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Example sentences for "whatever happens"

  • The man who is born to fall in love will do it, whatever happens; but there are, of course, ways and ways of doing it, and this particular way of keeping guard over the emotions is perhaps as swift as any.

  • She will take her own line, whatever happens.

  • That at least will be one thread spun off and out of the way, whatever happens.

  • Whatever happens, I think Eileen had better trust herself to these men.

  • Now I can feel that my work in life is done, and that I can go down to my grave in peace, knowing that, whatever happens, you will be well protected.

  • Believe me, dear, they shall not get him, whatever happens.

  • I have gone into the business, and must carry it through, whatever happens.

  • Whatever happens: She shuddered at the words, reminding her as they did of all her vague misgivings and fears.

  • Yes, whatever happens I will love you truly and faithfully.

  • Whatever happens, remember that I'm behind you!

  • You must get away, quick, whatever happens," he said hurriedly.

  • Well, whatever happens, we are now in this, not from choice, as you said before, but from necessity.

  • The last words Peter had said when he left her for the front came back with absolute distinctness: "Whatever happens, do what you think best, go where you feel you must go.

  • It makes me silly, and I must keep up, whatever happens.

  • Whatever happens to the rest of us, you, at least, must be happy.

  • Whatever happens, I should be grateful to you all my life for giving me so much happiness.

  • I will not give you up to him, whatever happens; and if he tries to take you away, or if you try to go to him, you must be prepared to find that I offer every resistance.

  • God forbid that I should do so, whatever happens.

  • I have loved you from the first, and I can never do anything but love you, whatever happens.

  • In any case, be sure of one thing, whatever happens.

  • Whatever happens, she must be properly dressed.

  • So whatever happens, I am not likely to care for Lord Hawtrey because he is rich, nor to care for him because he is a nobleman or has high rank, or anything of that sort.

  • To-night you must show a cheerful face--whatever happens in the future, you must be cheerful to-night.

  • You believe in your heart that Mr. Strahan can console me with his gossip to-morrow evening, whatever happens.

  • Whatever happens," she said, almost irritably, "you must be cured of that impression.

  • Whatever happens, there must still be law and government.

  • You shall know, Miss Vosburgh, and I hope you will come and see me, whatever happens.

  • Promise me that, whatever happens, you will not go to the Major.

  • Whatever happens, from your point of view an injustice is bound to be committed.

  • Ozma will take care of you, whatever happens," Dorothy assured her.

  • He knows that he can count on me whatever happens--he's always known that.

  • Whatever happens, I am more than repaid by your approval.

  • We should be grateful to you all the days of our lives, you may be sure, whatever happens, for the interest you have always shown in our welfare.

  • Whatever happens, Ich habe gelebt und geliebt,” said Linda, who had a turn for German literature.

  • So the sanctimonious old King had said sooth, "Whatever happens, happens by the will of God.

  • Whatever happens," he said tremulously, "happens by the will of God.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whatever happens" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    angel appeared; born child; fewer than; field system; hewn down; inquire whether; man may; metres long; pale blue; parliamentary division; saved others; strong detachment; sure that; week later; well dressed; whatever comes; whatever else; whatever happened; whatever happens; whatever kind; whatever may; whatever part; whatever rank; whatever thou; whatever you; while many