What I wanted to tell ye was that Nathan's very anxious to see ye; he wants to speak to ye aboot something.
When you're up an' aboot again ye'll mebbe think it ower.
This mornin' he spoke to meaboot it, an' asked her name, an' when I said it was Miss Stuart he nearly fainted.
His wife, puir lassie, was in the nicht tellin' me a' aboot it.
Weel, he was in the kitchen last nicht when I brocht her through frae Mrs Jardine's to see your picter, an' he was so putten aboot that he gaed strecht away hame to the Cuddy Lane withoot sayin' a word to onybody.
And I knew then that I'd made a whole new countryful of friends that nicht--for after that I couldna hae doots aboot the way they'd be receiving me elsewhere.
It seemed on our Galloway tour, in particular, that a' the funny, sidesplitting happenings saved themselves up till he was aboot to help to mak' them merrier.
But that nicht, after the bairns were safe in bed and sound asleep, we all sat aboot the kitchen fire.
There's a tale they tell o' me in America, where they're sae fond o' joking me aboot ma Scotch closefistedness.
He had not been there in France aboot his own affairs.
I'll sing while I'm shaving, when I tak' my bath, as I wander aboot the hoose or sit still in a railway train.
There's a word they use in America aboot the man who tries to be all things to a' men--who tries to please both sides when he maun talk aboot some question that's in dispute.
It was just, I think, that when there was only me to hear him he knew he could depend upon a sympathetic listener, and he had not to worry aboot the effect his playing was to have.
And what I'm surest of is that there's no a question in this world aboot which reasonable men canna agree.
We were no so awfu' pleased wi' her choice, but we knew nothing bad enough aboot him to forbid her tak' him.
I maun talk more about myself than I richt like to do if I'm to make you see how I'm feeling and thinking aboot all the things that are loose wi' the world to-day.
But let's not gae aboot the streets wi' our een like a pair of looking glasses in which every puir laddie sees himsel' reflected.
But, just as he wasaboot to go, he turned to Jamie.
Aboot the middle o' the day, in cam the minister's boy wi' a letter.
Meanwhile, strange stories o' the dead factor began to gangaboot the kintra.
There wasna a puir thing in the kintra but had reason to bless the laird; an' at ae time he had nae fewer than twelve puir orphans living aboot his hoose at ance.
Mr. Hastings telt meaboot y'r Bible school, an' how ye wantit me tae come.
He telt me aboot y'r birthday cakes for the wains.
Oh, aboot the Bible school an' the parties, an' how ye wants tae dae somethin' fer the lasses.
Leezbeth wes maybe no sae far wrang aboot the heat, but it came frae the oot-side, a'm dootin'.
She used to boast that there was "nae saft bit aboot the maister," and of all things Drumsheugh was supposed to be above sentiment.
An auld buildin's a sair trachle, an' yir feared tae meddle wi 't, for ye micht bring it doon aboot yir ears.
Weel, there's nae mistakaboot yir neeps, at ony rate; ye canna see a dreel noo.
At first he was not pleased, but the last time I spoke, he took it kindly, an' said he would think aboot what I had been sayin'.
Never a word, sir; only they wass all to be aboot the same time.
But he kens na aboot it, so ye'll no speak o't to him--or to the laird.
Ye'll well remember they could dae fifteen knots for aboot a hunder and sixty hours on the same fuel, using maybe less than twa tons an hour.
Ye'll have played aboot with hunder-ton steel ten years ago, but we wairk with five-hunder-ton steel.
But vara likely ten years ago you peddled aboot with internal combustion fakements--chattering, clattering, and onreliable.
I reckon he were going to the kirk garth aboot the berryin'.
I met Ralph in the morning part," said Matthew; "he telt me all the ins and outs aboot it.
It baffles me yet aboot Ray, his giving himself up.
I did hear 'at a man had given hissel' up, but I know nowt aboot it.
Stick that in thy gizzern, and don't thoo go bumman aboot like a bee in a bottle--thoo Judas, thoo.
I telt her she was ower keen to come away with all the ins and oots aboot the constables coming to Wy'bern yesterday.
It's all stuff and bodderment aboot the witches,' says I to him ya day; 'there be none.
He paused for a moment, then continued: "And it's queer that I heard aboot you yersel' frae the same trooper.
Haste ye, lad, an' mak' as muckle noise aboot it as ye can.
Wi' sic a robe aboot us we may stand before the Judge o' all the earth and not fear condemnation.
Weel, weel, hae your ain opeenion aboot it, but dinna stand quarrellin' wi' me.
Ye canna understand all aboot it noo, Wullie, but ye will some time.
He canna rin aboot the green fields here; but yonder where he is gaen he will be made young again, and then he will walk in the green fields o' the heavenly warld, and never graw auld ony more.
Can a man no hae a bit o' merriment but ye maun come spierin' aboot after him?
Gang and talk wi' your cousins yonder; they are greetin' aboot their grandfaither.
Rab says he doesna feel a'thegither sure aboot it.
I never say yea when I mean nay; neither do I stand aboot tellin' a freend his fauts when ony gude can come o' it.
Ye hae been honest aboot it at ony rate, sae it wunna fret me.
Somebody told o' it, and a muckle ado was made aboot it, and the lad had to pay a heavy fine that was hard upon him, for he has but sma' wages.
Noo ye needna fash your heidaboot the wark," said he.
Do ye no ken that there are robes provided, so that each wha will may wrap himsel around wi' them as he wraps his plaid aboot him?
Then a' our good days abootthe hoose o' the Balmaghie are numbered!
How should there be a horse aboot the house of Lochinvar?
Laddie, what should auld Jean Gordon ken aboot times and seasons?
What are ye in sic a fyke for aboot the tenth and the tenth?
Guid kens what there is aboot ye, laddie, that makes both lassies and auld grizzle-pates run their heads into holes and their necks into tow-ropes for the love o' ye!
Noo there’ll be a bonny sessions aboot it; to settle (Yks.
The only odds is, that we ken that we dinna ken, and the neep-seed kens nothing at all aboot it.
But ye jist see 'at fowk warna a'thegither saitisfeed aboot a sairpent speikin', an' sae they leukit aboot and aboot till at last they fand the deil in him.
But I'm no easy i' my min' aboot Maggy--the wull hizzie!
Natty, aud friend, ha'e you ivver axed Him what He hez te say aboot it?
What'll Judy think on us, gallivantin' aboot at midneet i' this oathers?
Give Glory te Jesus the King ivvermair The King 'at ah tell'd all aboot it!
Jake's a good lad, an' Hannah's a steady lass, but ah feels te fret a bit now and then aboot Pete.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aboot" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.