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Example sentences for "viceroyalty"

Lexicographically close words:
vicem; viceregal; viceregent; viceroy; viceroyalties; viceroys; viceroyship; vices; vicesimo; vich
  1. The Duke of Bedford vacated the viceroyalty in 1761, and Lord Halifax took his place.

  2. Lord Fitzwilliam was immediately replaced by Lord Camden, whose Viceroyalty extended into the middle of the year 1798: a reign which embraced all that remains to us to narrate, of the Parliamentary politics of the era of Independence.

  3. The viceroyalty of Ireland, which had become an object of ambition to the first men in the empire, was warmly contested by the Earl of Harrington and the Duke of Dorset.

  4. His viceroyalty was destined for Clitus; but on the death of that general it was conferred on Amyntas.

  5. The laws endeavoured to check abuses, but there can be no doubt that they were often defeated by the greed of the colonists -- more especially in the viceroyalty of Peru, which was always less well governed than Mexico.

  6. As the Spanish dominions became more settled, the viceroyalty of Peru was found to be unwieldy.

  7. A fourth viceroyalty for the river Plate was formed in 1778.

  8. These provinces, governed till 1810 by a captain-general residing at Caracas, are now united to the old viceroyalty of New Grenada, or Santa Fe, under the name of the Republic of Columbia.

  9. Far beyond the southern frontiers of the old viceroyalty of Buenos Ayres, between the Rio Colorado and the Rio Negro (latitude 38 to 39 degrees) groups of mountains seem to rise in the form of islands in the middle of a muriatiferous plain.

  10. Santa Fé, also known as Santa Fé de Bogotá, was for a long period the capital of the Viceroyalty of New Granada.

  11. Footnote 223: This province is now in the kingdom or viceroyalty of New Granada, and audiencia of Quito.

  12. Footnote 166: Quito was annexed to the empire of Peru, not long before the Spanish conquest, but is now in the viceroyalty of New Granada.

  13. Those in Manila felt that inasmuch as they had an audiencia which was co-equal in power with that of New Spain, they should be independent of the viceroyalty in all the affairs of justice, government, and commerce.

  14. Gasca was ordered to restore that viceroyalty to the sovereignty of Spain, and to do whatever the king would do under like circumstances.

  15. The first attempt at the codification of the laws for the governing of the colonies was made in New Spain in 1545, when the ordinances for the government of that viceroyalty and audiencia were printed.

  16. It was at this time, and as a result of these abuses, Bancroft tells us, that the Spanish government decided to establish a viceroyalty in New Spain, with a semiregal court and regal pretensions.

  17. Indeed, it must be remembered that it was the individual captaincy-general that had an audiencia, whether the captaincy-general happened to be a viceroyalty or not.

  18. Davoust replied that that event was probable, since he had Napoleon's promise of the Viceroyalty of that Kingdom, and as several of his comrades had been promised starosties.

  19. Bouvier's letter I carried it to the Due de Rovigo, whose situation made him perfectly aware of the intrigues which had been carried on against me since I had left Hamburg by one whose ambition aspired to the Viceroyalty of Poland.

  20. Had Napoleon been successful in 1812, Davoust was to have received the Viceroyalty of Poland; and he would probably have left a higher name in history than the other men placed by Napoleon to rule over his outlying kingdoms.

  21. I wars now proceed to notice the affairs of Italy and the principal events of the Viceroyalty of Eugene.

  22. At this moment the attention of Chung Wang was called off to Nankin, which the imperialists were investing for a sixth time, under Tseng Kwofan, who had been elevated to the viceroyalty of the Two Kiang.

  23. Another of Tseng's proteges, Tso Tsung Tang, had been raised from the viceroyalty of Chekiang and Fuhkien to that of Shensi and Kansuh.

  24. The arrival of Sequeira in India during the viceroyalty of Almeida has been already noticed, and mention has been made of the Viceroy's wish that he should take over the government in the place of Albuquerque.

  25. Athaide's second viceroyalty was not marked by any important event.

  26. The new governor was an experienced officer; he had been Captain of the Sea during his father's short viceroyalty in 1524; had made more than one voyage to India; and had acted for five years as Captain of Malacca.

  27. All the territory south of Lake Titicaca was separated from the Viceroyalty of Peru, and the province of Cuyo was detached from the Captaincy-General of Chile.

  28. It amounted to a coalition to forestall Rosas's plan of uniting the whole of the old Viceroyalty and the Plate valley under his rule.

  29. The creation of the Viceroyalty was a reluctant and tardy reversal of the colonial policy which had steadfastly refused to recognise in Buenos Aires the inevitable outlet of the region.

  30. The new Viceroyalty covered the territory that has since become the four countries--Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina.

  31. The French had been at this period successful on the Coromandel Coast, and the prince-royal of Delhi, having quarrelled with his father, had left the court, and was on his way with a large army to claim the viceroyalty of Bengal.

  32. He therefore called the new capital Santa Fé de Bogotá, and New Granada became the name of the northern viceroyalty which was carved out of the Viceroyalty of Peru in 1717.

  33. In the eighteenth century two more viceroyalties were created from districts withdrawn from the Viceroyalty of Peru: New Granada and Buenos Aires.

  34. The general administration of the viceroyalty by the Marques de Cruillas was unsatisfactory both to the crown and the people of New Spain.

  35. At the close of this year Salvatierra was removed to the viceroyalty of Peru.

  36. The advent of the Marques de Montesclaros to the viceroyalty of New Spain was distinguished by an unusual degree of tranquillity throughout the colony.

  37. This period of the viceroyalty must necessarily be uninteresting and eventless.

  38. The Conde de Monclova contemplated various plans for the consolidation and advancement of New Spain, but before two years had expired he was relieved from the government and transferred to the viceroyalty of Peru.

  39. All this is plausible conjecture; but about the significance of Richard's second viceroyalty there can be no reasonable doubt.

  40. He immediately made ready to free the viceroyalty from Spain, realizing that while Perú remained under Spain the independence of Colombia would be in danger.

  41. The independence of the viceroyalty of the River Plata caused very little bloodshed, except in the northern part, which is now the republic of Bolivia.

  42. The political reforms with which Lord Minto's Viceroyalty will remain identified are only just on their trial.

  43. In any event took a deep interest in the spiritual welfare of Canada, and after acquiring the viceroyalty instrumental in sending out the first Jesuit missionaries in 1625.

  44. In 1627, on the formation of the Company of New France by Richelieu, purchased the viceroyalty from De Ventadour.

  45. Americus all down the coast of Brazil almost to the mouth of the Rio Grande, or of St Pedro, now the boundary between Portuguese America and the Spanish viceroyalty of Buenos Ayres.

  46. Sidenote: The Gunning sisters] The reigning beauties of his viceroyalty were the Gunning sisters.

  47. The death of Prince Edward in 1484 brought the viceroyalty to Richard's nephew, John de la Pole, Earl of Lincoln, but the Battle of Bosworth opened a new era for Ireland as well as for England.

  48. It is said that the Duke of Bolton accepted the viceroyalty out of curiosity and on the condition that the Government paid the expenses of his journey to Dublin to see the Irish.

  49. At the time of his appointment to the viceroyalty in 1745 he had just passed his fiftieth year, and had left behind him many full years.

  50. The action of Lord Salisbury in giving him the viceroyalty was rightfully interpreted to mean that the Tory Prime Minister realized fully the gravity of the situation in Ireland.

  51. It was her accessibility which led to an incident which rendered the last few {101} months of Essex's viceroyalty painful.

  52. The Duke of Abercorn's second viceroyalty was quiet and threadbare.

  53. His viceroyalty was somewhat similar to that of Lord Londonderry's, though he soon lost the aid of Mr. Balfour, who was replaced by Mr. W.

  54. During Lord Hardinge’s viceroyalty her criticism was tolerated, as the Head of the Government was known to be friendly to her.

  55. India was in this state of fermentation, religious, social and political, when Lord Ripon was appointed to the viceroyalty of India.

  56. The Viceroyalty of Sir John Lawrence was altogether exceptional.

  57. During the Viceroyalty he was plain Sir John Lawrence, but when it was over he was raised to the peerage.

  58. Among the nations which experienced these beneficent influences, the Spanish colony known as the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, to-day the Argentine Republic, was quite specially favoured.

  59. In 1776 she freed the Argentine from the overlordship of Peru, by creating the viceroyalty of La Plata, with Buenos Ayres as capital.

  60. Then, as at a later day and at an earlier, the Viceroyalty of Ireland was the gilding which enabled a man to gulp down the bitter pill of political failure.

  61. Sidenote: 1724--Wood's coinage] Lord Carteret arrived at the seat of his Viceroyalty in the midst of a political storm which threatened at one time to blow down a good many shaky institutions.

  62. Talbot, raised by James to the earldom of Tyrconnel, had commanded the troops in Ireland during the nine months which elapsed between the death of Charles and the commencement of the viceroyalty of Clarendon.

  63. The lure which had produced this strange transformation was the Viceroyalty of Ireland.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "viceroyalty" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.