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Example sentences for "absentees"

Lexicographically close words:
absent; absente; absented; absentee; absenteeism; absenting; absently; absentminded; absentmindedly; absents
  1. Proportion of absentees at the primary assemblies.

  2. Early in 1790, and after this date, the majority forego the privilege of voting and the number of absentees becomes enormous.

  3. Much as the priests and agitators declaim against absenteeism, nothing would be more contrary to their wishes than that the absentees should return.

  4. The estates of absentees were vested in the crown, and, as only two months law was given, this was nearly equivalent to confiscating the property of all Protestants.

  5. It failed chiefly from the grants to individuals who neglected to plant English farmers, and were often absentees themselves.

  6. But sojourners often do much good to the town or village which they resort to, and absentees harm to that which they leave.

  7. The expenditure of absentees (the case of domestic servants excepted,) is not necessarily any loss to the country which they leave, or gain to the country which they resort to (save in the manner shown in Essay I.

  8. Its strength at the time of the arrival was, present 76, aggregate 84; the absentees being Lieutenant Bell and A.

  9. Absenteeism has been a great evil, though the estates of some absentees have been notably well managed.

  10. The advocates of the tax might have cited the original character of land grants to which feudal service was annexed and which were forfeited by the failure of absentees to perform it.

  11. The protest of the absentees against it was evidently the work of Burke, whose patron, Lord Rockingham, had an estate in Ireland.

  12. Fiefs by feudal rule of descent passed to absentees and to women, weakening its military force.

  13. Many of the absentees spend yearly a few months at home, whilst others visit their families only occasionally, and, it may be, at long intervals.

  14. Thirdly, there were the absentees who lived beyond their means, and demanded from their steward, under pain of giving him or his son as a recruit, a much greater yearly sum than the estate could be reasonably expected to yield.

  15. The Bureau of Conscription being abolished, the business is to be turned over to the generals of reserves, who will employ the reserves mainly in returning deserters and absentees to the army.

  16. The President issued a proclamation to-day, calling upon all absentees to return to the ranks without delay, etc.

  17. The deserters and absentees will be too many for them perhaps, at this late day.

  18. The respectable Towns of Salem, Ipswich and Marblehead, with all the Absentees from the late Assembly, and their constituents, who have publickly approved of the Vote against Rescinding.

  19. In letters which appeared in the press a number of absentees from the Assembly boldly endorsed the action of the majority.

  20. The absentees then returned, and, with three or four from the other side, organized and proceeded to form a Constitution.

  21. During my visit to Hood's army, I learned that the morale of it had been partially restored, many absentees had returned to duty, and the waning hope of the people was beginning to revive.

  22. The reverse would necessarily happen if all absentees were suddenly called home.

  23. Let us suppose, for instance, that the Irish absentees had all left the country at once.

  24. The savings made by the English absentees on the continent, where things are cheaper, turn eventually to the advantage of England.

  25. Nevertheless, the absentees from the ranks were not all footsore.

  26. In condemnations of absentees and of the dead, confiscation is occasionally declared, as though in these the State might need some guidance, but even here the practice is not uniform.

  27. Absentees from a mornspeech forfeited one pound of wax to St. Luke's candle.

  28. Absentees were fined one pound of wax towards the aforesaid, candle.

  29. Seventh, "All persons who have been, or are, absentees from the United States for the purpose of aiding the Rebellion.

  30. The conversation in regard to the absentees was continued till the meal was finished, and all the party were very much troubled.

  31. Levi volunteered to ride up the creek road and look for them; and just as he was going to the stable, the absentees came into the house.

  32. Proclamations against absentees were of small effect, and at last the King determined to go himself.

  33. Lionel's mission, announced by proclamation that the lands of absentees would be granted to Englishmen willing and able to defend them against the Irish.

  34. If we took these absentees back after they've been in the company of rascals, then we wouldn't have any means of knowing how many of the absentees had agreed to do treacherous things within the camp.

  35. In many schools this work of looking after the absentees is performed by paid visitors--a good plan, but not so good as for the teacher to come into personal touch with his own scholars.

  36. How may the absentees from the school be looked after?

  37. If the people at home will support the army and drive all skulkers and absentees to the front, all will be right.

  38. The frequent call of the roll, by which the absentees were readily ascertained.

  39. Ireland is precisely in this situation; and we cannot therefore wonder, that the proposal of a tax upon absentees should be so very popular in that country.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "absentees" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.