Colton allers does,--'n' I declare he appears to have abaout as much sense.
But I don't know no more 'n you do what to do abaout it.
Th' best thing I can sayabaout that ole codger is, he's dead.
Wall, I guess he wuz all piffed abaout the show not bein' able to get there.
Abel rather expected that Elbridge would have laid claim to the saddle and bridle on the strength of some promise or other presumptive title, and thought himself lucky to get off with only offering to think abaout tradin'.
Ask Jake there whether they can't row a mild in double-quick time,--he knows all abaout it.
I haf to be pooty shyabaout it, or he'll find aout th't I'm on his tracks.
Early the next morning Abel Stebbins made his appearance at Dudley Veneer's, and requested to see the maan o' the haouse abaout somethin' o' consequence.
The Member of the Haouse inquired of me whether I could tell him if the Lamb Tahvern was kept well abaout these times.
What the d' d' didos are y' abaout with them great huffs o' yourn?
He knew that members from his place used to stop there, but he hadn't heerd much abaout it of late years.
Abaout a hundred greasy fellers were a hacken on 'em up.
Y'see, she knows abaout the Tigmores naow," went on Piney steadily.
I keer whut you sayabaout her,--or whut anybody says.
Had that same feelin' ev' since Unc' Bernique begand to tell me abaout Italy.
An' Unc' Bernique he stands by me, an' keeps me in his shack whend they's any trouble abaout it.
I hearn Unc' Bernique tellin' you abaoutthat Grierson letter.
The prof is a crank abaout such things; everybody says so.
At least, if a did, a said nowt abaout it to me or the missus.
I's take an' tell me mother I won't have un abaout the place if he's going to take to throwing stones.
Then agin, yaou see they likes to do all the work, and the skipper just puggles abaout like and tells they what to do, though a course they wants lookin' arter none the more for that.
Maybe he'll say, 'What do you thinkabaout comin' abaout sir?
She was a layin' in Limehouse reach, stackloaded and risin' to abaout twenty fathom o' chain.
Arter that ye can keep she a good full till ye find the tail o' the Mouse Sand with yer lead; then, soon as ye git more water agin, bear away abaout south an' by west and keep her head straight on Whitstable.
Me and Jim 'on't say nawthenabaout our togs, and we an' all will spend half the four paounds here in drinks.
The lies that young feller used to tell us chaps, same as fishermen, bargemen, and drudgermen what used the inn, abaout Lunnon was a fair masterpiece.
Jim said he den't want to think nawthen abaout that; he knaowed they'd have to lift she with sheerlegs same as unsteppin' a mast.
The ould thing was tumblin' abaout suthen, for there was a heavy backwash off the ship's quarter.
Abel rather expected that Elbridge would have laid claim to the saddle and bridle on the strength of some promise or other presumptive title, and thought himself lucky to get off with only promising that he would think abaout tradin'.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abaout" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.