He felt as if he had unexpectedly struck a match and set fire to something old and long dried, which began to burn alarmingly and almost consumed him in its sudden malicious blaze.
John isn't alarmingly handsome--not half so beautiful as he is good.
Because the noise in his throat was growing alarmingly louder every moment, the latter went on talking almost wildly, to cover that weakness which he could not control.
Groping back for one single peg upon which to hang the fabric of their oft-reiterated prophesy was alarmingly profitless.
I have made trial of this practice, but most dangerous swelling ensued, the mouth was rapidly filled, and the system alarmingly shaken; after all the disease was not eradicated.
In some rare cases, it may be necessary to take away the offending part, in consequence of the health alarmingly declining.
There was no mistaking the fear on the face of Pedro when a bullet entered through the window and pinged against the fireplace alarmingly close to him.
It had been alarmingly easy and so quickly done that the spectators did not at first realize that a robbery had been committed and foiled almost on the same instant.
They were exerting all their powerful influence to increase the chance, alreadyalarmingly great, of making a Democrat the next President of the United States.
The Democrats worked as men work when they anticipate glorious triumph; and even the Republicans conceded that the chance of their opponents wasalarmingly good.
Our latitude agrees exactly with what I supposed, according to the dead reckoning, but our longitude is almost alarmingly westerly, in spite of the fact that our course has been the whole time somewhat southerly.
The ridge began to come alarmingly near, and, should it be upon us before the Fram had broken loose from the ice, matters might become very unpleasant.
Now toward midnight, in this desolate spot, miles from any house, I grew alarmingly worse.
Small-calibre rifles are becoming alarmingly common in the hands of boys.
This is due to its alarmingly small range, the insignificant number of individuals now living, the openness of the species to attack, and the danger of its extinction by poison.
Cossie was exceedingly anxious (being the eldest of the family) to secure a home of her own, and made this alarmingly obvious.
The kitchen utensils were dispersed at an alarmingly high figure, and a Turkey carpet, aged twenty years, fetched more than its original cost.
Shafto bore his honours modestly, and was glared on by Bernhard who, drawn up beside her ladyship like an Imperial Guardsman, presented an alarmingly militant and stern appearance.
The ancient vehicle, well oiled, but rattling faintly still, swung alarmingly close to one street corner lamp-post and then another.
Mr. Burr's manner had become alarmingly official, but his client continued to smile at him, and to fold and unfold his cap methodically.
The water-carrier was in truth alarmingly ill, and he was not likely to remain so much longer, if left to himself; for it was already the eleventh hour with him.
It does not seem alarmingly near, at all events; and I beg to assure you that the interference he talks of on my behalf, was of such a nature, that it is of my gratitude he bears the emblems which he attributes to his friendly zeal.
It was pleasantly adventurous, but to a youth of his virtue it savored too alarmingly of black magic that her attention should be upon him while her words were elsewhere, and that he should be so keenly aware of her.
René saw his eyes follow her and appreciate her movements, and he became acutely, alarmingly conscious that she also was a woman.
They were trifles, but they attacked his habits of speech; and he began to grow more and more alarmingly absurd in each fresh caricature of his person.
A short distance back in the forest there came the crash of trampled undergrowth and, the next moment, a huge black bulk detached itself from the dark background and stood forth in the moonlight, alarmingly close.
The falls were alarmingly close when suddenly the eyes of the cub brightened.
He gulped alarmingly as the full knowledge overwhelmed him.
The newcomer continued to prance alarmingly and to wield his arms as if against an invisible opponent.
It broke out so alarmingly that he was obliged to hurry home at full speed.
After Bacon’s death there was total disorder; no authority was acknowledged, theft became alarmingly common, and the agent’s life was threatened.
Sir James had been called out from dinner by a servant from Mentmore, who said that there had been no time to write, but that he had been sent off to fetch him, for the Baroness was so alarmingly ill that there was not a moment to be lost.
Mrs. Stewart had been most alarmingly ill, but said she had rallied from the moment Alfred Denison paid her a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Grey were out of town for a few weeks, during which the child became alarmingly low.
That night she was in a high fever, and for two or three days she continued alarmingly ill--but at the end of that time she was enabled to sit up.
They LOOK between four and five feet high, but are really much smaller; for when a musician in the orchestra happens to put his hat on the stage, it becomes alarmingly gigantic, and almost blots out an actor.
This operation was reversed when we neared the shore, and a cage was lowered from the iron pier which loomed prodigiously and alarmingly high above us, and we were swung up in safety.
However, cross it we must, so the faithful Gorgonio led the way and the baggage-mules followed, their loads only just clearing the water, which swirled up alarmingly near to them at every step.
The hostile line of battle was pressing alarmingly near, and, moreover, it had begun at last to converge on the flanks of the gun.
Vivian; "for they say that bands of the rebels do come alarmingly close to Philadelphia.
Health Office show that while cases of heatstroke were alarmingly frequent, dysentery was unusually rare during the entire season.
Peritonitis alarmingly aggravates the prognosis, and perforation is almost of necessity fatal.
In some cases this happens at every stool, the patient losing from a few ounces to a half pint of blood almost daily untilalarmingly depleted.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alarmingly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: awfully; dreadfully; frightfully; horribly; horridly; terribly; terrifically; tremendously