The first time it was necessary for this Long Island boy to let himself be seen as Ellis turned for a look backward, Hank yanked off his hat, nimbly chasing a butterfly, which he missed.
He ran nimbly aft, then came struggling under his armful.
One squad climbed nimbly up the ridge to the left.
And those good fellows the gunners loved it too; the men we saw jumping nimbly down from their limber, quickly unhitching their piece, and pointing it with tender care towards the enemy.
He seized it, and nimbly slid down into the craft.
Mr. Fluxion, and the top-men and top-gallant-men ran up the rigging as nimbly as though they had perfectly comprehended the purpose of the officers.
It was with some difficulty that he squeezed his broad shoulders through the narrow opening; but once without the wall he nimbly lowered himself to the bottom, a depth of about sixty feet.
Her little bird--a poor slight thing the pressure of a finger would have crushed--was stirring nimbly in its cage; and the strong heart of its child mistress was mute and motionless for ever.
As Mr Brass and Miss Sally looked up to ascertain the cause, the top sash was nimblylowered from without, and Quilp thrust in his head.
He had no servant with him, and, without waiting for any one to hold his stirrup, he threw himself nimbly from the saddle.
So henimbly leapt into the Boat, and shewing no more Concern, suffer’d himself to be row’d up the River, with his seventeen Companions.
Light and very agile, the younger lad had better luck, landing nimbly on his feet on the cross plank of the old boat.
Blaise straightened up, hooked his fingers over the edge of a narrow, rock shelf, swung himself up, and ascended the rest of the way as nimbly as a squirrel.
Nimbly the light-footed Blaise threaded his way among trees and undergrowth, and sprang down the open slopes.
So saying, the stranger sprang nimblyto his feet and catching up one of the swords took it by the blade and gave its massy hilt to Beltane's hand.
Seaton dodged nimbly as Dorothy sought to take him in her arms, and tore off his suit.
If a precipice obstructed his way, he climbed it as nimbly as a goat, and later, when they had to descend, he bunched his hoofs and slid down the rocky inclines.
Then both cubs scurried after him, and, nimblyscaling the cliff, they caught up with him and tossed him down on the moss, like a ball.
And speaking, Robin sprang nimbly to the great oak tree and thrusting long arm within the jagged fissure that gaped therein drew forth a hunting-horn and winded it loud and shrill.
Then 'neath the fellow's guard did nimbly slip And caught him in a cunning wrestler's grip.
Mountain trout are observed disporting in this stream, and big, gray lizards scuttle nimbly about among the loose rocks on the bank.
Wat watched her without speaking as she moved nimbly and with a certain deft, defiant ease about the sprucely painted kitchen.
It flickered low, and then caught again, as Wat stepped nimbly within, and made the point of his sword circle about him to clear himself a space against attack.
Then he scrambled up the side of the nullah and nimbly climbed the tallest tree.
He leapt on to the horse's back nimbly enough, and kept his seat, as it seemed, by sheer muscular force.
Then the cobbler sprang nimbly down, seized the tree with both hands, as if he had carried it all the way, and called to the giant, "Think of a big fellow like you not being able to carry a tree!
Hansel ran nimbly about, and as she was trying to catch him, the mother upset a jug of milk.
Perceiving Ravenslee, he blinked, rubbed his eyes, and stepping from the car very nimbly despite his years, faced the intruder with a ferocious scowl.
Kortes added to his wonder by springingnimbly up the ladder, and pulling it up after him.
A moment later we grated on the shingle, where the Pasha, who had leapt down nimbly from his perch, stood awaiting us.
They skipped nimbly round the corner, and with highly satisfactory laughter watched their blushing partner labouring dismally to collect the fragments.
When he sees progress roaring down upon him he steps nimblyout of the way.
But Seeley offered no more explanations and the vivacious intruder fell to his task of demolishing sauerkraut with great gusto, after which he nimbly vanished into a cruising hansom with a sense of having been rebuffed.
Presently the two teams trotted on the field, not as nimbly as at their first appearance, but with dogged resolution in their demeanor.
In this route, one of my men caught hold upon him who carried their ensign; but the fellow nimbly and very bravely disengaged himself from him, and leapt into the path; making for the town as fast as he could speed.