We suffer no loss by the loss of our bodies (which are butadscititious garments of our souls); but we lose every thing, by the loss of our souls which last forever and never perish.
We rob them of their amusing but adscititious qualities; we make them utterly uninteresting to precisely 99.
All notice, and some enjoy, thisadscititious literary overtone.
The Epicheirema is called Single or Double, says Hamilton, according as an "adscititious proposition" attaches to one or both of the premises.
The Single Epicheirema is said to be of the First Order, if the adscititiousproposition attach to the major premise; if to the minor, of the Second Order.
The animistic invocation, being omitted from the process of stopping the rain, seems to be merely adscititious to the making of it.
Talismans and spells, not by themselves relied upon, but only adscititious to common-sense actions, give confidence without weakening endeavour.