E buon comprare quando un altro vuol vendere=--It is well to buy when another wishes to sell.
Senz' altro dubbio se 'l pone a seguire, E già son giunti ad una selva scura Appunto in mezzo a quella selva piana, Era un bel prato intorno a una fontana.
Atalanta was left a young widow with one only son, this Grifonetto, whom Matarazzo calls 'un altro Ganimede,' and who combined the wealth of two chief branches of the Baglioni.
The Maga Manto of Dante becomes here a Fata, and we meet her in the form of a serpent; to account for which she says, Nascemmo ad un punto che d' ogni altro male Siamo capaci fuor che della morte.
I observe its become a Custom, that whenever any Gentlemen are particularly pleased with a Song, at their crying out Encore or Altro Volto, the Performer is so obliging as to sing it over again.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "altro" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.