Jonson allowed himself great liberty in personal satire, by which, doubtless, he rung an alarum to a waspish host; he lampooned Inigo Jones, the great machinist and architect.
Fell only vindicated himself by a fresh invective on "the most vain and waspish animal of Malmesbury," and Hobbes was too frightened to reply.
By him stood the waspish Spanish gentleman; the latter inclined himself in a stiff bow as Grant's gaze met his.
The waspish Spanish person admitted he had purchased his only a minute before the train started.
Dory did not want a broken head, and he did not want to give the son of his friend a broken head; and he did not want to quarrel with the waspish fellow.
The man that wrote that letter never said a word to me about this boat, or any other; and I did not buy her for him," replied Dory, startled by the statement of the waspish young man.
When a steamer blows one whistle, it is a signal that she intends to go to the starboard of us; and we have to reply with the one whistle,” added Dory, glad to find that the second pilot could speak to him even in waspish tones.
Dory did not like to interfere, lest he should give offence to the waspish associate in the pilot-house.
Even now I can hear the waspish buzz of bullets, and feel the sting of the gravel sent into my face, as they rip through the ground at my feet.
A waspish tribe are these, on gilded wings, Humming their lays, and brandishing their stings; And thus they move their friends and foes among, Prepared for soothing or satiric song.
Washer, his intemperate little pompadour bristling, and his waxed mustache as waspish as if he were really provoked.
And last of all, to end a household strife, It is the honey 'gainst a waspish wife.
So all that day and all that night, with a moon to make a lover weep to see, we went bowling after our waspishconsort in hopes before long of taking the sting out of her.
Queen Elizabeth, in her most waspish moods, had not often lectured the States-General more roundly than Henry now lectured his cousin Maurice.
They were stung to fury against Spain and against Barneveld by the waspish effusions of the daily press.
For, from this day forth, Ile vse you for my Mirth, yea for my Laughter When you are Waspish Cassi.
A little waspishthis morning, aren't you, Josephine?
She learned that a clerk must develop suavity and patience in the same degree as a customer waxes waspish and insulting, and that the spectrum's colours do not exist in the costume of the girl-behind-the-counter.
Thus she carried within herself the magic that drew from waspish circumstance its sharpest sting.