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Example sentences for "writhed"

Lexicographically close words:
writers; writes; writest; writeth; writhe; writhen; writhes; writhing; writhings; writin
  1. The real Simon Pure, in his own snug little corner, writhed again.

  2. Yet Roger heard it all, knew it all, writhed at it all, as if scorpions were lashing him; but still he held on grimly, keeping that bad secret.

  3. But suddenly she writhed in his arms, and started up in wild alarm.

  4. A contemptuous smile writhed about her deathly pale lips.

  5. Geraldine writhed at his feet like a worm trodden upon; and her groans of distress and her smothered moans were the heartrending accompaniment of his melancholy words.

  6. I saw a poor young woman who writhed in fearful agony, and whose staring eyes were raised in mute supplication to Heaven.

  7. And the loyal churchman strove in vain To mutter a Pater Noster; For he who writhed in mortal pain Was camped that night on Bosworth plain-- The cruel Duke of Glo'ster!

  8. With a gasping groan the dying man succeeded in clutching the bed clothes with his disabled hand, and by a violent effort, which hurt Bailey's legs exceedingly, writhed sideways towards what must be his last victim.

  9. Bailey stared at the brown body with its shoulder blade driven in, that writhed painfully across his legs and rapidly staining and soaking the spotless bandages.

  10. He withdrew his right arm from about Lytton's waist and grappled for the man's throat while Ned writhed and kicked, flung his head from side to side and struck desperately with his own free fist against the throttling fingers.

  11. The King's lip writhed at that hinted rebuke, or implied consolation.

  12. Half a dozen times, as it swooped overhead, Jerry leaped for it, mouth open to grip, lips writhed clear of the clean puppy teeth that shone in the sun like gems of ivory.

  13. At the supreme hour, when the invisible wrestlers are writhed together body to body and limb to limb, panting, each in turn overthrowing and overthrown, what avails the healing art?

  14. Robert seems to have been a favorite with the lawless Normans, who writhed under the mighty hand of his father, and on their interference, backed by that of the French king and the Pope, brought about a reconciliation in name.

  15. He writhed under my gaze with a strong convulsive movement.

  16. Then he crouched down in the grass and writhed in torture like a hunted animal wounded to the death.

  17. And I loosened my grasp of her: she writhed from me like some glittering wounded serpent.

  18. A bushmaster writhed across the path in front of him, a cold, dank lizard crawled over his hand as he crouched down; but the trooper thought only of the human reptiles in front, and made steadily for his goal.

  19. He made a step forward to her as I entered, but she writhed still further away, and uttered a sharp cry like that of a rabbit when the weazel has him by the throat.

  20. He writhed and struggled in my hands, but I held him fast.

  21. I wondered who she was, and I writhed at the thought of Nick poisoning her mind against me.

  22. Suddenly he opened his eyes; then he writhed and yelled, "Mother!

  23. Each of them writhed and strained at the collar, and I caught myself wondering what the poor rabbits thought (can they think?

  24. The noisy Pharos next received his death: Æneas writhed his dart, and stopped his bawling breath.

  25. It leaped up in its bed incessantly, and saw hideous shapes around it and raved about them, and writhed and struggled like one attacked by a serpent.

  26. He was quite beside himself, every muscle writhed and quivered.

  27. The grey-headed giant writhed on the ground convulsively, and smote his bosom with his clenched fists.

  28. He heard how his prey roared for help, saw how he writhed convulsively in the desperate hope of saving himself, how half out of his mind he even begged him, Mekipiros!

  29. She felt her fate in all its bitterness, but she writhed not under the pang; she knew that it is woman's lot to endure, and she prepared her mind for a life of endurance.

  30. He writhed and went hot, and his head began to throb, and he felt a strange want of cooerdination among the various parts of his body.

  31. They were--and he writhed at the thought--they were trying to spare his feelings.

  32. Brutus writhed with agony, but uttered not a word.

  33. And with these words the flame writhed and beat itself about for agony, and so took its way.

  34. Basilisk eyes in a hairy head; gray, stringy hairs; and the fearful head ended in narrow, outthrust jaws, where more of the gray hairs hung like moss from lips that writhed and curled and sucked at the air with a whistling shrillness.

  35. The little figure, held high in the huge paws, writhed and tossed, to no avail.

  36. He told himself this was true; he would not admit for an instant the possible truth of the vision that flashed through his mind--a ripping of doors--a thrusting snout that writhed in where a girl stood fighting.

  37. Like streamers of cloud in long serpentine forms, they writhed and shot through space with lightning speed.

  38. The tank, its air free to escape, writhed and turned, then fell over on its side.

  39. One might have thought that the worn face writhed itself as the light played over it.

  40. And he writhed himself with a feeling of humiliation.

  41. As he stooped to kiss his mother, she threw her arms round his neck, hid her face on his shoulder, and cried, in a whimpering voice, so unlike her own that he writhed in agony.

  42. She seemed to have dropped out of the fight in utter disarray; she lay with no oars out, and full of men who writhed and tumbled over each other, shrieking as if they had been flayed.

  43. Castro writhed his whole body, and I stepped backwards.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "writhed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.