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Example sentences for "vindicated"

Lexicographically close words:
vinculo; vinculum; vind; vinda; vindicate; vindicates; vindicating; vindication; vindications; vindicator
  1. The first idea of proving recreant to the cause he had vindicated so bravely, appears to have entered his mind when the charges preferred against him by the council of Pennsylvania were referred by Congress to a court-martial.

  2. Henry vindicated them, as justified by the nature of the case; went into an able and constitutional discussion of colonial rights, and an eloquent exposition of the manner in which they had been assailed.

  3. Scarooyadi, successor to the half-king, remained true to the English, and vindicated his people to the governor and council of Pennsylvania from the charge of having had any share in the late massacres.

  4. As such He gloriously vindicated God, in the very scene where He had been dishonored.

  5. It was to be magnified and made honorable, vindicated and established.

  6. The claims of His throne have been vindicated as to it.

  7. Having pronounced the term liberty, as applied to the will, to be a word without meaning, he proceeds to justify the infliction of punishment on the same grounds on which it is vindicated by Hobbes and Spinoza.

  8. On the one or the other of these grounds, it is believed that every instance in which suffering falls upon the innocent, or falls not as a punishment of sin, may be vindicated and reconciled with the goodness of God.

  9. Thus, by bearing in mind that a necessary holiness is a contradiction, an absurd and impossible conceit, the goodness of God is vindicated in regard to the lost, and his sincerity is evinced in the offer of salvation to all.

  10. Woods, on which suffering can be vindicated under the administration of a perfect God.

  11. Having thus vindicated himself personally, Alkibiadês went on to deprecate any change of the public resolution already taken.

  12. Euphêmus, in reply, explained the proceedings of Athens in reference to her empire, and vindicated her against the charges of Hermokratês.

  13. He had ably vindicated the characters of Governors Bernard, Hutchinson and Oliver, he was esteemed an able writer, and a staunch loyalist.

  14. William Walter was a zealous supporter of the church and crown, and vindicated his sincerity by the sacrifices he made for them.

  15. But so far were such feelings from being exhibited, that every thing which emanated from St. Helena showed that the Ex-Emperor nourished all his former plans, and vindicated all his former actions.

  16. The former sent forth a succession of criticisms as from the tub of Diogenes, while the latter, with genial power, vindicated America and predicted its future.

  17. In other writings he vindicated especially the virtue of Toleration.

  18. And now it is my duty to remind you that these fisheries, guarded so watchfully and vindicated with such conquering zeal, had a value prospective rather than present, or at least small compared with what it is now.

  19. There can be very little doubt that the effective way in which De Maistre propounded and vindicated this theory made a deep impression on the mind of Comte.

  20. The order that De Maistre vindicated was a very different thing from the deadly and poisonous order which was the object of the prayers of the incorrigible royalists around him.

  21. Looking back upon the day when that Act became a law by the signature of Abraham Lincoln, I feel how grandly it has been vindicated by the result.

  22. But the eminent and precocious person to whom I refer had shown a peculiar genius very early in life, had enjoyed the rarest opportunities of culture, and had vindicated her title as artist before she attempted this difficult task.

  23. It has been to-day ably and conclusively vindicated by the Senator from Ohio.

  24. He openly vindicated the power of the court to make such a sale, and I have never heard anything of those poor victims from that time to this.

  25. The result of the reappointment of McClellan soon vindicated the wisdom of the step.

  26. My resolution to acknowledge everything openly, at a convenient season, vindicated the sophistries of worldly wisdom and the sagacity of my old friend.

  27. We have but lately vindicated the existence of God.

  28. Thus, he vindicated the legality of divorce for barrenness on the part of the wife, and even that of polygamy, in his resolution of two important cases of conscience.

  29. He was so passionately attached to her, that upon the scaffold he vindicated their intercourse by some very warm and enthusiastic expressions, and could by no means be prevailed on to express any repentance of it as unlawful.

  30. The abiding truth has been shown and vindicated by the ordeal through which it has passed.

  31. The conclusion thus apparent is vindicated by the very conception of the authority which binds men ethically.

  32. The king had vindicated his right against the Whigs to choose his own ministers; but the new minister was himself a Whig by descent, and a reformer by his education and personal disposition.

  33. Religion thus makes easy and felicitous what in any case is necessary; and if it be the only agency that can accomplish this result, its vital importance as a human faculty stands vindicated beyond dispute.

  34. At this purely subjective rating, therefore, Religion must be considered vindicated in a certain way from the attacks of her critics.

  35. These were the facts of the case, and he was satisfied that the character of England had been vindicated by not allowing its ports to be made subservient to such designs.

  36. He realized in a flash that, since he had vindicated his own prowess, he was glad of Woodville's escape.

  37. A roar of laughter at the picture vindicated Lescott's assumption.

  38. Sometimes, when he saw a brush dab into a color whose use he did not at once understand, he would catch his breath anxiously, then nod silently to himself as the blending vindicated the choice.

  39. Incidentally, he stood vindicated in the eyes of his own people.

  40. An institution based on principles which are radically unsound cannot long be vindicated solely with reference to its alleged usefulness.

  41. Naegelsbach's curious scepticism as to the authorship of the Lamentations, and has vindicated the traditional opinion on this matter with a great array of argument.

  42. In music, it might be thought, Germany had [131] already vindicated its spiritual liberty.

  43. That report and that resolve were made and adopted in the year 1838--seven years after the award of the King of the Netherlands--and vindicated our title to the whole extent of the disputed territory.

  44. Mr. Van Buren vindicated equally the rights of the chief magistrate, and his own personal decorum; and left the committee without any thing to complain of, although unsuccessful in all their objects.

  45. At last the truth of history has vindicated itself, and has shown who was the true author of that mischief to the South and West.

  46. In the Senate, where the bill originated, Mr. Tappan of Ohio, vindicated the recourse to martial law, and as being necessary for the safety of the city.

  47. They triumphed--have maintained their supremacy ever since--and vindicated their excellence on trial.

  48. The Speaker again essayed to calm the House, and again standing up in his place, he recapitulated his attempts to preserve order, and vindicated the correctness of his own conduct--seemingly impugned by many.

  49. How soon His confidence was vindicated Matthew tells us.

  50. The cleansing of the Temple, at the very outset of His course, was vindicated by Him by the profound words, 'Destroy this Temple, and in three days I will raise it up.

  51. He feels that by this he has not only vindicated the government, but that also in doing this he has vindicated the commission.

  52. It is to show that the government in so doing completely vindicated its dignity and honor that I write.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vindicated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.