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Example sentences for "absentminded"

Lexicographically close words:
absentee; absenteeism; absentees; absenting; absently; absentmindedly; absents; absinthe; absit; absolue
  1. Sometimes he was absentminded regarding the little courtesies.

  2. He was so absentminded even with her that she in time came to resent it in her feelings.

  3. Roger's voice was absentminded as he scowled at the well.

  4. He'd soon get over his absentminded ways.

  5. Bayard he was driftin' through the door, gazin' absentminded at the envelope, like he was figurin' on how much he could grab off at the first swipe.

  6. I finds myself gazin' absentminded at this slim, stoop-shouldered gent in the corner.

  7. But how will you bear an absentminded man who, if he happens to see you, will kill you?

  8. I fought with the colours for king and country in the absentminded war under general Gough in the park and was disabled at Spion Kop and Bloemfontein, was mentioned in dispatches.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "absentminded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absent; absorbed; abstracted; bemused; blocked; converted; dreaming; dreamy; ecstatic; elsewhere; engrossed; faraway; forgetful; heedless; incurious; lost; meditative; mooning; musing; napping; nodding; oblivious; pensive; preoccupied; rapt; repressed; suppressed; transported; unconscious; unmindful; matador; militant; murderer; pesticide; poison; poisoner; rioter; rival; rough; rowdy; ruffian; slayer; struggler; swaggerer; swashbuckler; sword; swordsman; thug; torpedo; tough; wrangler