They embrace, the trumpets sound, the King entereth with his power, alarum vnto the battell.
And when she speakes, Is it not an Alarum to Loue?
Ring the Alarum Bell, blow Winde, come wracke, At least wee'l dye with Harnesse on our backe.
Here anAlarum againe, and Talbot pursueth the Dolphin, and driueth him: Then enter Ioane de Puzel, driuing Englishmen before her.
A flourish Trumpets, strike Alarum Drummes: Let not the Heauens heare these Tell-tale women Raile on the Lords Annointed.
I had rather haue one scratch my Head i'th' Sun, When the Alarum were strucke, then idly sit To heare my Nothings monster'd.
The troubling and persistent alarum of rebellion calls from many sides, and as instances of its call I have introduced mention of various rebels, whether against authority or custom.
Camillas alarum to slumbering Euphues, in his melancholie cell at Silexedra," 1589.
This, alternating with the squeak of a quill pen, went on till the alarum clock once more went off.
The seven o'clock alarum woke him to the preparation of the evening meal.
This aged butler lay in bed waiting for the inevitable striking of a small alarumclock placed in the very centre of his mantelpiece.
These delightful labours occupied the remainder of the night until the alarum warned us that it was time to part.
Yielding to the circumstances, she set the alarum for ten o'clock, and we went to bed in the alcove.
At last the fatal alarum was heard: we had to stop our amorous transports; but before she left my arms she raised her eyes towards heaven as if to thank her Divine Master for having given her the courage to declare her passion to me.
Unfortunately, sleep had conquered her before your departure, and she only woke when the alarum struck, too late to detain you, for you had rushed with the haste of a man who is flying from some terrible danger.
The duty of a secretary, when the alarum clock strikes, is to get up and visit the houses of all the members allotted to him and to shout for the young men until they answer.
Six hours afterwards, when the alarum warned us that it was time to part, we found them asleep in each other's embrace.
The alarum continues,—the friends of Brutus again remonstrate, and Clitus urges him to escape (l.
The method in which an alarum is struck may be understood by reference to either of the recoil escapements (figs.
Mr. Lewisham was to rise at five, and that this was no vain boasting, a cheap American alarum clock by the books on the box witnessed.
The time was six and he had not heard the alarum; as a matter of fact the alarum had not been wound up.
One alarum of copper garnished with silver, enamelled with divers colours having in the top a box of silver, standing upon a green molehill a flower of silver, the same altar standing upon three pomegranates of silver.
One round hanging dial, with an alarumclosed in crystal.
And when one summer evening they paid their vows again, They heard the alarum ring to arms across the darkling plain; For the foes' approach had roused the watch and caused the war-like sound.
There is a charming libel on Napoleon in a periodical publication, called ‘Ring the Alarum Bell,’ No.
In a little periodical, called ‘Ring the Alarum Bell!
From the many works I have consulted, whilst writing this book, I can believe the words of General Danican (who has been before quoted) in ‘Ring the Alarum Bell!
His next publication was his "Alarum against Usurers" (1584), a book belonging to a class of tracts popular in that day in which the characters and customs of the underworld of London were exposed to popular execration.