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Example sentences for "yelps"

Lexicographically close words:
yells; yelp; yelped; yelping; yelpings; yeman; yena; yendo; yeng; yenst
  1. With a stifled cry in its throat, the dog rolled over and lay in the struggle of approaching death, whereupon the four others coming up shied away from the unseen danger and took to their heels on the backward track with yelps of affright.

  2. After a few minutes, as they hurried on their way, another shout reached them; and after a brief silence several sharp short yelps from the dogs were heard.

  3. The Frenchmen fired their guns and shouted "Vive le Roi," and the yelps of the astonished Indians mingled with the din.

  4. Almost beside us there is a patter of tiny feet and a scurry among the dry leaves; a muntjac barks hoarsely on the opposite hillside, and a fox yelps behind us in the forest.

  5. It was almost straight up and before we had gone a hundred feet we were all gasping for breath and my legs seemed like bars of lead, but the staccato yelps of the dogs sounding closer and closer kept us going.

  6. Suddenly a burst of frantic yelps from the red dog turned us off to the left and we heard him nearing the summit of the spur which we had just left.

  7. On and on it came, and closer sounded the yelps of the dogs.

  8. Then the dogs came past, and we heard them follow down the rocks, their yelps growing fainter and fainter in the valley far below.

  9. As we entered the meadow the big red leading dog, trotted off by himself toward the rock wall above us, and in a few moments we heard his sharp yelps near the summit.

  10. Then they were on the couch and upon him, with panting yelps of glee.

  11. In an aisle near by he heard a commotion--nothing vulgar, but still an evident stir, with repressed yelps and a genteel, horrified bustle.

  12. A piercing series of yelps issued from the timber as Shady gave voice to her agony.

  13. The high-pitched sinister yelps sounded from behind him as the eager dogs closed up, putting forth every effort to end the race before the wolves reached the choppy badland breaks at the far edge of the flat.

  14. With sharp yelps they followed to the door, through the arched corridors, up a short flight of steps, past a big room.

  15. His heart pounded, his tongue hung far out of his mouth, he plunged his nose into the soft, cold drifts, sometimes stopping to take a big bite, then with yelps of joy he darted on.

  16. At times we heard yelps in the storm outside, at the back of the house, and decided that there must be some other way than the stairs of getting into the cellar.

  17. The dogs were gathered beneath the tree keeping up a chorus of yelps and assaulting its base as if to tear it to pieces.

  18. He came up to the door of the cabin quietly, wondering why Pelliter did not see him or hear the three or four sharp yelps the dogs had given.

  19. The chief man's voice broke out in a few words of command, like a dozen quick, sharp yelps of a dog, and six other Eskimos dropped in behind them.

  20. The wolves gave loud yelps of pain, and one leaped high in the air.

  21. Other yelps of pain came from behind the screen of trees, and as the sounds reached him a sigh of satisfaction came in his eyes.

  22. His team of dogs had been conscious of it for some time, and now, quickening the pace, they broke into joyous yelps as they turned inward towards the Saskatoon bushes on the left bank of the frozen river.

  23. They were off with yelps of joy, tearing along the trail with the horses of the Pony Riders close behind them.

  24. They rode cautiously away, the horses now pricking up their ears, for the animals heard the yelps of the hounds and perhaps understood its meaning.

  25. Custer had got joyful, as he always did when there was trouble coming, making little yelps of bliss.

  26. Then the dogs charged them, and as the three reached the cabin door yelps and snarls told of the clash as the dogs met their wild kin of the hills in battle.

  27. It had made its turn northward, the yelps increasing in volume as it approached!

  28. After much struggling and pushing, they would eventually fall through into the flat amidst shrill yelps from the young gentlemen who happened to be underneath, and remarks of 'Get off my face!

  29. Then they rose as one dog and leaped madly upon the intruder, or meant to; but being pups, and uncertain in their estimation of distances, they brought up with startled yelps against the wall.

  30. From the yelps and barks which they continued to utter in full chorus, we knew that they were in chase of some unfortunate animal which they hoped to drag to the ground.

  31. Scarcely had the idea entered my brain, than the well-known howls and yelps of the animals I dreaded reached my ears.

  32. Ike’s yelps grew louder and closer together, and the gallop of the four-horse team became a run.

  33. The horses responded instantly, starting down the steep grade at a lively gallop, accompanied by encouraging yelps from Ike Fairweather.

  34. We could hear the whips snap, followed by piteous yelps and long-drawn howls.

  35. Wade laid on them with the butt of his musket; while Kit, with his bayonet, gave several of the gaunt, wolfish curs thrusts which speedily changed their growls to yelps of agony.

  36. Tiger and Rosy were already laying themselves out down the road, and their yelps streamed back from them like the sparks from an engine.

  37. With yelps and cries those whom it touched loped away from the main body, but they soon joined them again.

  38. As he fell he could hear behind him the yelps of the pack.

  39. A savage chorus of yelps arose as the leaders saw what had happened and swung their cohorts on a new tack.

  40. The sharp indignant yelps of the great bird flapping close above him were a defiance which he could not answer.

  41. The buck did not expect to hear anything of them for some time, but he had hardly been lying in his covert more than five minutes when those staccato yelps came faintly to his ears.

  42. A wolf howl, and of all fearful howls, or yelps uttered by beasts of prey, none can, I think, be more alarming and terrific to the ear than the wolf howl as he scents carnage.

  43. The dog's yelps indicated that he was in further trouble, which Hippy discovered to be the fact when he came in sight of the combatants.

  44. After a few muttered protests, Emma subsided, and only the faint yelps of the dreaming bull pup and the noisy slumber of Hippy Wingate disturbed the deeply impressive silence of the great forest.

  45. Then an avalanche of children and dogs poured down the hall-stairs in pursuit of a rumpled and bored cat, tumbling with yelps and cheers and thuds among the thick rugs on the floor.

  46. After ranging backwards and forwards, occasionally showing themselves amid the brushwood, their loud barks and yelps convinced us that they had found either the young bears or some other animal.

  47. Above their hideous yelps we could distinguish the deep honest bark of our own dogs.

  48. Before our eyes were closed the horrible chorus of howls and yelps and barking recommenced, and continued apparently on every side of our camp; still, while the fire burned brightly, there was no fear of the brutes rushing in on us.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yelps" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.