Under the heading of political toasts are a number free from party sentiment, advocating more the glory of our country than the praise of a particular party.
Hardly had the organization campaign begun in 1918, when the Gary Tribune bitterly assailed the unions, accusing them of advocating evasion of the draft, discouragement of liberty bond sales, and general opposition to the war program.
It is usual in advocating a favorite subject to appropriate all possible excellence, and endeavor to concentrate every doubtful auxiliary, that we may fortify to the utmost the theme of our attention.
With those who wereadvocating the measure Vansittart, the new Chancellor of the Exchequer, effected a compromise behind the back of the Post Office.
What votes will the advocating of the reform gain?
I am not advocating such a course as being in itself desirable or undesirable.
It is because I believe this that I am advocating this course, which will not make immorality easier, but rather will impose definite obligations where now none exist.
I am not advocating bad and low class entertainments; I hate them and think their suggestive influence a curse among us.
Excel these wretches in industry, in honesty, in reverence for parents, in cleanliness, in frugality, and above all by advocating the absolute liberty of human thought.
I admit that thousands and thousands of church people, with their pastors and the deacons, are today advocating religious principles that they deem right and good.
But do not thou be content with this ignorance, because the knowledge of his advocating it for thee will yield thee present relief.
For espousing the cause of liberty England declared him an outlaw; for advocating mercy France gave him a prison; and for proclaiming the truth America placed upon his aged head the cruel crown of thorns.
The book was primarily written as a political satire on the state of England in 1705, when the Tories were accusing Marlborough and the ministry of advocating the French War for personal reasons.
As a physician he seems to have done little, and lived poorly on a pension given him by some Dutch merchants and money which he earned from distillers for advocating the use of spirits.
So far is Leibnitz from advocating universal identity, that he establishes an infinite plurality and multiplicity: his monads are beings really different and distinct among themselves.
These parts, A and B, either are simple or they are not; if they are simple, why persist in advocating materialism, when we must finally return to simple beings?
I would give James Mill as much opportunity for advocating his opinion,' he said, 'as is consistent with a voyage to Botany Bay.
Lord Wolseley at once drew up a memorandum advocating the annexation of the Sudan.
John Home, and Junius advocating it as the surest road to political perfection, and as the only means of preserving the substantial freedom of the constitution.
He went to the country advocating the re-imposition of a corn-tax, and on his return presented himself to the house a convert to the opinion that it would be wrong to disturb the settlement of 1846.
You are now advocating an individualism with which the Church can have no sympathy.
It ought to be a popular bill, too," Mr. Schemer was saying, with a smile of ironic appreciation at the thought of demagogues advocating it.
During 1879 and the following year I received a multitude of letters and newspaper paragraphs advocating my nomination for President.
But for the thing itself, I deny that any man has ever gone ahead of me in his devotion to the principle, whatever he may have done in efficiency in advocating it.
Patrick Henry, remember, wasadvocating killing people, as well as destroying private property, as the proper means of securing the political freedom of men.
The difficult task of advocating this measure devolved upon Mr. Calhoun, who sustained his cause more ingeniously than ingenuously.
It was perfectly logical, after advocating the compromise measures, to advise giving the government into the hands of a party controlled by the South.
Mr. Webster, however, made a speech at Andover, defending his course and advocating Whig principles, and declared that he was not a candidate for office.
In that dark hour, men remembered the Daniel Webster who replied to Hayne, and turned away from the man who had sought for peace by advocating the great compromise of Henry Clay.
They despatched preachers to Geneva, where there were already two political factions, one advocating a closer alliance with Savoy, another clamouring for a union with Berne.
There, the Abbot of St. Cyran had been busily at work preparing the way for Jansen's doctrine, by attacking the modern laxity of the Church, and advocating the necessity of a complete return to the rigorous discipline of the early centuries.
Had the Humanists contented themselves with advocating merely a return to classical studies, and had the Scholastics recognised that philosophy was not the only path to culture, it might have been possible to avoid a conflict.
But I am not advocatingtax reduction merely for the benefit of the taxpayer; I am advocating it for the benefit of the country.
Railroad consolidation which I am advocating would also result in a situation where rates could be made more advantageous for farm produce, as has recently been done in the revision of rates on fertilizers in the South.
During the presidential campaign of the year following he edited a paper in Kentucky, the Rough and Ready, advocating the claims of Gen.
Presenting ideal forms of {404} government and advocating principles not altogether certain in practice, they made it seem, through these speculative theories, that a perfect government is possible.
Among those advocating the payment were Senators Benton, and Dix of New York.
The blind old Wesselenyi traversed the country, advocating rural freedom and the abolition of the urbarial burdens.
Henry George is a utilitarian in principle, but as he speaks as yet in the minority, albeit advocating the welfare of the majority, until men are convinced as to his line of argument he is a disturber of the peace of present society.
Some of the most influential newspapers were fearlessly advocating the Union cause.
That a large number of anti-slavery Americans were advocating and effecting the emancipation of slaves appears throughout these documents.