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Example sentences for "acquiescing"

Lexicographically close words:
acquiesce; acquiesced; acquiescence; acquiescent; acquiesces; acquire; acquired; acquirement; acquirements; acquirer
  1. If by acquiescing in his company she had owned to a tie between them, the lace shawl falling over the tails of her dark hair and framing in its folds her face, had somehow made her once more a stranger.

  2. He beheld Eldon Parr in his pew complacently worshipping that God, who had rewarded him with riches and success--beheld himself as another man in his white surplice acquiescing in that God, preaching vainly .

  3. She laughed again, acquiescing in his humour, secretly thankful not to find him sentimental.

  4. You don't tell me," said the Honorable Alva, acquiescing cheerfully in the change of subject.

  5. Free, and rejoicing; without the wish to be free; at the same time humbly and sadly acquiescing in the stronger claim of his family to pronounce the decision: such was the second stage of Dudley's perturbation after the blow.

  6. Nataly also had her sense of safety in acquiescing to such a voice coming from such a garb.

  7. Gregory excused himself on the ground that his legates had been deceived and had acted under compulsion in acquiescing in the action of the diet at Forchheim.

  8. He had crushed his formidable cousin, Henry the Lion, and banished him from Germany; he had turned the truce with the Lombards into the Peace of Constance by acquiescing in the loss of the imperial rights for which he had fought.

  9. This was the precise period of time in which our fathers adopted, and during which they followed, a policy restricting the spread of slavery, and the whole Union was acquiescing in it.

  10. It was in these words: "If the Supreme Court of States cannot exclude slavery from their limits, are you in favor of acquiescing in, adhering to, and following such decision as a rule of political action?

  11. If the Supreme Court of the United States shall decide that States cannot exclude slavery from their limits, are you in favor of acquiescing in, adopting, and following such decision as a rule of political action?

  12. Touching the disagreements as to acquiescing in the Paris convention and the proposed modification, I ask to explain the reason of the latter.

  13. Agis, at once acquiescing in the proposal, granted them a truce of four months to accomplish what they had promised.

  14. He beheld Eldon Parr in his pew complacently worshipping that God, who had rewarded him with riches and success--beheld himself as another man in his white surplice acquiescing in that God, preaching vainly.

  15. Cristoforo, it was said, instead of acquiescing in Battista's proposal, persuaded the latter to reveal the whole to the Pontiff.

  16. There was an evident distinction between silently acquiescing in it, and giving it the support of a formal and positive stipulation.

  17. I am entertained to see him just the same he has always been, never yielding up his own opinion in fact, and yet in words acquiescing in all that could be said against it.

  18. Yesterday I wrote to James Ballantyne, acquiescing in his urgent request to extend the two last volumes to about 600 each.

  19. Then, with a slight shrug of the shoulders, as if acquiescing in the unavoidable presence of a stranger, he handed me the envelope with a deep bow.

  20. I rose with a sigh of despair, acquiescing in my fate.

  21. Jessie moved, spoke, and thought like one in a trance; acquiescing in every proposal made by her sister and Roy; obeying every request without demur or inquiry.

  22. With regard to metaphysics themselves, we are disposed to acquiesce in the judgment of Jeffrey, without, however, acquiescing in much which he has founded upon it.

  23. Meantime Averil Ward was acquiescing in all Henry's projects with calm desperate passiveness.

  24. It was at this moment, probably, he felt the pressure of his previous engagements with Austria, which prevented his at once acquiescing in the wishes of the Polish mission.

  25. Her mind commanded her to be satisfied, but her heart, in acquiescing with those dictates, was not entirely at ease, though she sedulously endeavoured to conceal her emotion from Gomez Arias.

  26. The Signor Antonio flashed a bit of sarcastic mimicry, as if acquiescing in the justice of the opprobrious term from the high point of view: but mademoiselle might pass, she was good enough for the public.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "acquiescing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acquiescent; agreed; agreeing; assenting; compliant; consenting; content; submissive