She therefore adroitlychanged the conversation to his own comforts in a cup of tea before he went to bed.
Consider that to-night is the only opportunity the gentlemen may ever have of hearing how adroitly the ladies can flatter them.
Harriet parried his importunities as adroitly as she could; determined to avoid any farther exhibition with him, and yet unwilling to sit still, according to the usual ball-room penalty for refusing the invitation of a proffered partner.
Without waiting for a reply she adroitly swept back her skirts to free her feet and went out of the church blushing.
It is just what I was thinking of,' said De Stancy, now so far cooled down from his irritation as to be quite ready to accept Dare's adroitly suggested scheme.
Regardless of the burning breath, he soothed their rage with his voice, patted their necks with fearless hand, and adroitly slipped over them the yoke, and compelled them to drag the plough.
Wool of Tyrian dye is contrasted with that of other colors, shaded off into one another so adroitly that the joining deceives the eye.
The Spaniard adroitlystepped aside, and gave way to the rushing tempest.
Cæsar made angry appeals and intrigued adroitlyto secure the reassembling of the Synod in Trent.
The conspirators in Piacenza at first really intended to establish a popular government; but Doria adroitly induced them to communicate with Gonzaga.
A rider could not have leaped more adroitly to the saddle.
This last conjecture was the more likely, though so secretly and adroitly had they managed their migration, that not a trace of the movement could be detected.
Lady Dargan, in spite of herself, blushed, but without confusion, and Gaston adroitly led the conversation otherwhere.
As soon as the ladies were gone, Garthorne sent the wine round and adroitly turned the conversation back again to general subjects.
He did not hear it, but he noticed the embarrassed air of the young lady, and the quick change that came over her countenance as she adroitly evaded the answer.
The testimony of Withers is adroitly handled to throw doubt upon these facts.
He adroitly adjusted the proper accessories, and he created an appropriate atmosphere.
In fact, it was so adroitly hidden that when he first loomed on the horizon, careless theatrical critics were tempted rather to deny its existence.
As for the pigeon's head, it was adroitly whipped off by the servant, who had received his orders to that effect in German.
Every day some new surprise was adroitly brought forward to delay our departure.
Ridicule braced and exaggerated her weaknesses, and the strokes of sarcasm she could adroitly parry; but for persistent magnanimity she was no match, and recoiled before it like the traditional Fiend at sight of the Santo Sudario.
Muriel adroitly folded her embroidered silk apron over a package of letters that lay in her lap, and affected an air of gayety at variance with her dim eyes and wet lashes.
Lord Lyons generally showed this tact and adroitly avoided the breakers.
It was Grandma Keeler who quietly and adroitlyrestored peace to the troubled waters.
I escaped their violence, however, by stepping adroitly out of the way.
The article abounds in falsehood, though to serve its purpose it is certainly adroitly written.
Thus very adroitly they swerved the huge fish toward the now distant shore of Bimini, hoping to master it in the shallower waters of the isle.
Paul and Bob both laughed, and harder yet as the bright little animal shot a paw into Paul's pocket and adroitlydrew out a Brazilian gold coin called a milreis, worth about fifty-four cents in American money.
This threat, adroitly thrown out as an afterthought, was intended to immediately clinch the matter.
La Peyrade gained a second benefit out of that speech so adroitly flung out; he saw by Brigitte's answer to it that the countess had not mentioned to her the visit he had paid her during the day.
He had seen the bird dart down between them; but so adroitly had it seized the cobra and carried it off, that Jan, looking only at Trüey, had not perceived the serpent in its beak.
After these three salvos, taken up by some few voices, three crowns and a quantity of bouquets were adroitly flung into the room through the open window.
Then she adroitly slipped a leg over the top of the saddle and plummeted down with a sudden rush of air to alight on her feet and stand smiling impishly down at him with her little fists on her hips.
Outwardly confident before all, Sorpiala smoothly and adroitly copied the first woman's awkward approaches and fell at Emperor Euphrates's feet.
Having once nibbled, Evans was not long in biting at the bait thus adroitly held before him.