Leaving the Hebrews, the Dean calls the Greeks as witnesses to establish the beneficence of flogging.
There was a time when nearly all believed in the reforming power of punishment--in the beneficence of brute force.
Refresh these human trees by Thy shower of beneficence and favor.
May 1912 Talk at Reception at Metropolitan Temple Seventh Avenue and Fourteenth Street, New York Notes by Esther Foster The Fatherhood of God, His loving-kindness and beneficence are apparent to all.
Consequently, man must learn the lesson of kindness and beneficence from God Himself.
So early does the work, the responsible work of life begin, and so early may its springs of beneficence be opened.
But what avail self-abnegation and beneficence against blind, insane rage!
He proposes to decree; accordingly, that all hospitals and places of beneficence be placed under the control of the nation.
I am he that possesseth all majesty, And beneficence and charity are from my grace, I am he that entereth the heart in my zeal; And I shine through the power of my awfulness and majesty.
Thy inebriety is most intense,' exclaims the eulogist, and soothingly adds, 'Thou desirest that both thy inebriety and thy beneficence should be the means of destroying enemies and distributing riches.
I look into the religious newspapers, and in one column I behold a curse on the stock-jobbing of Wall street, and in the next, the praise of the beneficence of General Robert Belcher.
She clothed and informed all his acts of beneficence with the motives which became them.
The dispatch that roused the General from his dream ofbeneficence was from his agent at Sevenoaks, and read thus: "Jim Fenton's wedding occurred this morning.
Let us in our age continue to hold the belief that benevolence and beneficence are the characteristics of a good man; but let us not fail to add "provided that in the first place he exhibits his benevolence and beneficence towards himself.
I contended, that in the circumstances in which the children of the poor were placed at that time, it was an act of mercy and Christian beneficence to teach them to write on Sundays.
Idleness and selfishness are the greatest of all heresies, and love and beneficence the perfection of all religion.
This negligence on the part of the Jews became the cause of keeping away a multitude from the heavenly bounties and from the beneficence of the Holy Spirit for nineteen-hundred years.
Do not seek from them any reward whatever, but seek all grace and beneficence from thy Lord, and even deal with the people of great oppression in faithfulness, for as much as this is becoming of the people of Baha’.
The sea of forgiveness hath moved and the waves of pardon and beneficence have submerged the people of sin.
So will thy beneficence be accomplished unto me and may God Almighty requite thee for me with good!
Mr. Bunce opened his eyes, startled and shocked that one so much interested in works of beneficence should have so little charity.
We have ceased to rely onbeneficence or generosity.
It is no longer a matter of beneficence but it is a matter of necessity which must be accomplished immediately (cheers).
And the Principle of Evil descended again upon the intellect, from which the guide of beneficence was gone.
I admire your sentiment, and adopt it; but I fear that the knowledge which aims only at beneficencevery rarely in this world gets any power at all.
Her beneficence they sought, and her power they shunned, her teaching through both, they understood never.
If so, where was the boasted beneficenceof democracies?
In this fashion Rodney began a song of praise of Jefferson, for the beneficence of whose Administration "the lamentable annals of mankind afford no example.
We do not dispute the beneficenceof Russia's government of Kuldja.
When, too, it is remembered that their communities were often thus further burdened by the problems incident to the presence of an increasing body of freedmen, the full import of the beneficence is better appreciated.