When the latter, which had been long forming its rudiments, came into something like consciousness, it at once spurred our fathers to make the declaration of independence.
Later in the day, his bleeding foot thrown over the pommel, he spurred his horse into leaping a ravine, in which he saw a horse and cart beneath him as he flew over.
He had become so absorbed in his recital that the entrance into the bar-room from the barber shop of a booted and spurred man escaped him.
Hawk, in an effort to catch Kate's bridle, spurred down to them till his own horse was afloat.
The third man spurred up the long slope straight for the house.
It was up: and as they rushed forward, a horseman spurred his steed across it, and it again fell, and all communication was prevented.
Derby, with his three hundred men, spurred on with incredible fury, until they found themselves hand to hand with the regular troops.
They impatiently spurred their horses to a short distance from the crowd, to obtain a better view, and then returned disappointed.
Unconsciously, at this moment, the page had spurred his steed, which plunged furiously.
But a sudden thought brightened over his features, and he spurredback to Magdalene, and sprang from his steed.
Sir William furiously spurred his steed through the dark wood, and, as a flash of his eye was shewn by some concealed light of the sky bursting upon it, he seemed the very spirit of revenge riding on the storm.
Thus saying, he spurred on his horse, and galloped forward to the head of the line, where, pulling up by the side of our spare friend in black, he communicated to him all that he had just heard.
I fear we have spoiled the best day's deeds England has seen for long;" and gathering together what men he could, he spurred headlong back towards the field.
Thus saying, he spurred his horse into a gallop, and at that pace pursued his way towards the gates.
Matt’s thoughts went back to the beginnings of his school career, when McTavit had spurred him on to master the alphabet by transforming his buckwheat-cake into any animal from ass to zebra.
Subdued as he was, a pride he afterwards felt to have been insane spurred him to refuse.
An impulse had driven him to humble himself, a counter-instinct now spurred him to excuse himself.
Some may think I naturally should from a sense of gratitude, a sense of duty,--that I should be spurred to do my best, since avowedly Viola had sacrificed all that the work should be good.
With long, sweeping strides the unwearied camels swept over the sandy plain, and their riders from time to time spurred them to greater speed.
Their ears rang with the horrid din and turmoil, and this spurred them on to greater efforts as they plunged forward with great strides.
Again she lost him; and again he glanced upon her sight, for a single second, as he spurred his fleet horse across the single arch of brick, and dashed into the woods on the hither side of the torrent.
I spurred my horse on and caught up to him and knocked him to the ground.
Then these knights, very furious, raised their swords and spurred toward the others, and they began to fight again.
With that she couched her spear, spurred her horse, and ran to the encounter.
Tristram spurred his horse towards Breuse, who, not unprepared, ran to the encounter.
Rogero, lance in rest, spurred his Hippogriff toward the Orc, and gave him a thrust.
The champion of the castle was equally ready, and each spurred towards his opponent.
Baldwin spurred off into the fight, not waiting to hear another word from Orlando, who was very sorry for what he had said, for he perceived that the youth was in despair.
So saying, he quitted his antagonist, picked up his sword, and spurred out of sight.
In this belief the followers of Muhammed engaged in battle without fear or anxiety, spurred to great deeds, reckless in the face of danger, happy to die and pass to the delights of Paradise.
Humphrey, bravely, as he spurred his horse between Hugo and the man-at-arms who had spoken.
Thou shalt see how quickly I will awake him out of sleep," cried the third, as he spurred his horse toward him and pricked him sharply with the point of his lance.
He spurred his pony furiously to the corral gate and in a short time had saddled another horse and was back where Hazelton was awaiting him.
Hollis spurred his pony closer and sat smiling down at her.
Hope for a bountiful harvest spurred them on as it hasspurred farmers in all generations.
The priest, fainting with fear, lost all his presence of mind; he then spurred the mare across country.
As soon as she saw him she beckoned to him to go up to her; but he, far from obeying, spurred his horse and turned away from the woman.
The terrified priest spurred on the mare, which began to gallop along the highway; but withal she flew like an arrow, the stallion was gaining ground at every step.
The friar spurred most furiously, but the mule only dashed his head downward and his heels in a contrary direction, and kept his position.
Then he spurred the grey unto the path, Till baith her sides they bledde; "Now, grey, if thou carry nae me away My life it lies in wedde.
When he saw them gaining on him so hard, he judged that all was over with him, and spurred on his jaded beast in vain.
She was not watching the path at the moment, and would have fallen had not Peter Gross spurred his animal alongside and caught her.
More native princes spurredfrom the town to join the procession.
There was a furious rush of blood to her cheeks; then she swung back into the saddle lightly as a feather andspurred her horse ahead.
Seeing this, two of the fine Court lords spurred their horses and rode straight at him, thinking to drive him back.
The knight, who had not seen them, spurred his horse, but it would not or could not move.
Then the animal was given a drink--he would be fed later--and the ring of spurred boots on the sun-baked ground announced that Derry was returning to the store.
The sightspurred him to a frenzy of hope and effort.
Amid a chorus of laughter and jeers at what his critics were pleased to regard as bad marksmanship, Jake spurred his horse into a gallop again.
But even the doctor spurred my awakened curiosity now.
Enid as she spurredher horse to have a word with the boy.
Tommy had spurred his horse forward and was now riding straight toward the herd.
When they reached the summit, the girls spurredtheir horses across the flat.
As Kie Wicks spurred his horse along the canyon road, he knew that his days at Saugus were over.
Scarcely had the boar crossed the road, when he spurred after him, sounding the view upon his horn, and followed by the Duke of Alencon, and by Henry of Navarre.
He soon found the trail of the fugitives, and spurred on in hopes of overtaking them.
Springing to the back of a fresh steed, he spurred before the fugitives, and bade them halt, threatened them, struck them with his spear.
Filled with pain and horror, Edward involuntarily dropped the cup and spurred his horse.
Douglas spurredto the head of his troop, and rode off at speed.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spurred" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.