Sixty-seven Assemblymen voted for it; only ten - and every one of them from San Francisco - voted against it.
Among the letters read was one from Franklin Pierce, who had in 1844 voted against annexation, a letter which years afterwards was, with a reference to his famous friend and biographer, called the "Scarlet Letter.
All the Republicans, and Jefferson Davis and Robert Toombs, representing the cotton States, voted against it.
If Tallmadge voted for such a resolution, reasoned the Van Buren leaders, it would alienate the political friends with whom he was just now acting; if he voted against it, he would alienate Tammany.
Many protests were made that the time was ill chosen, and some peers left the House to avoid recording their votes while others voted against it without reference to its merits as a question.
His colleague in the Senate, Nathaniel Silsbee, voted against him, and in the House such personal adherents as Edward Everett and Isaac C.
Mr. Fessenden did not oppose it, but his colleague, Mr. Nourse, voted against it.
Mr. Carlile of West Virginia was the only senator in nominal sympathy with the Administration who voted against it.
He voted for the bill, however, while his colleague, Mr. Silsbee, voted against it.
Only the Senators from the Carolinas and Alabama, and one Senator from Missouri, voted against it.
I was unwilling that territory hereafter to be acquired should be rendered slave territory; and I put that proposition distinctly in it, in order that when I voted against them, it might be seen why and how I did it.
It is the doctrine I hold now; and I so notified the Senator from Tennessee, who arraigned me here as voting against protecting property, and who did me willful and gross injustice in it--for I voted for it and he voted against it.
Paine: I voted against it from both moral motives and motives of public policy.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "voted against" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.