I have here a cylindrical glass jar in which I place some sal-ammoniac and quicklime.

  5. Hum," commented Craig, "this was apparently on the outside wrapper of a paper folded about some sal-ammoniac and quicklime.

  6. Some of the molecules of the sal ammoniac divide into two parts when the sal ammoniac gets into the water, and the molecules continue to divide as long as the battery is in use or until it "wears out.

  7. If you hang a piece of zinc and a carbon, such as comes from an arc light, in some water, and then dissolve sal ammoniac in the water, you will have a battery.

  8. Dissolve a little over half a cup of sal ammoniac in water and put it into the glass jar; then fill the jar with water up to the line that is marked on it.

  9. The part of the sal ammoniac with unusually few electrons goes over to the carbon; so the carbon is positively charged,--it has fewer than the ordinary number of electrons.

  10. I replace the solution of sal ammoniac by one of caustic potash or soda (12 to 15 per cent.

  11. Sal Ammoniac is sometimes found perfectly formed in the neighbourhood of Volcanoes.

  12. The point under consideration is the different forms and properties which the Volatile Alkali assumes, when separated from Sal Ammoniac by the means of a Fixed Alkali, and by the means of Lime.

  13. In about three hours from the first appearance of this salt, the ballon is again filled with new vapours, which smell like Sal Ammoniac thrown upon burning coals.

  14. Moreover, almost all the plants that yield a Volatile Alkali by distillation, yield also a considerable quantity of Acid: which may perhaps be the remains of such a Sal Ammoniac decomposed by the operation.

  15. Ammoniacal Salts projected upon nitre in fusion make it detonate; and the Nitrous Sal Ammoniac detonates by itself, without the addition of any inflammable matter.

  16. Into a glass alembic or retort put Sal Ammoniac and Salt of Tartar, pulverized and mixed together in equal quantities.

  17. A joint that is made by being filled with cast-iron cuttings mixed with sal-ammoniac and sulphur to cause the cuttings to rust and form a solid body.

  18. The borax and sal-ammoniac are powdered, mixed, and slowly heated until they melt.

  19. This assumes a large variety of forms, but always employs zinc as the negatively charged element, carbon as the positively charged element, and a solution of sal ammoniac as the electrolyte.

  20. In setting up the LeClanché cell, place not more than four ounces of white sal ammoniac in the jar, fill the jar one-third full of water, and stir until the sal ammoniac is all dissolved.

  21. This solution I precipitated again by means of sal-ammoniac into horn silver.

  22. Renewing Dry Batteries [367] Dry batteries, if not too far gone, can be renewed by simply boring a small hole through the composition on top of each carbon and pouring some strong salt water or sal ammoniac solution into the holes.

  23. Illustration: Cross Section and Completed Cell] Secure a small unglazed vessel to fit inside of the zinc, or such a receptacle as used in a sal ammoniac cell, and fill it with a strong solution of nitric acid.

  24. Then drill another row of holes about half way up the side and put the battery to soak in a solution of sal ammoniac for 48 hours.

  25. Place the battery in a glass jar, fill it two-thirds full of strong sal ammoniac (or salt) solution and connect the terminals to whatever apparatus the current is to be used for.

  26. If zinc and carbon are used, the solution is made from sal ammoniac and water.

  27. This prevents corrosion, which would otherwise occur from the action of the sal ammoniac or other chemical.

  28. If the battery has been used before, it is better to soak the carbon cylinder for a few hours to remove any remaining crystals of sal-ammoniac from its pores.

  29. In this manner the merchants at Marseilles convert the refuse of the Egyptian sal-ammoniac into cakes by a new sublimation, in order that it may become more saleable, though it is not readily purchased by artists.

  30. One might be almost induced to believe, that in the time of Boyle there were manufactories of sal-ammoniac in Europe[1005].

  31. Where and at what time the first works for making sal-ammoniac were established in Europe, I am not able to determine.

  32. For this experiment, however, very pure sal-ammoniac would have been necessary.

  33. But even if it should be believed that our sal-ammoniac was known to the ancients, how are we to discover it with certainty in their writings?

  34. This may serve as an additional proof, were such necessary, in opposition to those who think that the first real sal-ammoniac introduced into commerce was the volcanic.

  35. Among the later undertakings of this kind is Gravenhorst’s manufactory at Brunswick, and that which in the neighbourhood of Gothenburg manufactures sal-ammoniac from the refuse left in making train oil.

  36. Several writers have asserted that sal-ammoniac comes also from the East Indies.

  37. Where snow is not at hand, a mixture of 5 parts of powdered nitre and 5 of powdered sal-ammoniac may be mixed with 16 parts of water.

  38. Sal-ammoniac is exported in considerable quantities to Russia and other parts of the continent and to the United States.

  39. Usually these crystals are sublimed by heating them in crucibles or pots, when the vapours of sal-ammoniac condense on the cold covers as a crust, in which form the salt comes into the market.

  40. The actual decomposition of the vapours of sal-ammoniac was demonstrated by Pebal and Than by the same method as the decomposition of water, by passing the vapour of sal-ammoniac through a porous substance.

  41. But if sal-ammoniac or sodium chloride be added to a solution of magnesium chloride, then the evolution of hydrochloric acid does not take place, and after complete evaporation the residue is perfectly soluble in water.

  42. A piece of dry sal-ammoniac is placed at one side of the asbestos plug, and is heated by a Bunsen burner.

  43. Sal-ammoniac is prepared from ammonium carbonate, obtained in the dry distillation of nitrogenous substances (Chapter VI.

  44. If table salt be called 'sodium chloride,' then sal-ammoniac should be and is called 'ammonium chloride.

  45. If the vapour of sal-ammoniac were not decomposed, it would pass through the porous mass as a whole, and the colour of the litmus paper would not be altered, because sal-ammoniac is a neutral salt.

  46. For this reason the vapour density of sal-ammoniac for a long time served as an argument for doubting the truth of the law.

  47. About 4 to 6 ounces of sal-ammoniac are generally used for cells of ordinary size.

  48. This cell was invented by Leclanche, a French electrician, and was the first cell in which sal-ammoniac was used.

  49. Thus carbonate of ammonia with sulphuric acid will give sulphate of ammonia, but carbonate of ammonia with hydrochloric acid will give sal-ammoniac (chloride of ammonia).

  50. He realised the folly of imagining that we can teach the Indian husbandman his own trade by means of steam-ploughs and 'ammoniac manures.

  51. I do not know,' he once wrote, 'what is precisely meant by "ammoniac manure.

  52. The first is to beat sal ammoniac into a fine powder, then to moisten it with soft water, rubbing it on the ornaments, which must be heated over charcoal, and rubbed dry with bran and whiting.

  53. Take of sal-ammoniac and salts of tartar of each about two ounces; pound up the sal-ammoniac into small bits, and mix them gently with the salts of tartar.

  54. As this process is troublesome, and as the sal ammoniac is expensive, it is better to use the crude muriate of ammonium, which is the same substance as sal ammoniac, but before it has been purified by sublimation.

  55. Dissolve two drachms of sal ammoniac in six ounces of water, then add an ounce of distilled vinegar and the same quantity of rectified spirit.

  56. Hence, by re-subliming this soot, sal ammoniac was originally prepared in Egypt.

  57. Another process for making candles, in which sal ammoniac is used, is mentioned in the Annales des Arts et Manufactures, Nos.

  58. Sal ammoniac is a salt, composed of muriatic acid and ammonia, and, when pure, is white, and capable of being sublimed without decomposition.

  59. Sal ammoniac was altogether made, at one period, from the soot of camels' dung, or of other animals, which feed on saline plants.

  60. Sal ammoniac enters into the composition of candles, to prolong their duration.

  61. The composition of sal ammoniac being known, the process for obtaining it was improved; so that, instead of using the soot of dung, it is now formed by the distillation of bones.

  62. He recommends, however, mixing sal ammoniac with aqua fortis, the old mode of making aqua regia, and distilling the mixture; then putting in the gold in leaf.

  63. Sal ammoniac is ready formed in the soot of animal feces, twenty-six pounds of which yield six of the salt.

  64. Sal ammoniac is decomposed by a variety of substances.

  65. Sal ammoniac is often found in crusts of lava.

  66. Being conducted by pipes into the chamber, the gases united, and sal ammoniac was formed.

  67. The experiment, showing the formation of sal ammoniac by a direct union of its component parts, may be made by bringing in contact, in a glass receiver, muriatic acid gas and ammoniacal gas.

  68. Dissolve the sal ammoniac in the water thoroughly.

  69. To prevent the creeping of sal ammoniac up the neck of jar and on to the terminals of the cell, a layer of paraffin is applied to neck of jar and porous cup.

  70. This battery consists of a carbon rod surrounded by granular peroxide of manganese forming the positive pole and a piece of zinc for the negative pole, both elements being immersed in a solution of sal ammoniac (chloride of ammonia).

  71. The zincs should be as near chemically pure as can be obtained; the peroxide of manganese of the best quality and perfectly free from foreign substances, and the sal ammoniac the purest that can be manufactured.

  72. To set up a Leclanche cell, proceed as follows: Put six ounces of sal ammoniac into the glass jar; fill the jar one-third full of clear water and stir.

  73. If in a place where sal ammoniac cannot be procured, use temporarily common table-salt in same proportion; thoroughly well clean battery first.

  74. Use not more than six ounces, or more than four ounces avoirdupois, of chemically pure sal ammoniac to one cell Leclanche.

  75. When the surface has been evened and smoothed, the bidri ground is stained a permanent black by a paste the chief ingredients of which are sal-ammoniac and nitre, leaving a pleasing contrast of bright metallic silver in a dead black ground.

  76. Very dilute solutions of the mineral acids and of common salt and a solution of equal parts of sulphate of copper and sal-ammoniac act similarly.

  77. The first consists in filling in the neck with melted pitch, two small funnel-like tubes being previously inserted to admit of the addition of fresh sal ammoniac solution, and for the escape of gas.

  78. Should this be the case, more sal ammoniac must be added.

  79. The spirits of salts diluted with water, will remove iron moulds from linen; and sal ammoniac with lime, will take out the stains of wine.

  80. Reduce to powder an equal quantity of sal-ammoniac and quicklime separately, put two or three drops of the essence of bergamot into a small bottle, then add the other ingredients, and cork it close.

  81. To know whether this article be adulterated with lime, as is too frequently the case, put a little of the powder of sal-ammoniac into it, and stir it up with warm water.

  82. A plaster may also be made of sal ammoniac and some galbanum, which well kneaded together and applied, seldom fails of destroying them.

  83. Soak an ounce of isinglass in water until quite soft, then dissolve it in pure rum or brandy, until it forms a strong glue, to which add about a quarter of an ounce of gum ammoniac well rubbed and mixed.

  84. To clean gold, and restore its lustre, dissolve a little sal ammoniac in common wine.

  85. The first attempts made in France to obtain sal ammoniac profitably in this manner, failed.

  86. When we wish to combine tin with iron, as in the tinning of cast-iron tea kettles, we rub sal ammoniac upon the surfaces of the hot metals in contact with each other, and thus exclude the atmospheric oxygen by means of its fumes.

  87. On the other hand, two solutions must have been previously made ready, one of sal-ammoniac (4 oz.

  88. Upon this principle many sal ammoniac works have been established.

  89. Sal ammoniac has a certain tenacity, and is flexible under the hammer or pestle.

  90. But muriatic acid will be preferred, where it is as cheap as sulphuric of equivalent saturating power; because a tolerably pure sal ammoniac is thereby directly obtained.

  91. The best proportion of sal-ammoniac is, I believe, one per cent.

  92. Illustration: 956] The filters used in the large sal ammoniac works in France are represented in fig.

  93. In making water of ammonia on the great scale, a cast iron still should be preferred, and equal weights of quicklime and sal ammoniac should be brought to the consistence of a pap, with water, before the heat is applied.

  94. For ten years after that event, all the sal ammoniac consumed in France was imported into it from foreign countries.

  95. The sal ammoniac obtained by this process is dull, spongy, and of a grayish hue; but nothing better was for a long period known in commerce.

  96. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ammoniac" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.