Heyward is not able to raise, This Court therefore compassionateing the said Richard Heywards distressed estate, whoe being a Christian is in bondage to those Turkish & heathen Infidelles dothe order that there shalbe x{li.
Bowden being called to this Court for not makeing pˀntac͠on of his patient Godfrey Lee whoedied under his handꝭ is fined at xl{s.
Jesus and the Church wee knowe; but whoe are these?
Comming to the place where the widdowe was with one whoe is reported to haue bin sure of hir, as occasion happened the widdowe was absent; while he was in game, he, finding this opportunity, entreated the surmised assured gent.
Whoe hath alsoe made us fitt ministers of the Newe Testament, not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit quickeneth.
The best expositor of the Revelacion a nobleman in Scotland,[158] whoe hath taken Christian and learned paynes therein, yet fayled in the computacion of the beginning of the yeares.
Girlington, whoe is lately returned from Fraunce, what thing he tooke most delight in, in all his travail.
Sir Christopher Hatton and another knight made challenge whoe should present the truest picture of hir Majestie to the Queene.
God, whoeregards not soe muche what a man hath bin, but what he is, and will bee.
Yn mynde and boddie, hys owne fadre's boie; What then could Canynge wissen as a parte To gyve to her whoe had made chop of hearte?
Prepare a fleing horse, Whose feete are wynges, whose pace ys lycke the wynde, 805 Whoe wylle outestreppe the morneynge lyghte yn course, Leaveynge the gyttelles of the merke behynde.
And therefore turning to the Apothecarie he saied unto him: Sir, whoe is this that came laste?
And although Kings be free from checke, and may doe what they list: Yet, I could never commend King Manfrede, Whoe ever more used, to suite him selfe in greene.
They bee also very tedious to men, and their conversation & maners are very troublesome: whoe shewe too base and abject a minde in their doings.
Firando shook with it, and at same tyme ordained one Mr. Barkhout captaine of the Gallias and the Son, whoe are apointed to som exploit; and Jno.
These letters went per Mr. Eaton, whoe I sent to Langasaque to rec.
And news came from King of Firando that he arived at Miaco the 18th of the last moone, and was admitted awdience with the Emperour the 20th, whoe used hym in all kindnes, which causeth much rejoysing here.
I forgot to note downe that Safian Dono was at the secretaries howse, siting in a darke corner, I being cald in and apointed to syt on the better hand of hym, not knowing whoe he was till Capt.
I wrot an other letter to Mr. Wickham of recept of his, as also that at present I had receved a letter from Semi Dono, whoe very ernestly desireth to have vij tatta broad cloth, to pay for it 6 wickes hence at his arivall at Firando.
This day we carid the present to the Emperour Shongo Samme, whoe receved it in kynde parte, Codgscon Dono and Shongo Dono assisting us in the matter.
Not manye yeares paste there was at Bologna a notable Phisition, renowmed throughe out the whole worlde, called Maister Alberto, whoe beinge old, almost LX.
This sentence seemed cruel to the fathers, and almost had set the people together by the eares, whoe woulde haue torne him in peeces, had not the Tribunes appointed a day for his appearance.
Follow the counsell of your deare nourice Radegonde, whoe loueth you better than her owne soule.
Ermino Grimaldi, whoe as all men thoughte, was the richest of possessions and ready money within that citie, and therin farre excelled all other citizens which then were knowen in Italie.
And nowe, no doubte, many of them remember that the threateninge of the prophet hath taken holde upon them, whoe pronounceth an heavie woe againste all suche as spoile, because they themselves shall at length be spoiled.
An aunswer to the Bull of the Donation of all the West Indies graunted to the Kinges of Spaines by Pope Alexander the VIth, whoe was himselfe a Spaniarde borne.
Those thinges beinge thus, whoe seeth not that the Pope is frustrated of the ende which he intended in his Donation, and so the same oughte not to take effecte?
He should have remembred the worde of our Saviour, whoe saieth: Beatius est dare quam accipere—it is a blessed thinge to give rather then to receave.
Whoe hathe her owne destroy’de, And maie it bee, that shee thie birdes should spare?
Theise are compar’de, vnto the Ostriche faire, Whoe spreades her winges, yet sealdome tries the aire.
Obey her tymes, whoe is the free Faire Sunne that governes thee & mee.
I whoe flie these idle fancies Which my dearest rest betraye, 20 Warnd by others harmfull chances, Vse my freedome as I may.
I know not where hee spoke by hassarde or skill, For such divinations I doe not comende; Yet his counsell was good to flie future ill; For whoe so in vertue there dayes doe not spende Shalbe sure with me repente them in th' ende.
Farther our intente was to poyson the ordinance of the realme; A most haynouse matter as ever was invented, Whoe ever hath harde of trecheries so extreame, Concluded, agreed upon, and fullye consented?
Whoe have stayned my state and blemisht my name, In clymbing by follie have falne to my shame.
Whoe loved us all tenderlie as wee had benne his owne, And was verye carefull of oure education, Whose love so mee was diverse wayes showne, And I of the saime had daylie probation, And by this maye appeare of whiche I make narration.
In consideration of my Lord of Canterburie, whoe recommended him, I strained my patience very much; but if this felow shoulde continue longer on bord, you may easily imagine the troble he woulde put us to.
But God, quoth I, hath his tyme for all men, whoe calleth some at the nynthe, and some at the eleventh houer.
We are groune to that height of Intemperance in all excesse of Riott, as noe mans estate allmost will suffice to keepe saile with his aequalls: and he whoe failes herein, must live in scorne and contempt.
But he was sick, that he could not be spoaken withall, nether by Tonomon Samma the kinges brother, whoe went out to meete hym with a present, nether by us.
But this must needes be by meanes of the King of Xaxma, whose vassale the King of the Liqueas is, whoe had formerly geven them charge soe to doe, as Mr. Eaton thinketh.
I sent both Jeffrey and the writing back to Kitskin Dono, whoe gave hym me.
Whaw of Nangasaque be dead, whoe was a cheefe dealer hearin, yet his brother, Capt.
I sent all the orenges, rownd biskit cakes, and sweete bread to our neighbors wives whoe lent us money and furnished us with our tymber, mastes, biskit, etc.
Soe we departed towardes Miaco, and arived theare this evening at night, and, passing by Fushamy, mett with Gonrok Donos clark, whoe tould us his master was theare and ment not to departe from Miaco of 5 or 6 daies.
Oranges well doinge: whoe alreadye seamethe to be in verry harde case.
The Generall of them is Don Petro de Baldis whoe maryed Petro Malendas daughter.
William Hillyer sonne to ---- Hillyer of Bingfield in Barkshire whoe coming as a stranger to M^r.
The names of such persons whoe have covenanted togither to walke ye of Christ according to Gospell Order, wth an account of such matters as haue occurred in ye Church att Beccles.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whoe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.