Directed the White House Working Group to annually review existing and proposed policies, programs, and budget levels to determine their adequacy in meeting rural needs and the fulfilling of the policy's objectives and principles.
The conception of perfection in a practical sense is the adequacy of a thing for various ends.
My experience while in office at the Admiralty had led me profoundly to suspect (among other things) the adequacy of the provision for reserve ammunition.
Some bank considers its credit too heavily engaged, or suspects the adequacy of the collateral.
The experience of last spring in India proves the adequacy of a reserve of 15 or 20 per cent.
We pass on now to consider its adequacy in respect to emergency elasticity--the elasticity which enables a currency to adjust itself to those extraordinary fluctuations in need which mark a banking panic and the depression that follows.
We have discussed the adequacy of the new note issue in respect to seasonal or ordinary elasticity.
The same simple grandeur invests old Newgate Prison--perfect reality, entire adequacy for its purpose, a relation of every part to the end for which it was built, like the harmonies that make the lion.
The first is the beauty of adequacy for a purpose, involving at once strength and proportion, suggesting what the Greeks may have meant when, in their myth, they wedded Aphrodite to Hephaistos.
With reference to other members of a community, this adequacy of action signifies, of course, that they are getting the best service the person can render.
Hence education means the enterprise of supplying the conditions which insure growth, or adequacy of life, irrespective of age.
To predetermine some future occupation for which education is to be a strict preparation is to injure the possibilities of present development and thereby to reduce the adequacy of preparation for a future right employment.
The second thing to note is the extreme brevity and yet the completeadequacy of the description of each person.
Of course, this is not to say that constant practice is not necessary to gain any real facility and adequacy in applying the principles of construction.
The object is not to display perfect use of epithet, rather to demonstrate the entire adequacy of brief and pungent description.
Not infrequently we found the caecums of markedly scorbutic pigs to contain semi-fluid faeces, the consistency of its contents depending on the character of the diet, quite apart from its adequacy and lack of the antiscorbutic factor.
Cohen and Mendel, in order to test the adequacy of their diet as to roughage, supplemented it with additions of considerable filter paper and sawdust, "without averting the appearance of scurvy.
Completeness does not mean exhaustiveness per se, but adequacy as respects end and its means.
This is to say validity really refers to rightfulness or adequacy of performance in an asserting of connection--not to a meaning as contemplated in detachment.
And if he is asked for a description ofadequacy of evidence, he certainly will refer to matters of observation and experiment.
The bioinstrumentation was effectively tested and the adequacy of the environmental control system was demonstrated.
And the value of history is similar to that of poetry, and varies with the beauty, power, and adequacy of the form in which the indeterminate material of human life is presented.
The greatest mastery of technique will therefore come short of perfect adequacy and exhaustiveness; there must always remain a penumbra and fringe of suggestion if the most explicit representation is to communicate a truth.
There is, then, a real propriety in calling beauty a manifestation of God to the senses, since, in the region of sense, the perception of beauty exemplifies that adequacy and perfection which in general we objectify in an idea of God.
The delay served, as has been said, to give proof of the rapidity of Nelson's action; the receipt of the orders enabled him also to show how much clearer were his conceptions of adequacy than those of ordinary men.
The situation is inherently an uneasy one--one in which everything hangs upon the performance of the operation indicated; upon the adequacy of movement as a connecting link, or real adjustment of the thing meaning and the thing meant.
The adequacy of any particular account is not a matter to be settled by general reasoning, but by finding out what sort of an experience the truth-experience actually is.
That under a new rule of rate-making the railroads shall be assured adequate revenues; and adequacy shall be defined in the first two years as a net return of 5-1/2 or 6 per cent.
Thereafter the adequacy of the return is left to the judgment of the Interstate Commerce Commission.
IV When, therefore, any one asserts the adequacy of the scientific approach to life, one answer stands ready to our hand: science deals primarily with facts and their laws, not with their spiritual interpretations.
Such has been public confidence in the efficacy and adequacy of this scientific control of life to meet all human needs, that in multitudes of minds religion has been crowded to the wall.
Without discussing the adequacy of the definition, we will begin with these.
This art, therefore, owing to the greater variety of means at its disposal, and its greater adequacy to express emotion, became the paramount Italian art.
With unalterable affection and a material request that an unstinted adequacy of new garments may be sent by a sure and speedy hand.
This test is precisely the same as the test of adequacy for antecedent probability.
If the reader of the brief has the conclusion in his mind at the very start, he can test the strength and adequacy of the proof very quickly, and can, perhaps, the first time he reads the argument form an opinion as to its worth.
The good effects of sexual intercourse depend upon its adequacy to the feelings, upon the absence of any exhausting imaginative activity, and upon the absence also of artificial bodily stimulation.
Adequacy for life, adequacy for everyday life here and now, must be the test of all true religion.
May adequacy of consideration be considered in determining whether or not fraud was used in procuring a contract?
When fraud does not enter into the question, adequacy of the consideration is not questioned.