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Example sentences for "what reason"

  • What reason is assigned for the fall of Babylon?

  • What reason is given for making the new covenant?

  • What reason is given for God's readiness to forgive sin?

  • What reason is given in the commandment for keeping the Sabbath day holy?

  • What reason hath he that is left in this case to quarrel against his Maker?

  • What reason, then, have you to think yourself a pilgrim?

  • What reason can I have to hope for an inheritance in eternal life?

  • As to the query, What reason is there, why the Lord should suffer any of his ordinances to be lost?

  • What reason is there, then, for deserting the common view, regarded almost as an axiom of criticism, to the effect that 1 Cor.

  • Finally, what reason is there for supposing that the Christianity of Damascus and Antioch was different in essentials from the Christianity of Jerusalem?

  • What reason has he to grumble if the master comes to him and says, 'This little bit of ground that I have given you to grow a few sugar-canes and melons on, I am going to take back again.

  • But when Jesus perceived their thoughts, He, answering, said unto them, What reason ye in your hearts?

  • The question requiring to be asked about material things is thus not: What reason have we for supposing that anything exists corresponding to our sensations?

  • What reason have we for supposing that material things do not exist, since their existence has precisely the same evidence as that of our sensations?

  • What reason have we for supposing that there are things outside the mind corresponding to these that are inside it?

  • What reason had he then for endeavouring, with such bitter hostility, to force me into the senate yesterday?

  • For if these four armies which I have mentioned are praised because they have taken up arms for the sake of the liberty of the Roman people, what reason is there why this army of Marcus Brutus should not be classed under the same head?

  • What reason, then, is there why the army of Marcus Brutus should be an object of suspicion to those men who with the whole of their energies desire the preservation of Decimus Brutus?

  • What reason is there to think that this interpretation is applicable to the case under consideration?

  • What reason have I to think that the Armenian is not concerned in his leaving me?

  • This is what reason requires in the human face.

  • What reason, laboring like a careful ant, with difficulty scrapes together, the wind of accident collects in one short moment.

  • Our first premises were as follows: Assuming that consciousness is the cause of movement by which man attempts to arrive at his ends, what reason have we for supposing consciousness to exist outside man?

  • If the question as to what moral sanction is means, 'What reason is there why morality exists?

  • Assuming mechanical action and reaction to be the cause of movement in inorganic nature, what reason have we for assuming this to be the cause of action in organic existence?

  • What reason can be given why those parts of the Union should not populate which are at a distance from the Potomac, in proportion to those parts in the vicinity of that place?

  • What reason is there for any such supposition?

  • For if the number of souls can be indefinitely increased, what reason is there to deny that what had never before been created, could be created?

  • What reason do you allege why Thorius, why Chius, why Postumius, why the master of all these men, Orata, did not live most agreeably?

  • Now, as these are my sentiments, what reason can I have for fearing that I may not be able to accommodate our Torquati to them—men whose examples you just now quoted from memory, with a kind and friendly feeling towards us?

  • What reason is it that we should goe to oste In their countries, & in this English coste They should not so?

  • Which thing, what reason haue we more to admire in the mountaine of Hecla?

  • But here I would willingly demannd, by what reason any of the Peripateticks can affirme, that there is some thing in nature colder then the element of water, or hotter then the element of fire.

  • Mr. Guthrie asked him, What reason he had for so doing?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "what reason" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    play called; what about; what course; what did; what followed; what good; what ground; what has been called; what manner; what may; what means; what need; what ought; what place; what precedes; what respect; what thinkest; what time did you; what you have done; what you have said; whatever comes; whatever cost; whatever happens; whatever kind; whatever their; whatever thou