And so being corrupted he did allow that fall from the maniers of the grecians / through which he did sustayn great reproche amonge the wise / and mutche hatred amonge his souldiours / ãd that not vnworthilie.
For olde and practised souldiours doo by and by foresée to what issue things will come, but yoong men, and such as want experience, doo not forthwith espie out the euent of each enterprise.
The number of Turkish souldiours which were appointed to goe into Hungary against the Christian Emperour.
The eight souldiours being returned to their wished home, immediatly sent newes of all that had passed to the Viceroy vnto the city of Mexico, which is distant from the sayd mines of Santa Barbara 160 leagues.
All the time that we stayed at the Councell chamber doore they were telling or weighing of money to send into Persia for his Souldiours pay.
Ten or twelue of our Souldiours ranne vp the hill, whereof the enemy tooke one, and presently cut him in foure peeces.
The Spaniardes perceiuing that they were strong enough to encounter with our people, suddainly leapt out of their dens, and beset our souldiours on both sides.
To whome he said: "Sirs, I haue founde out this good fellow, and therfore I haue sent for you, that we altogether may goe to see him.
Thus deceyuing the deceyuers, all foure were partakers of the pleasure, which two alone thought to enioy.
The number of Turkish souldiours which were appointed to goe into Hungary against the Christian Emperour, 1594.
The rest of the souldiours followed Brutus to Rome.
Wherin also was enacted, that the departure of the people, and mutine of the souldiours should be pardoned.
The same historie is written by Cato, in an oration which he made to his souldiours against Galba, contayninge in effecte as foloweth.
Who willed him to kepe the younge souldiours still in intertaignement, for that hee woulde require their aide against the Veientes.
He diminished the Souldiours wages, being by them called Ianischari.
With these woordes and the like spoken by Achamat Basca, the Souldiours were somewhat appeased, and all thinges were franckely suffered to bee carried out of Mustapha hys Pavylion to the Kynge's.
And after he had called together the common Souldiours and the chiefe men of Warre in the Army, hee sente them to meete wyth Mustapha, who without any tarrying most readily obeyed his commaundement, to put themselues in readines.
And the Souldiours thincking the same should be gieuen amongs them made as mutch haste to dispatche his commaundement.
Howbeit the Souldiours gaue diligent heede to their watch and warde euery man in his place appoynted, that the king might not secretly conuey himselfe away, and so deceyue theym of his promisses, and the expectation of their requests.
For which qualities he was meruaylously beloued of the Souldiours and Men of warre, and for his wisedome and iustice very acceptable to the people.
The Souldiours being leuied, hee pryvily commaunded Rustanus in as secret manner as hee could and without any Tumulte to lay handes vpon Mustapha, and to bryng hym bound to Canstantinople.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "souldiours" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.