And whin oi've conquered all, loike Alexander oi will soigh There is no more to conquer, and oi'll lay me down and doie.
They thought oi was a tough gussoon, and whin they played agin, They put me in the scrimmage--we got thorty-foive to tin.
Whin your father got ye's a pass to the front, we all thought the fightin' in the Shenandoey Valley was over.
He and I was always good frinds, though he was somethin' of a devil in the kitchen himself, whin he got there.
Orth'ris, ye scutt, let me put me oi to that bottle, for my throat's as dhry as whin I thought I wud get a kiss from Annie Bragin.
Or there won't be a rag av kit betune thim whin you do.
I; an', afther that, whin he wanted to help a Paythan I stud wid the muzzle contagious to the ear.
He cut Peg Barney as near as might be on the oi that I'd squshed whin we first met.
Whin I gave room to the Oirishman I was expinded an' forlorn in my inside.
I'll have nothing to do wid ye till dinner time, whin I'll stuff ye all so full of roast pig and praties that ye'll be obleeged to kaap quiet regarding dacent folks.
How could it do that whin it brought me the bist of luck, being I came to your door?
He's come to the belief that it's a good time to adjourn, as me cousin said whin someone blowed up the stump on which he was risting his weary body.
But the same is becooming to me, as Jim Flannery said whin he walked into church wid two black eyes and his head bent out of shape from the shindy he had with his twin brither over the quistion of aiting maat on Friday.
Do ye walk straight into the house and war-r-m yersilf till I come, which will be in a jiffy whin I have the rest of me clothes hung out.
I wish--that is--I wud like to shake hands wid that gintleman and ask him how his folks was whin he last heerd from them.
Arrah, now, but that's good, as me dad says whin he tips up the jug.
It'll be a sorry day whin I can't take a joke, as Jim Doolin said smiling whin his frinds pushed his cabin over on top of him as he lay sleeping behind it, but I was niver sarved such a trick before.
Whin I git me eyes open I'll taich ye better manners," he called, climbing carefully to his feet.
And haven't we a full-grown man wid us, as me dad said whin he inthrodooced me to his friends at Donnybrook, I being 'liven years old?
I can bist explain by a dimonstration, as the tacher said whin I asked him what was meant by the chastisement of a school lad.
Whin ye find ye can bate the ither out of sight ye fall back and let her doot.
It couldn't be itherwise, whin it's yersilf that has provided the same.
The knowledge that "whin bush" is the furze renders this saying easily intelligible.
Pleading at the law is like fighting through a whin bush--the harder the blows the sairer the scarts.
The wise wife will gyard herself closer nor whin she was a maid, an' she will gyard her man closer nor his mother.
Whin a man's eyes rest on a woman wishful, like a hungry dog's on a green bone, that's thrue love.
Ye blush whin an old woman that's seen th' rough iv ut calls a spade a spade.
Dhrowned he was, but sure wather was always fatal to his fam'ly, an' maybe it was all for the best, as Father Paul said whin he married me to Dan Shaughnessy after a dacint year.
I was jokin' wid ye, whin I called ye this or that.
Whin you plaze; but a word in your ear; are you sure she'll not follow us?
But whin a crayther runs away, thin phwat're yez goin' to do?
Indade, we couldn't git on widout yez, an' it's moighty bad we filt whin we thought ye wur dead.
Didn't I think to sit down to me supper in solitood, whin in comes like a vision the frind as was a frind indade to me and the ladies the other day.
I can remimber whinchuck steak an' garlic is about Cha-a-arley's speed.
I'll own 'tis some different whin chickens is stole.
You stud by me once whin I needed help; and now you ask will I stand by for rescue work.
Ah that was whin that gossoon Adams had howlt of the helm.
Why, sorr, whin I go to slape sometimes, the divil himself couldn't wake me!
You can till me where to look for thim whin I come back agin within hail.
I only thought you'd have had a drop of wather or two whin the skoilight got adrift, and we've rigged up tarpaulins over it and battened it down comfortably, so that ye'll not be throubled any more by the say washing down.
I 'member what a gret han' you was for pickaniggers whin you was a gal.
My gran'mammy done tell me yars an' yars gone by dat whin dat ghoses comes fer me to clar out.
I was on my way up there whinthe crowd concoursing here distracted my intention.
De tale runs dat it war a nigger what tole de bridegroom dat her beau lover was a-fixin' ter tote her off, an' whin dat ere ghoses comes she ain't come fer no good.
I bet nobody shouted louder than him whin Brother 'Lige stood up 'thout no cloak in his pink tights.
Whin a mon has wan leg shorter than the other, begorre the other's longer.
Whin yez is cr-remated yez can have the remains put in a tin box and kerry thim ar-round in your vist pocket wid yez.
Sitting down on the rock, I put out my hand to get a hould of it, whin what does it do, but lifts up its shell of its ownself!
Can't he take a trip, with his house on his back, and look about him whin he likes?
I'll be starved intirely whin that's gone; for there's no work for us, far or near.
I'd be wrong if I denied that, whin I see them in your hand, and possession is nine points of the law.
Poorly, Biddy, and you know it; for you was wid her whin I wint away.
It's thrue I had nothin' in the univarse to do, for I could niver git work nohow, an' whin I got it I could niver kape it.
We always put up the birds first, and fire afterwards; but you salvages murther a poor brute on the sand, whin it's only two fathoms from ye.
It would seem a sin to use that warm cloth to cover cork, whin some poor little lamb is shivering in the cold.
And upon my saunies, Connor, I'd rather any time go up to my neck in wather than meet a man that I owe money to, whin I can't pay him.
Avick machree, now I feel it, may be whin it's too late.
Whin he's taken from me, I don't care how soon I folly him; God forgive me if it's a sin to say so!
You see, whin you naither hoped for it here, nor expected it, how it came for all that.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.