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Example sentences for "whatever comes"

  • Whatever comes, let's be content withal: Among God's blessings there is no one small.

  • Or pea, or bean, or wort, or beet, Whatever comes, content makes sweet.

  • But I am determined to see the woman, whatever comes of it.

  • Whatever comes of it you shall not reproach me with having hidden anything from you which it was necessary to your interests to know.

  • Might as well make a haul,' says he, 'whatever comes of it.

  • We'll try,' says he, 'whatever comes of it.

  • If we have to lock him up in jail or put him into a lunatic asylum, we must keep him here for the present, whatever comes of it.

  • Our scheme must therefore be to let her go free, but to see to 't that we know what she's about, and be prepared to advantage ourselves by whatever comes to pass.

  • Ben Hadden; or, Do Right, Whatever Comes Of It, by W.

  • I told you," said John to his sons, "do right, whatever comes of it.

  • Illustration: "Well, I'm off, whatever comes of it.

  • Now, Roger Hawkshaw, you have got to show yourself a true man, whatever comes of it.

  • Whatever comes, you must not blame yourself in that matter, Diggory.

  • I want no better man; and know that, whatever comes, I can rely upon Pengarvan to stand by me, and the ship, to the last.

  • So you see that, whatever comes, there is hope that things will go happily with us.

  • Friend beyond all price to me, some day this tale will reach your hands, and I ask you to house it in your heart, and, whatever comes, let it be for my remembrance.

  • Whatever comes now, if you have this record, you will know the private history of my life.

  • Only, whatever comes, remember I have begged nothing of you, have desired nothing but justice--that only.

  • I tell you the trouble is mine; whatever comes falls on my head; be still, Elsie.

  • Whatever comes, I won't blame you for this new danger.

  • Whatever comes, I shall not be dragged into it?

  • Think well of her, whatever comes to pass!

  • Think well of me, whatever comes, but all that is over now.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whatever comes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    come here; doubt whether; good fellowe; great men; married women; she may; small minority; the seas; this company; this singular; twelve stones; useful work; watching him; whatever cost; whatever else; whatever happened; whatever happens; whatever may; whatever might; whatever part; whatever their; whatever they; whatever thou; whatever you; write their; you would