And they shall be conuersant and merchandizen freelie and suerlie togither, paieng the custome due and accustomed.
This pardon was so freelie granted that no offense was excepted, no not so much as high treason committed against the kings roiall person.
This beneuolent liberalitie was not altogither freelie giuen.
And to the maintenance of that warre, a subsidie was by whole assent of the parlement freelie giuen and granted.
The lords were shortlie aduertised of the louing consent which the commons frankelie and freelie had giuen.
Thus became Britaine the first prouince that generallie receiued the faith, and where the gospell was freelie preached without inhibition of hir prince.
For though the Scotish histories doo carrie great countenance of their antiquitie in this Iland: yet (to saie freelie what I thinke) I iudge them rather to haue stolne in hither within the space of 100.
But the Flemish writers saie, the Englishmen set fire in foure parts of the towne indeed, that they might the more freelie haue robbed in other parts thereof, whilest the townesmen had gone about to quench the fire.
Earle Guie also obteined of king Edward, that it might be lawfull for them of Bruges to buy wools, through England, Scotland and Ireland, as freelie as the Italians might by their priuilege and grant.
Sidenote: 1] First, that the said Leolin should set at libertie all prisoners which he held in captiuitie for the king of Englands cause, freelie and without all challenge.
Likewise the Gascoignes and Englishmen being come to Burdeaux, made great reuell and pastime there, spending freeliethat gold and siluer which they had woone in the battell of Poictiers, and elsewhere in that iournie.
King Iames hauing small confidence in his communaltie, and lesse trust in his nobilitie, kept himselfe within the castell of Edenburgh.
On mondaie he marched forward to Chichester, where he had sure aduertisement, that they intended to be at Bath the next daie being tuesdaie, and on wednesdaie to come forward to giue him battell.
But the king vsed such gentle fashions toward them, with freendlie praier of their assistance in his necessitie, that they could not otherwise doo, but franklie and freelie yeeld and giue him a reasonable and competent summe.
Moreouer, towards his charges of late susteined, a competent summe of monie was demanded, and freelie granted.
O the patience and clemencie of this good king, who (besides the putting vp of wrongs doone to him by violence of foes without vengeance) freelie forgaue the offenders, and did so honorablie temper his affections!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "freelie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.