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Example sentences for "woundy"

Lexicographically close words:
woundeth; wounding; woundis; woundit; wounds; wourali; wove; woven; wowe; wows
  1. Such a world of holidays, that 't a woundy hindrance to a poor man that lives by his labor.

  2. Aye, master--though ye had a woundy knock upon the head.

  3. I would, replied the sheepmonger, take thee such a woundy cut on this spectacle-bearing lug of thine with my trusty bilbo as would smite thee dead as a herring.

  4. They would now fain have taken us into partnership with them; but their trade was a woundy bad one, master, with a world more of risk than profit.

  5. Lord sir, but she's a woundy fine spirit!

  6. Mr. Barlow had been spoken of in the village more than once as a woundy chatterbox.

  7. Methinks, said I, when I saw them in such a woundy pother to be gone, oddsheartlikins!

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "woundy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.