Whether she marry or become a nun, she abandons her name, the symbol of her identity, in proof that she is dedicate to the race and to God.
Soissons abandons Concini--An attempt is made to create dissension between M.
Caroline, flattered in every one of her vanities, abandons herself to the pleasures of pride and high living, two delicious capital sins.
In this unnatural situation social laws and the laws of nature are in conflict, but the young girl obediently abandons herself to it, and, from motives of self-interest, suffers in silence.
Caroline abandons her shabby dress and appears in a splendid one.
She abandons her hand, making just resistance enough for the old man (happily he is an old man) to consider it a favor.
Strauss: in his Leben Jesu (1833) he abandonsthe shifts and expedients by which the rationalists eliminated the miraculous from the Gospel stories, but he abandons also their historical character.
He abandons the practice of making a distinction between uncial and minuscule, on the ground that for textual criticism the style of writing is less important than the date and contents of a MS.
Remember that the sun and moon are but great self-abandons which individual life has thrown out, to the right hand and to the left.
If the gallery is at all long, this crawling backwards becomes troublesome after a time; and the Osmia soon abandons a passage that is too small to allow of free movement.
From this third storey onwards, the Osmia abandons geometrical accuracy; the architect seems to be a little out in her reckoning.
He only judges right who weighs, compares, And in the sternest sentence, which his voice May utter, ne'er abandons Charity.
They sloughed their skins like reptiles, but on account of their cylindrical shape were able to perform this operation with the facility of a leg that abandons its stocking.
She who protected me so in other times abandons me now like an old shoe that it is necessary to get rid of.
More commonly she simply abandons him, to force him to divorce.
In ordinary infanticide the true assassin is not usually the mother who kills her child, but rather the father who abandons the woman he has made pregnant, and disowns the result of his temporary passion.
Confronted with this problem, she deliberately abandonsboth her thoughts of vengeance and her hope of escape, and agrees to give her life for Orestes.
In this scene Iphigenia simply abandons herself to one emotion after another, while Orestes, amid all his joy, keeps his head and thinks about the danger that still surrounds them.
If unhappily he abandons this high ambition, and contents himself with mere matter and physical force, he cannot rise to the highest development either of science or philosophy.
Sidenote: He abandonsthe Carolinas, and marches into Virginia] By this movement Lord Cornwallis virtually gave up the game.
But when summer comes, he abandons his bachelor life and returns to his mate and her new progeny, which he leads to forage in search of provisions for winter.
Providence never abandons those who place their confidence in it; henceforward, it alone will watch over you.
God never abandons those who place their trust in Him," he replied.
Drawing a steel from his pocket, he lit a torch of candlewood, with which, with that foresight that neverabandons persons of his stamp even in the most critical circumstances, he had taken care to provide himself.
There," she said, "hangs before me a Master who never forgets and never abandons those who do not abandon and who do not forget Him; it is to Him alone that we must sacrifice ourselves.
As soon as he had finished, like a man who had just escaped an imminent danger, and whose strength abandons him as soon as the danger is past, he sank down completely overcome on a couch.
He casts out his passions, he denies his {139} desires, he abandons his ambitions, and so seeks safety.
It abandons self-concentration and steadiness; it dissipates its energy.
At last he weakens an' abandons his idee of a show.
All they could do was to wait, trusting in the Almighty who never abandons the weak.
No," answered the auctioneer, "but it is not impossible that there are, and the State abandons all its rights over the gold lands.
Every power of body and mind is captivated, and one abandons one's self to the impressions of the moment.
But the firmness of the pontiffs, under the grace of God, which never abandons his church, brought these machinations to nought.
When he is thoroughly satisfied that he can produce the effect at will, he abandons it for something newer and a little higher.
He abandons the study and by doing so eliminates an unfit person.
This does not mean that at this time the pupil abandons guidance.
Sidenote: St. Leger abandons the siege of Fort Schuyler, and retreats to Ticonderoga.
Let us, however, continue to examine how far the most transcendent genius is capable of leading himself astray, when once he abandons experience, when once he chains up his reason, when once he suffers himself to be guided by his imagination.
A people cannot be forced to move faster than it wishes by a surprise, and woe to the man who tries to compel it; a people will not put up with it, and then it abandons the insurrection to itself.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abandons" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.