But, with one or two individual exceptions, as plants and animals evolve, the union of two elements, male and female, is needed to start the amazingly complex process of building a new individual.
Worm composting is amazingly easy, although I admit there was a short learning curve and a few brief spells of sour odors that went away as soon as I stopped overfeeding the worms.
Though this reproductive rate is not the equal of yeast (capable of doubling every twenty minutes), still a several-hundred-fold increase every six months is amazingly fast.
Mice, on the other hand, are capable of squeezing through amazinglysmall openings.
Protein molecules differ from starches and sugars in that they are larger and amazingly more complex.
Again, he is amazingly sensitive for one not devoid of humor.
She was amazingly gracious to it--still with one exception.
From time to time, as some new monster came in sight, the ungainly head would shoot up amazingly to a distance of five or ten, or even fifteen feet, on a swaying pillar of a neck, in order to get a better view of the stranger.
Though their gnarled fingers were feeble, they were amazingly clever in the use of the sharp-edged flakes of stone which served them as knives.
At Santa Ana this feature is developed in an amazingly clear manner, and it is also combined with the dry timber line and with productivity in a way I have never seen equaled elsewhere.
Daisies, some of them now almost as large as Asters, are not only suited to the ribbon border, but make an amazingly brilliant show when the white, pink, and crimson are planted in masses or in separate beds.
Now, it is a very easy matter to render them at once profitable and beautiful, for when clothed with green vines bearing handsome Cucumbers, such houses are attractive and pay their way amazingly well.
His prediction that the luck would change had come amazingly true.
It was all amazingly petty, no doubt, but what was there remaining for me to do?
Fine work is done by fined-down workers, amazingly dwarfed and neat.
Occasionally there would be islets, dark blots apparently hanging in the air, or a flock of far-off marsh birds, with legs amazingly lengthened and distorted by the mirage.
But, most remarkable of all, the skin of the palms of those hands is amazingly soft.
From the first he had been amazingly frank in confessing his fear of the Westerner.
A copy is to the original what a dummy is to a live man, no matter how amazingly well done the copy is.
In the doorway to the dining salon stood Cunningham, on his amazinglyhandsome face an expression of anxious solicitude!
I've always hated a coward, and I'm probably the most amazingly craven one that ever lived.
The realization haunted and troubled him because even in this general association, her personality had flashed varyingly and amazingly from many facets.
The attacking fleet would divide and re-unite, break up and vanish, amazingly reappear.
Suddenly he began with anamazingly animated utterance.
It was amazingly true that he had won her, but Jeff could scarce believe the miracle.
It was amazingly true that he trod beside her an acknowledged friend, a secret lover.
In another story, in "Whirligigs," a nocturnal interview takes place in which a burglar and a small boy discuss the etiquette of their mutual relation by formulas derived from short stories with which both are amazingly conversant.
English speech is her speech, and if with a difference, it is a difference that the philologist, all things considered, finds amazingly small.
The per capita wages of Japanese laborers here are, of course, amazingly low.
Labor per day is amazingly cheap, but, in actual results, little cheaper than American labor.
My purpose has been to set forth the old and the new in due proportion; to present the play of new forces against and upon the ancient, the amazingly ancient, forces that have dominated whole races for centuries.
In Wuchang I crossed an amazingly steep, high hill known as "Dragon Hill," because of the Chinese belief that a dragon inhabits it.
And Edward Morgan himself was so amazingly kind, and equally amazingly obtuse.
Apathetic resignation to the inevitable followed upon this amazingly dull ceremony.
William appeared somewhat obviously not to see his youngest sister; she had become, since answering him with unpardonable rudeness in the drawing-room yesterday, amazingly invisible to him.
And he was amazingly kind and considerate for her unexpressed wishes.
His courage had revived amazinglywith the assurance that the robbers had fled.
The girl looked amazingly lovely all the time, and stood the smiles of those around her with a self-possession that showed me she knew perfectly well what she was about.