We speak of a man as absolved from something that binds his conscience, or involves the charge of wrongdoing; as, to absolve from allegiance or from the obligation of an oath, or a promise.
In these operations they were necessarily absolved from their vows of poverty, and became immensely rich.
King Henry under interdict, absolved his subjects from allegiance, and deposed him.
By his orders Falaise was surrendered, and the castle of Rouen; and he formally absolved the towns of Normandy in general from their allegiance to himself.
The request was granted, the messengers were sent, and Robert with grief "absolved them from their promised faith and granted them leave to make concord with the king.
He solemnly absolvedthe two Houses of Parliament from the papal excommunication which so long had lain upon the land.
He sent privately to Rome and got absolved from his oath by the Pope.
They believed that Iahvah's wrath had exhausted itself in the infliction of what they had already endured, and that they were now absolved from their offences.
We are absolved from the consequences of all these abominations?
To-morrow night I shall return and place you safely where we may see each other till I have absolved my duties to the Senator.
As regarded that other, to whom she had bound herself, her conscience had long absolved her of an obligation that had been forced upon her.
The messenger who had summoned Tristan had skillfully absolved both commissions.
The greatest evil was that he died impenitent, refusing to be absolved from the excommunication and censures by which he was bound, although the archbishop, as a pious shepherd, sent a priest to his house to persuade him to be absolved.
He absolved the governor, the auditor Zapata, and the others included in the excommunications of the archbishop, on the twentieth of May.
He absolved the governor and the auditor Zapata from the censures ad cautelam, for there were innumerable invalidities in the censures, as they did not observe the citations and legal terms.
That was very apparent then, for, when he had appealed to the bishop of Camarines, the sentence was in his favor; and the bishop absolved him from the pecuniary fines which the archbishop had imposed.
Through penitence we become absolved in the sight of God from all guilt and punishment of our sins, and the minister, by announcing this fact, is to convey to the penitent the assurance that his sins have been forgiven.
Garnet informed him that he had come for that very purpose; and as soon as they were left alone, he proceeded to the discharge of his priestly duties, confessed and absolved him, giving him the viaticum and the extreme unction.
Pope has absolved me, and I am safe on the road to salvation.
He who listens to this wondrous tale of Ráma unwearied in action shall be absolved from all his sins.
Glad to be absolved from any new task, she now retired to her own chamber.
When the prevalence of disease disabled Constantia from paying her the usual wages, she would by no means consent to be absolved from this task.
In fact, I am unable to comprehend how a soldier who surrenders himself, his men, and arms on parole can be released from and absolved from observance from it from any act or acts committed prior to its date in order to arrest him.
She knew that in such a position as she had perforce created, unexplained, the man is easily and constantly absolved of blame, the woman is always and certainly condemned.
Because he had been disloyal was she absolved from loyalty to him?
Having got the key of the fields, he went to Rome, and threw himself at the feet of Pope Rezzonico, who absolved him of his sins, and released him from his monastic vows.
The most obstinate of them told me that the abbot had behaved more like a despot than a father, and had thus absolved them from their obedience.
It is, however, very probable that in the later Novatian Churches no mortal sinner was absolved (see, e.
The integument is the organ by whose means the animal is absolvedor liberated from the world.
With that on his conscience he was required to abstain, as people would otherwise infer that neither he nor the priest who absolved him saw anything to regret in the rising storm.
And the abbé de Keravenant, who had married Danton, thus followed him to the scaffold, was recognised by him, andabsolved him at the last moment.
They readily abjured and were treated with exceptional mildness, for Frà Manfredo absolved them by striking them over the shoulders with a stick, as a symbol of the scourging which as penitents they had incurred.
Elizabeth and absolved her subjects from their allegiance.
The confederates were declared absolved from all responsibility relative to their proceedings.
He therefore soon became self-absolved from all his vows of revenge in the cause of his murdered father, and labored solely for the object of his personal aggrandizement.
Believing that he was absolved by Madge's course from everything beyond cordial politeness, he had resolved to carry out her rival's wishes.