But as for those, whoever they are, they are excluded from a share in the blessed and goodly privileges of this city.
The people--whoever they are--will be landing directly now!
I think the anthropoids, or whoever they were, must have been calculating on ambushing us as we came back, and expected to 'get' us while we were hunting for the boat.
These infernal pirates, whoever they are, must have been close by, in their boats, and cut us loose from our straps before the machine sank, and got us into their canoes.
The thieves, whoever they were, had, however, left us our blankets, which perhaps had escaped their observation.
The men, whoever they were, did not fire, probably because they could not catch sight of Boxer, who was rushing from side to side, concealed among some low shrubs and thick grass.
His pulses had raced with anger at her persecutors--whoever they were.
And in the meantime, the newcomers, whoever they were, were circling so as to surround them on all sides.
The men, whoever they were, were shooting in the direction of the riderless horse.
Garrick was apparently waiting only until the intruders, whoever they were, were busily engaged in their search before he gave the alarm and hurried over in an attempt to head off their escape by their secret means of entrance.
That had evidently been the secret method of which the Chief had spoken to the Boss, whoever they might be, who bore these epithets.
We may infer from these circumstances, trivial as they are, that those writers, whoever they were, and in whatever time they lived, were not present at the scene.
The tale of the resurrection follows that of the crucifixion; and in this as well as in that, the writers, whoever they were, disagree so much as to make it evident that none of them were there.
The answer is--The keeping his attendants, whoever they were, in the necessary state of obsequiousness: for no other is perceptible.
Secondly, that the writers, whoever they were, have not acted in concerted imposition, but each writer separately and individually for himself, and without the knowledge of the other.
I've always thought that, as the air and water disappeared from the upper parts of the moon, the inhabitants, whoever they were, must have been driven down into the deeper parts.
The question was how they were to put the animal off the scent in the brief time that remained before the watchmen, or whoever they might be, arrived upon the scene.
The people, whoever they were, were intent upon something on the barge.
A superstition which has certainly endured to the nineteenth century may obviously have existed among the Picts, or whoever they were, of the crannog and broch period on Clyde.
The Picts, or whoever they were, might assuredly use charm stones, and the only objection to the idea that they might engrave archaic patterns on them is the absence of record of similarly inscribed small stones in Britain.
These characters, whoever they were, were taking no chances.
It was necessary to stop these people, whoever they were, from causing any more interference.
Well, whoever they are, chances are good they've been neutralized by now.
Whoever they are, they're operating under some phony front name.
When night came on they encamped outside, as it was a rule never to allow any large body of Indians, whoever they were, to sleep inside the fort.
The party, whoever they were, must have hurried away--perhaps from the appearance of a body of Indians, or they might have gone off in chase of some deer or buffaloes.
We came to the conclusion that the thieves, whoever they were, had been watching us and the Crees, and directly we had all left the cache, had hurried up and rifled it.
Say these two lads--whoever they were--did all sorts of mean things to Mike Bixton in the training camp.
Then we'll wait for Mr. Carl Anker and Mr. Fritz Ammann, whoever they may be.
These people, whoever they are, seem to be in deadly earnest.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whoever they" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.