There ware theiwonte to teache the instrumentes of the olde lawe, and the newe.
The bidding of the beades, with the collacion that was wonte to be made in the pulpite on Sondaies, and halydaies: raither grewe to a custome by the example of Nehemias, and Esdras, then was by any aucthorised.
This, by canonicalle decree, in time paste was not wonte to be giuen (excepte greate necessitie soner required it) but to those that had bene scholers a space afore, to learne the thinges appertinent to Christendome.
Zilia which was not wonte to receyue very ofte sutch Ambassades, at the firste was in mind to breake the Letters, and to retourne the Messanger wythout aunswere to hir shame.
When there hapneth discorde amonge them, the beste waye is, to bryng them to the perill, the feare whereof is wonte alwaies to make them agree.
Tell hir that hir pleasures were wonte to lull me asleepe, Tell her that hir beauty was wonte to feede mine eyes, Tell hir that hir sweete tongue was wonte to make me mirth.
With suche like pitifull cries, as women are wonte to make vpon suche heauie and dolorous euentes.
Then they caste them selues vpon the bedde, as they were wonte to doe, solacing the time together, vntill it chaunced that the Prince awaked, heard and sawe what Guiscardo and his doughter did.
He burnt certaine townes where the Mexicans werewonte to succour themselues.
He [Socrates] was wonte to saie, that there is no possession or treasure more precious then a true and an assured good frende.
As the common sorte of vnfaythfull women are wonte to goe forth vnto weddynges and may-games'; Paraphr.
Tille the nynte daye byfelle That he come to a welle, Ther he was wonte for to duelle And drynk take hym thare.
Tell hir, that hir pleasures werewonte to lull me asleepe: Tell hir, that hir beautie was wonte to feede mine eyes: Tell hir, that hir sweete Tongue was wonte to make me mirth.
Tell hir, that hir pleasures were wonteto lull me asleepe; Tell hir, that hir beautie was wonte to feede mine eyes; Tell hir, that hir sweete tongue was wonte to make me mirth.
But yet suche felowes are wonte to colour and cloke theyr doynges vnder a craftie pretence.
Naye there is no doute of that, there shall be no more faute in you now I dare say then was wonte to be.
That this westerne voyadge will yelde unto us all the commodities of Europe, Affrica and Asia, as far as wee were wonte to travell, and supplye the wantes of all our decayed trades.
Frenche and Flemynge, better cheape; and in the ende, for the part that this realme was wonte to receave, dryve them out of trade to idlenes for the settinge of our people on worke.
And after he had done his businesse with the Queene, he repayred to the warres, so sadde and chaunged in all his condicions, as the Ladies, Captaynes and all they that were wonte to keepe him companie, did not know him.
For shee was wonte to say that a Woman of passinge Beauty shoulde be so mutch esteemed as shee doth esteeme and sette by hir selfe.
And the feare which either of them had of the assembly of the king and of the Gentlewoman, was tourned to desire, which made the Gentleman to go more oft then he was wonte to doe into the countrye, being not past halfe a mile of.
Some light teachers to boast their lerynge are wonte of purpose to make these thynges somewhat harder.
Finally, shorte and mery conceited sentences, as commonly be prouerbes, and quicke shorte sayinges of noble men, in the whiche onlye in tyme paste philosophie was wonteto be taught to the people.
When they be tolde thereof, they be wonte to answere, that that naciõ euen lyke the Phrigians is not amẽded but bi stripes.
Thys wydowe was wonte euery nyght, before she slepte and dyuers tymes whan she waked, to kysse the sayde pycture of olde John: wherefore the sayde nyghte she kyssed the sayde yonge man, beleuynge that she hadde kyste the picture.
Whan he was deed, the yonge mans sonne came to him and sayde: father, I prey you gyue me this olde sacke cloth, that was wonte to couer my graundfather.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wonte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.