The numerous arts of verisimilitude by which Plato insinuates into the mind of the reader the truth of his narrative have been already referred to.
The verisimilitude which he has given to the tale is a further reason for suspecting it; for he could easily 'invent Egyptian or any other tales' (Phaedrus).
Swift, like Defoe, generally increases the verisimilitude of his fictions and his ironies by careful accuracy in details, which is sometimes arithmetically genuine, sometimes only a hoax.
It shows considerable imagination, wit, and skill in latinity, but it has not enough of verisimilitude to make it an effective satire, and does not always avoid scurrility.
Thus there is a sort of realistic verisimilitude in Shakespeare's characters.
With this period of history those who were once participants in its life can deal more intimately and with more verisimilitude than can those whose literary outlook comes later.
The conjectures of the present century are founded upon mediaeval attempts to reduce to verisimilitude and historical probability what was by its nature quite incapable of such treatment.
But this absolute failure in verisimilitude is practically universal before Scott.
Nor have they wished to be judged by standards which considered only verisimilitude and technical proficiency.
Microscopical examination of the roasted bean lends verisimilitude to this contention.
What I ask from a book is precisely this huge weight of formidable verisimilitude which shall surround me on all sides and give firm ground for my feet to walk on.
With his wide knowledge of army life, especially as lived in the frontier camps of the West after the Civil War, he was able to give his work a verisimilitude that added greatly to their popularity.
As in her work, simplicity, crude force, the power of one who for a moment has forgotten art and gives the feeling of actual life, verisimilitude that convinces and compels.
It is the province of the novel to produce with verisimilitude an area of human life and to make the reader for a swift period at home in that area; it is not the record of a scientific investigation.
There is a straining constantly for the unusual in epithet, a seeking for a picturing adjective that shall give verisimilitude in an utterly new way.
The characters are inconsistent and wanting in verisimilitude to a degree that ought to prove fatal to them with any tolerably reasonable spectators; in spite of all which the play is interesting, exciting, affecting, and humorous.
The appeal of the authority of Homer, who says that Odysseus saw Minos in his court 'holding a golden sceptre,' which gives verisimilitude to the tale.
It has a greaterverisimilitude than they have, and is full of touches which recall the experiences of human life.
Could anyone be moved by the verisimilitude of Uccello?
What is important in his art is, of course, the beauty of his conceptions and his power in pursuit: indifference to verisimilitude is but the outward and visible sign of this inward and spiritual grace.
This verisimilitude may be dramatic art backed by knowledge of public life; but even at that we must not forget that the best dramatic art is the operation of a divinatory instinct for truth.
There were certain details of which I stood in need, certain scenes and conversations of which my passion for verisimilitude had scarcely a crumb to go upon.
On this passage in the story he does not dwell, and such verisimilitude as may be, must be supplied by my imagination.
Holbein never painted a head with greater verisimilitude than Van Eyck's rendering of the Donator.
The translucence of this sea in which the boys plash and plunge is another witness to the verisimilitude of Sorolla's vision.
On a modern reader the effect of the reference is to weaken the verisimilitude of the incident.
This limitation is very characteristic of Dante's style of thought, which compels him to a precision that will produce the utmost possible effect of verisimilitude in his description.
Verisimilitude is of course the highest merit of either sort of setting; but whereas verisimilitude with the realist lies in resemblance to actuality, verisimilitude with the romantic lies rather in artistic fitness.
A big salvage steamer is coming down to-morrow to give an air of verisimilitude to the proceedings.
More details followed, all of a verisimilitude wholly convincing.
In a way, this accuracy of detail is part of the common-sense character of the narrative, and undoubtedly helps the verisimilitude enormously.
Auchindrane," though retaining a little of the Radcliffian mystery and mystification which Scott never quite outgrew, also tells its domestic story with a directness and verisimilitude not usual among the romanticists.
If the Elizabethan play is confused, long spun out, and not especially edifying, it is yet occasionally intense in its emotional effect and maintains some verisimilitudeof life and character.
The Flying Dutchman," a Romance of the Sea, by Joseph Parks, is more replete with nautical verisimilitudethan with literary force.