The wideness therefore of this gate is for this cause here made mention of, to wit, to encourage them that would gladly enter thereat, according to the mind of God, and not to flatter them that are not for leaving of all for God.
Are we never to feel spurred to any poetical pleasure more vigorous than dilly-dallying with Keats while we feast our eyes upon the wideness of the seas?
There's a wideness in God's mercy, Like the wideness of the sea; There's a kindness in his justice Which is more than liberty.
It was growing shadowy, the woods were blurred and vague, but its wideness fired her imagination and she felt the exhilaration that was in the nipping air.
The prairie, she thought, was beautiful in summer; its wideness was bracing, one was stirred into cheerfulness and bodily vigor by the rush of its fresh winds.
It filled the girl with a sense of freedom; its wideness uplifted her.
GOD'S MERCY There's a widenessin God's mercy Like the wideness of the sea; There's a kindness in his justice Which is more than liberty.
The greatest Inconvenience they still laboured under was the immoderate Wideness of their House, in which, as I have observ'd, the Difficulty of Hearing may be said to have bury'd half the Auditors Entertainment.
In a yet broader sense it is used adjectivally of mere wideness or universality of view, as when we speak of a man as "of catholic sympathies" or "catholic in his tastes.
Cavendish's scientific work is distinguished for the wideness of its range and for its extraordinary exactness and accuracy.
They are both standing, and in their Places, and the distance between them, which gives us the widenessof the Gate 15 Foot.
Just over the Door we could make a shift to discern part of the Wings of a large Spread-Eagle, extending the whole wideness thereof.
A river, broad, and shallow, wound its silver way about the village and lost itself in the wideness of the ocean.
If you have not exhausted the scope of seeing and hearing, How can you realize the wideness of the world?
Except in popular poetry, puns are rare; but there are several characters which, owing to the wideness of their import, are used in a way almost equivalent to play on words.
There's a wideness in God's mercy Like the wideness of the sea; There's a kindness in his justice, Which is more than liberty.
Jonson resembled Shakspeare in wideness of aim: he is most unlike him in the method which he adopted in the pursuit of his end.
It is this divine wideness of spirit, this tolerance of love, that is the most characteristic element in the stages which mark the higher Christian life.
Human virtue as it grows intense is liable to grow narrow and stringent; but divine love has an infinite wideness of allowance.
Why had he never noticed this wideness in skies at home?
There was a wideness here that made praying seem more natural than it would have been at home in the open country.
Oh, if I had as much love, for wideness and breadth, as twenty outmost shells and spheres of the heaven of heavens, that I might receive in a little flood of His free love!
Wideness is an aspect of Universalness or Realness.
But--I bid you to remember, day and night, that because of this which you have done, there can be no Madonna in my home.
They went out together into the sunshine and wideness of the morning, and it seemed a new day had been created since she got back from her ride with the minister.
But you can't think the wideness of the sky, and I couldn't paint it for you with words.