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Example sentences for "obtain possession"

  • It was, however, currently reported that a secret understanding existed between the two Barukzye chiefs, whose common object it was to obtain possession of the Balla Hissar.

  • Ameen-oollah Khan never slackened in his exertions to obtain possession of the persons of the hostages.

  • Hence it was that the children of Joseph sought to obtain possession of the central mountain range, which abounded in springs and had a very rich soil.

  • They hoped to obtain possession of the entire territory which had so long been in the hands of the people of Israel.

  • David, however, considered it conducive to his interest to obtain possession of this citadel of Zion before commencing hostilities with the Philistines.

  • This was done with so much force as to obtain possession of Indian Hill and the low range of hills south of it.

  • To obtain possession of these roads now became the special object with him, and all his movements had regard to that end.

  • The Mackenzies were by no means pleased to see the Munros occupying the stronghold; and, desirous to obtain possession of it themselves, they purchased Leslie's right, by virtue of which they demanded delivery of the castle.

  • In the following year he was among the chiefs who, at the head of their followers, met Queen Mary at Inverness, and helped her to obtain possession of the Castle after Alexander Gordon, the governor, refused her admission.

  • A second attempt was then made to obtain possession of the forfeited Seaforth estates for the Government.

  • This only made the Earl more determined than ever to obtain possession of the stronghold, and he peremptorily requested the garrison to surrender it and Kenneth to him at once.

  • He also described the manner in which he had tried to obtain possession of it, and told how he had failed in his attempt to induce Silas to give him a pair of shoes on the strength of David's credit.

  • The offer was made in the presence of Dan and his father, and the former at once laid his plans to obtain possession of a portion of the money.

  • To obtain possession of Darien, then, could only be done by invasion, and that invasion must produce immediate war, for which William was not prepared.

  • It was impossible, therefore, to obtain possession of the Isthmus of Darien without producing a fresh European war.

  • It was of immense consequence to obtain possession of that place; but it was in the keeping of the stout Sir John Hotham and his son, who had declared in Parliament "fall back, fall edge, he would carry out the wishes of Parliament.

  • In the Senate there was very little opposition to its passage; and after thirteen years, the people of the United States paid for the slaves whom Watson bought on speculation, but of whom he failed to obtain possession.

  • They believed themselves to hold the beneficial interest in the bodies of the Exiles, and determined to obtain possession of them.

  • I was fortunate enough to obtain possession of them, but only after a deal of difficulty.

  • A few lines suffice to compromise one at times, and if Dargental was ever foolish enough to show a note of yours to that girl, she may have managed to obtain possession of it.

  • He certainly did not murder Monsieur Dargental to obtain possession of them.

  • I determined to obtain possession of it, but as this was not the proper time to carry it away, I returned to the fort, and said nothing of the discovery which I had made.

  • Not knowing the character of these Indians, they were not on their guard, allowing them to enter their camp, and finally to obtain possession of their weapons.

  • Perceiving this, the pretender had a great desire to obtain possession of these two galleys, but not being able to effect his purpose by force, he had recourse to a ruse.

  • Finding himself so well supported, he attempted to obtain possession of the Countess Jean, but she fled into France, and besought the protection of her cousin, Louis the Eighth, king of that country.

  • Of this important spot Suetonius resolved to obtain possession, as the most effectual means of crushing the spirit of resistance still existing amongst the people.

  • Similar struggles had marked his progress through the mountains ever since the defeat of Methven; but vain was every effort of his foes to obtain possession of his person, destroy his energy, and thus frustrate his purpose.

  • The banner of Scotland quickly banished doubt as to which part; that youthful warrior belonged; knights and yeomen alike threw themselves in his path to obtain possession of so dear a prize.

  • Shrieking wildly and hysterically, she staggered fainting to a chair, while Boris and I struggled with the murderer to obtain possession of the weapon.

  • Again he tried to obtain possession of the bag, but once more she frustrated his design.

  • In September some of the nobles of his party attempted to obtain possession of Prague with the aid of Korybut's partisans in the city.

  • They stormed the bridge (November 4) and occupied the buildings immediately beyond it; and it seemed for a time possible that they should even obtain possession of the Hradcany Castle, from which Queen Sophia fled hastily.

  • The invaders succeeded in driving the Bohemians from the Mala Strana, but their attempt to obtain possession of the bridge, and thus to secure access to the old town, failed.

  • The Swedes were, however, unable to obtain possession of the part of the town on the right bank of the Vltava, even after a second Swedish army had joined them in October.

  • How am I to obtain possession of the Count de Chalusse's estate?

  • Well, you can demand satisfaction when you obtain possession of your property: but the least scandal now would spoil your last chances.

  • Save the abortive attempt to take Sluys, and Maximilian's equally futile endeavour to obtain possession of Damme, they only concern indirectly the city of Bruges.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obtain possession" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    acute angle; beat all well together; cargo ship; during life; especial manner; high commissioner; land area; mound near; nursing home; obtain employment; obtain food; obtain possession; obtain some; obtain their; obtain them; obtain what; obtained from; obtained leave; obtained mercy; obtained only; strengthen their; thirty minutes; thousand leagues; white men; would endeavour; your soul